By Clarice

12 Apr, 2010
Saying hello to you all, other two in plant pots, these plant pots are where they spend most of the winters keeping warm.
Comments on this photo
Hello Uma :o))
12 Apr, 2010
They're lovely. Are their markings very different to one another ?
12 Apr, 2010
Yes Flop as some like how can i put it, like a faded white on its side and is a bit smaller than Flip.
12 Apr, 2010
your ponds lovely and clear................
12 Apr, 2010
Cheers Holly.
12 Apr, 2010
Yes, your pond is lovely and clear, mine is all murky at the moment, i
think my fish are still in hibernation.... Hello Flip and Flop nice to meet you!!
12 Apr, 2010
Thanks FP..
12 Apr, 2010
hi guys looking good, how deeps your pond carol
12 Apr, 2010
They look very Happy Clarice :)
12 Apr, 2010
Dancing in the sunshine .....
12 Apr, 2010
Even Flip and Flop are enjoying the sunshine :)
12 Apr, 2010
Sandra its only about 18ins deep.
13 Apr, 2010
thanx carol, will messure mine tomoz, not sure its deep enough for fish though.
13 Apr, 2010
Bet it will be, i love watching my fish and as long as you put something inside for them to go in during winter i think they will be ok.
13 Apr, 2010
Great names Clarice, so relaxing watching them isn't it , loose all track of time, we have a frog in ours at the moment keeps trying to jump on all the fish as they swim by, luckily they're too fast for him as read somewhere about frogs drowning fish by holding them under the water, trying to mate with them, spring is definitely in the air,lol.
13 Apr, 2010
Fish are very relaxing to watch. Looks like they survived the winter o.k. Clarice.
14 Apr, 2010
thanx carol going to measure depth now ;o)
14 Apr, 2010
Let me know Sandra, measured mine today for you, and its only 16ins in one part the rest is only 14ins, but mind you Flip and Flop was in a little tiny pond for about 5-6yrs that was only i think about 9-10ins infact it was about as big as a babies bath, and they have servived this really cold winter but they had plant pots with the bottoms cut out to go in, as it will be alot warmer in them.
14 Apr, 2010
mine 14 inches carol in middle, less at sides, so seems like i could have goldfish them, will think about it carol, will you send me details of what i have to do, eg. feeding etc ;o))
14 Apr, 2010
Yes cause i will, infact when them buzz plants come :o)) can tell you everythink and you will be able to see mine again, Flip & Flop where only cheapest fish i could find as thought if they dont live not lost nothing, had them a good 7-8yrs now, bit cold to put new fish in it yet, i can sit for hours looking at them.
14 Apr, 2010
cheers carol ;o))
14 Apr, 2010
Your welcome :o))
14 Apr, 2010
Hi Flip. Flop Xx
15 Apr, 2010
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Hello, Flip and Flop! :)
12 Apr, 2010