Mr & Mrs Jay
By Pansypotter

14 Apr, 2010
We recieved an unexpected visit form this pair of Jays this afternoon, they came down the steps onto the patio where they demolished the nuts I had put out for the Doves.
Comments on this photo
wow lucky you carole, lovely pic :o))
14 Apr, 2010
Good photo :o)
14 Apr, 2010
Thanks Eileen and Sandra, was pleased to see two of them and view them closeup too. Excuse me if I havent been viewing your pictures over the last week but Im still having lots of problems with the site, really frustrated, its mainly leaving comments and accessing my own page, but will see how it goes on , may have to leave then join again with new name, but give it a few more days,
14 Apr, 2010
have you asked peter and ajay carole, i use to have probs at first and now i have mozilla firefox which sorted things out for me, still have internet explorer to, try it and see if it helps carole
14 Apr, 2010
Great photo Carole......
14 Apr, 2010
Wow lovely Carole, something I've never seen close up before :-)
14 Apr, 2010
Great photo Carole - they're far too beautiful for the Crow family aren't they ? :-))
14 Apr, 2010
Fantastic photo, PP, how lovely to have them come to the garden.
14 Apr, 2010
Brilliant pic...clever to snap them together Pp !
14 Apr, 2010
Lovely birds, lovely photo of them. : o ) )
14 Apr, 2010
PP i had a few problems too for a while, everytime i clicked on someone's photos my pc would stall
14 Apr, 2010
Lol Birds of a feather lovely photo great catch.
14 Apr, 2010
Thanks to everyone for your kind comments, It was great to see them especially as we had friends visiting who had not seen the Jay before so they were really impressed, hoping they will return again after the good feed they had.
Sandra have been in touch with Peter but he is baffled too, its so erratic and there are changing problems so there is no sequence, like now I have no Homepage menu so I will click on someones atava and then on their picure to try and make a comment which sometimes will bring up the Homepage menu, thats if I can make a comment as sometimes the comment box wont open, Crazy isnt it!
14 Apr, 2010
lovely photo, must be great having them visit your garden:)
15 Apr, 2010
You were lucky to get a photo Carole , goes to show the camera is never very far away ! they are so lovely with their bright blue feathers , I wonder if they will become regulars now that they have found your outdoor Bistro ..;o))
15 Apr, 2010
im sure another member was having similar probs last week carole but cant think who it was now, its a real pain isnt it, hope it sorts itself out soon, did you try another web page,, like i mentioned
15 Apr, 2010
Smashing photo Pansy.
15 Apr, 2010
lovely pic....pp
15 Apr, 2010
Thanks everyone they have been back again today, but the little birds all panicked dont think they are very popular!
15 Apr, 2010
what a lovely surprise PP...great pic
16 Apr, 2010
Thanks Deida I was very pleased to see them!
16 Apr, 2010
Great photo.
20 Apr, 2010
Thanks Carol!
20 Apr, 2010
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beautiful, what lovely visitors
14 Apr, 2010