dalmera peltata/leaves coming
By Sanbaz

3 May, 2010
leaves starting to show through now
Comments on this photo
yes its lovely janette, all comes to life to greet the summer ;o))
3 May, 2010
This is one I'd like to grow, Sandra. I have it on my list!
3 May, 2010
it is lovely barbara, its in shade most of the day ;o) they have them in crocus, karen was wanting one and i found them on crocus site
3 May, 2010
Hmmm...where to plant it? Out will come the shoehorn, I think! lol.
3 May, 2010
lol barbara, im sure you will find a place ;o))
3 May, 2010
Stand well back ! Can't wait to see the photos of you standing underneath the leaves. If only I had the space ...... :-))
3 May, 2010
yes can grow quite big muddy, im hoping i can split it if it does get big, lol
3 May, 2010
I bet the leaves look great in the rain with water running off them. (That's not to say I'm wishing for rain !) :-)
3 May, 2010
could do with some here muddy, they keep saying we are getting some but not happened yet and im sure the plants would love some natural water ;o)
3 May, 2010
We're bound to get some in a weeks time - when I'm in the Lakes ! ... lol
3 May, 2010
lol muddy, aww i hope it doesnt for you, we go away on 17th but to turkey so hope its sunny there ;o) i will keep my fingers crossed for you
3 May, 2010
Thanks Sandra - don't forget the sunblock :-))
3 May, 2010
i wont muddy have yourself a good time to ;o)
3 May, 2010
Lucky you! As you know Sandra this plant is also on my 'list'. How big does it actually get? I could plant it beside the 'pond' ha ha ha!!
3 May, 2010
It's going to be a central point to your garden with it's huge leaves San .. I don't think I could grow one , it would be to dry for it here ....
3 May, 2010
How huge is huge, Amy/Sandra? OH has been chopping pieces off my Gunnera - so I 'may' find a space for one by the stream...not in shade, though!
3 May, 2010
I don't think the leaves are as big as your Gunnera Barbara , they are still large , Sandra will be able to tell you , but I have checked and they do like moist soil , boggy conditions which I haven't got .......
3 May, 2010
Very pretty...
3 May, 2010
its aabout the size of rhubarb from what i can , and depends where its grown, bigger in more tropical climate i think, but not fast growing by looking at mine, yes amy is right not half as big a gunnera, more like rhubarb leaves barbara, would look lovely by your stream, if its by water i dont think it matters about shade either cause its feet will be kept wet
3 May, 2010
Oh, well if it's as big as rhubarb, there's no way I'll be able to fit it in here! just have to admire yours!
3 May, 2010
karen i will have to move a few plants if it does get bigger lol, but i love it and its worth it,;o)) you can wait till you have a pond then put one there
3 May, 2010
ha ha ha! this plotting is getting very bad, I'm feeling very guilty....;))
3 May, 2010
Good idea though!! :))....nicer than a gunnera because you get the flowers too, and gunneras are just far too big. You'd need a garden the size of Barbara's!! How big is your plot San?
3 May, 2010
no no karen a women never feels guilty, we clean, we cook, we wash, we work, we garden,, so we are entitled to have the things we like, ;o)) men dont ask, they just do then tell us after lol
3 May, 2010
my garden is about65ft,long and 30ft wide so not to bad, i have planted gunnera but i dont think it will stay, but while its small it can stay
3 May, 2010
Mmmm....very true!! Mind you, has to be said, I am a bit like that in the garden dept.!!...not asking, just doing I mean!
3 May, 2010
there you go then lol,, i bet he will love the idea anyway, gentle running water, birds bathing(feathered variety) sun shining on the water, sipping wine hahah
3 May, 2010
Oh, I'm not so sure! Remember me telling you how we had to put the last one in twice...then there was the dreaded pondweed! I'm really exhausted Sandra...had a fit of 'I'm just going to do it' this afternoon. Went out, emptied all three of the raised planters and redistributed the plants and all of the compost (9 barrowloads of it) then lifted the planters out to the front so my friend could take them to his allotment!. Absolutely cream crackered! I'm off to go and have a soak before my muscles seize up completely...then a nice glass of wine and off to bed. Tomorrow it's grass to cut and patches to seed, hanging baskets to plant up, and pondering about what to do with the space where the planters were!!
3 May, 2010
I might well try to find one - it's pretty, and I reckon there's room by the stream. :-)))
I know how you feel, Karen - I weeded the whole of our car parking area - it's a large gravelled area, and it looked dreadful with all sorts of little seedling weeds, like celandines, dandelions, grass of course, and seedlings from an umbelliferer as well. It was a hands and knees job - and I have a blister on my right hand from the trowel handle. Moan, moan. At least it's done and tidy now, but I'm weary now. I hope I don't have to do it again before June!
3 May, 2010
Goodnight girls, speak tomorrow probably!!
3 May, 2010
nite karen ;o)) you have had a busy day
im sure it would look great near stream barbara ;o) hope your knees are ok , its a pain weeding the driveway, i have to keep doing ours, soon grow again even with weed killer grrr
3 May, 2010
I daren't use weedkiller in the garden, as I worry about Henry walking on it and then licking his paws. I only use it on the steps where there are cobbles, and I can't get the Erigeron seedlings out. Then I don't let him near the steps until they're dry.
3 May, 2010
Sandra ! You cheeky monkey ! I clean, I wash, I shop, I cook, I wash up, I make packed lunches, I'm Dad's taxi, I garden AND I referee two teenage girls ..... hang on, I've lost me train of thought now.... lol.
Oh yeah - AND I do what I like 'cos I'm single (not that I have much time left after the above list). I come on here to get away from it all ... lol..
And I like a glass of wine with my computer (hee hee hee). :-))
3 May, 2010
Awwwww.......'Superman' is a member of GOY!!!! YAYY!!!!
4 May, 2010
....as usual all the best fun happens on here after I've gone to bed!! lol ;))
4 May, 2010
LOL, Karen!
4 May, 2010
What HI didn't say is that I chopped the gunnera to make some space for a possible small water feature/pondlet/streamlet. She wouldn't have the wetth (a spritz word) for a dalmera if I didn't, (or three babies to sell in June). I wonder if she realises crocus say it grows to 6ft high ??
I better delete this before she returns from her expedition - guess where to ?? and realises I can drive a computer and know about her clique.
4 May, 2010
Mr Spritz, you should crank up the old computer more often, ......or perhaps you do ..... and we THINK we're talking to The Guv'nor ...... but we're actually talking to you ..... hmmmm ???? :-))
4 May, 2010
lol muddy, your an exception to the rule then, so im sorry ;o))
lol mr spritz barbara will see this haahha, your in big trouble now,has she gone to a plant fair or garden centre by any chance ;o))
4 May, 2010
The guv'nor, muddy ????????
I believe its a tour round her favourite nurseries, Sanbaz - I'll have to hide her credit card, LOL. I'm thinking of getting her a pickup instead of her car - more space for plants !!
Help !!- can I delete comments ?? :o)
4 May, 2010
PS, Muddy - you'll know its Spritz - I can barely tell the difference between a tulip and a daff. !!
4 May, 2010
spritz you can only edit and delete wrting but avatar will still show,, sorry, nice knowing you
4 May, 2010
ha ha ha!!!
4 May, 2010
I cannot tell you how much I enjoy this website ! ! ! Sandra, don't say sorry - I was only pulling your leg (incidently, did you notice I omitted the word IRONING..... lol).
Karen, you need a few late nights .... lol
How I would love to be a fly on Barbara's wall ! ! ! :-))
4 May, 2010
I know Muddy....she's gone quiet...do you think she's trying to work out how to dispose of a body?
4 May, 2010
How you lot keep me chuckling...........! Muddy, I bet you have a big S on the front of your teashirt, don't you? Wow, does this mean I know a Superhero, girls?? Hello to Mr Spritz too!! lol :~)))))x
4 May, 2010
I don't think Mr and Mrs Spritz will be around for a while folks cause either a) Barbara is out digging a big hole or b) OH has crashed the computer!
4 May, 2010
Karen ... isn't it passed your bedtime ? ....lol
Flori, no 'S' on t-shirt, but I do have M U G tattooed on my forehead ! I'm just a guy who can't say no .... lol :-))
4 May, 2010
lol muddy,,,i dont do irioning hahah, well on if it needs it ;o))
lol karen poor mr spritz ;o(
4 May, 2010
Blooming cheek! I've been out there slogging all day....rubs eyes...yawns...got all my jobs done too! Tomorrow off to Edinburgh Botanic Gardens in the afternoon and then out in the evening to Les Miserables at the Playhouse. No need for an early night....can lie in tomorrow! It's going to be a good day!! ;)
4 May, 2010
sounds great karen hope you have a great day, im shopping with older son to make sure he eats lol then maybe go for a coffee with sister-in-law in afternoon, bring her to see new pond, back to work thursday ;o(
4 May, 2010
Sounds good too Sandra. I'm really excited. I've lived in Scotland for 23 years, an hour and a half from Edinburgh and never been to the botanic gardens....no idea why....it just passed my by somehow. It's supposed to be amazing....will take camera!
4 May, 2010
look forward to seeing pics karen ;o))
4 May, 2010
Thanks Sandra. i'm signing off for the evening now....speak soon. Have a good day tomorrow! x
4 May, 2010
nite karen you enjoy your day to ;o)) x
4 May, 2010
Sounds like you'll both be busy tomorrow - enjoy your day's. My folks are coming up to stay tomorrow, so I'll be on my best behaviour.... lol. Night all. :-)
4 May, 2010
have a great time with your family muddy ;o))
5 May, 2010
Yeah! Have a great day Muddy! I think OH thinks he's pulled it off by clicking on 'stop following' to this photo!
5 May, 2010
lol why did he do that karen haha
5 May, 2010
I think B must be a scary woman when she's angry! Wait until she catches up with him...I hope she gets a real laugh!!
6 May, 2010
Hmmmmmm.......I shall have a few words with OH in a minute! No, I didn't know he'd been chatting to you all! Grrrrrrrrr.......
6 May, 2010
Oh oh! he's been rumbled! go easy on him B...it was very funny, and waiting for you to catch him out has kept me amused ever since!! :))) Remember the obelisk!!
6 May, 2010
Oh this is fun !
I think Spritz might be just a tad irritated that her OH's been here ;-)
6 May, 2010
i asked him what he'd been up to - and he wanted to know how I knew!!!! He thinks it's funny as well.........there'll be no stopping him now. You'll all have to be aware that you might be chatting to Mr Spritz on occasion.....
6 May, 2010
Is that really you Barbara?....lol ;)
6 May, 2010
LOL. Could be, or maybe not!
6 May, 2010
You will have to have a 'code' word....you know, like a secret agent type of thing! lol
6 May, 2010
Good thinking...........I'll sort something out..............or OH!!
6 May, 2010
ha...could lead to all kinds of subterfuge!!
6 May, 2010
I'll keep my beady eyes on OH from now on.....
6 May, 2010
Poor chap! his life is going to change.....and not for the better.....!!
6 May, 2010
He's OK - as long as he stays playing with his cars.....and away from my plants! No more chopping pieces off my Gunnera, either...he thought I didn't notice? Of COURSE I did!
6 May, 2010
Of course you did!! ;)))
6 May, 2010
6 May, 2010
lol barbara you caught him out then haha, hope you enjoyed your day out ;o))
6 May, 2010
I did indeed - thanks....:-))
6 May, 2010
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Dont you just love it when things start to show there new leaves.....my daphny is showing her new leaves now .....
3 May, 2010