The Garden Community for Garden Lovers



By Sanbaz


we had frost last night and at 6am the shed roof was white so was a bit worried for my acer but seems ok, not fully open yet but love the colour when the sun shines through the leaves

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Oh Sandra your pond area is looking great.....I am sure your acer will be ok mine stay out all weathers and their fine....

3 May, 2010


thankyou so much janette, it seems fine, the leaves arent fully uncurled yet but love colour, just need a couple more pond plants,

3 May, 2010


Acer should be fine they are very hardy...Mine stay out all year ..

3 May, 2010


yes mine to mushy it was with frost and having leaves then they can be open to the leaves being damaged

3 May, 2010


Oh my Sandra, your pond and all the planting look so beautiful!

3 May, 2010


aww thankyou michaella so glad you think so, im made up ;o)) x

3 May, 2010


your pond looks great & acer & plants pretty too...

3 May, 2010


Hi Sandra, I totally agree with the above comments - your pond area is looking fantastic. Your (family's) hard work is paying off. Enjoy ! :-))

3 May, 2010


thankyou elsiemay and muddy so glad you like it to, just been and got 3 new floating pond plants, helps to cover pump hose etc, i am so enjoying sitting there looking at it all ;o))

3 May, 2010


Yes, they are all right! it looks lovely. Love the Acer sitting there...frost eh? just shows we need to take care, especially with the baskets. My basket flowers are still in the greenhouse, I daren't plant them up yet! I'm sitting looking at the grass which is 'earmarked' area for the pond!! Still haven't told Scott!! lol x

3 May, 2010


Tip for Karen :
1. When Scott's not there, mark out the area and take the turf off.
2. Stand back and wait.
3. No man can resist digging a hole.
4. Don't tell him I told you ! :-))

3 May, 2010


The pond is looking great - no wonder you're pleased.

3 May, 2010


The pond looks beautifully dressed with the new plants and your lovely Acer San .. a great addition to your garden :o)

3 May, 2010


My little one i got last week was ok this morning, and you are right there was frost this morning and we are going to get it again tonight, your pond erea looks great.

3 May, 2010


looking absolutely brilliant San, glad the frost did no damage

3 May, 2010


lol karen and muddy, im sure he will love the idea if you let him think its his idea karen haha
thankyou amy, glad you like it ;o))
cheers carol, wasnt alot of frost but still there wasnt it, glad you like it carol, i got 2 water soldiers today and another floating plant but dont know the name lol, trouble is they wont stay put lol
cheers for that yorkshire ;o)

3 May, 2010


Thats why they are called floating plants :o))

3 May, 2010


lol i know but they all end up in same place haha

3 May, 2010


LOL:o))), mine seem to land up near the fountain and waterfall.

3 May, 2010


lol, will have to anchor them down when they flower so they dont get spoiled ;o))

3 May, 2010



3 May, 2010


your pond is looking great sandra..... hope your acer stays ok.. no frost down here...

3 May, 2010


Pond and acer looking great Sandra.Glad you managed to get the water soldiers....good luck !

3 May, 2010


thankyou holly, a bit chilly tonight but no rain, its tried but failed, garden could do with some ;o)
cheers ray, my soldiers keep moving about haha, but glad i got some, one of the little snails is on one already, hope he doesnt eat it lol, i got another floating plant ray but dont know what it is so will take a pic tomoz, maybe you will know ;o))

3 May, 2010


Ha ha ha!! That's a great idea Muddy....dare I????

3 May, 2010


yes you dare karen, i would, i did hahah, got a bloke to come chop down the trees then it had to be done haha

3 May, 2010


I know they look delicate Sandra but acers are really tough so don`t worry. It`s a lovely colour too. :o)

3 May, 2010


You naughty lady! I'm definitely waiting until the winter. I need something creative to do then as I get a bit low in the dark months and doing something like making a pond will cheer me right up!

3 May, 2010


cheers sandra ;o)
ive always been one to just go and do things,, lol, if i ask it takes forever and im very impatient karen,
dont blame you waiting till winter though, i get a bit blue in winter, but since being on here it helps ;o)

3 May, 2010


Ha ha! You and I are quite a like in this regard Sandra!! ;)

3 May, 2010


Will take a look tomorrow then Sandra !

3 May, 2010


yes karen seem to be ;o)
ok ray, i will defernatly take pic ;o)
off now so nite nite ;o) x

3 May, 2010


Night night Sandra...x

3 May, 2010


Pretty scene Sandra :o)

4 May, 2010


Wow!!! how your Pond Area has changed since i last looked San!!! Its Fantastic i bet your both rite plezd with yourselfs :)

4 May, 2010


thankyou Terra ;o))
thankyou to jacque, i love it, im going to have another fiddle with the cascade im not fully happy with how its flowing, but i know why, it needs bigger steps to cascade, it will come, how are you havent seen you in a while, been away or just busy jacque ;o)

4 May, 2010


Thanx 4 asking & being concered San iv been busy in Garden & been doing my sisters garden 2 which has kept me very busy the last few wks :)

4 May, 2010


love the pond and its surrounding plants Sandra

4 May, 2010


glad all is ok jacque, and nice of you to help your sister in her garden ;o)
thankyou so much Gina ;o)

4 May, 2010


I enjoy helping her out San shes like a Mum 2 me :)

4 May, 2010


aww thats lovely, wish i saw mt sis more but she has her own life and friends, doesnt seem to want the same as me anymore, but i see my brother and sister-in-law alot, which is great ;o)

4 May, 2010


:) Luckly my sis lives stone throw away San :)

4 May, 2010


so does mine jacque and my brother, also a brother in bracknell which i see when i can or he comes up here, and another brother who lives in preston but dont get on with him lol,but when i do see my sis i enjoy it but wish it was more often ;o)

4 May, 2010


U should tell her how u miss her San ;D X

4 May, 2010


i do jacque and told her on her days off we should go out, i call her but she nver calls me ,, strange really never mind x

4 May, 2010


Big Hug XX

4 May, 2010


This area is looking so good, San,almost a picture postcard! You must be so very proud of what you and Baz have achieved between you!

4 May, 2010


thanx jacque xx
thanx flori i am proud, i couldnt do all these things in my last garden, just couldnt afford to being on my own with the boys, so its great to have this one how i want it ;o))

4 May, 2010


Love the Acer and your pond area is looking great, I have actually talked Harry into having a small wildlife pond so at the planning stage yet so watch this space lol

4 May, 2010


thats great carole, cant wait to see it develope ;o))

4 May, 2010


It all looks wonderful......

4 May, 2010


glad you like it dotty,, its lovely when everyone says nice things, makes me feel good ;o))

5 May, 2010


All our comments to you are so well deserved, San, you and Baz have achieved so much in such a little time,and as we can see, it really has been worth it! As to Muddy's comment......I will keep that in mind when I need something dug!!Lolx

5 May, 2010


your pond is looking beautiful great now..beautiful planting

5 May, 2010


cheers flori ;o)) x
thankyou so much deida ;o))

5 May, 2010


Oh San your pond is looking fab! Hasn't it come on...such a lovely place for all the pond life waiting to have a play....:o))

8 May, 2010


thankyou so much janey, glad you like it, im over the moon with my new area ;o))

8 May, 2010


That looks beautiful. I have shown your pond photos to a friend and it inspired her. She only has a very small garden so she is scaling it down but has already dug the pond out. She will love this photo too.

4 Jun, 2010


thankyou so much Elless what a lovely complement, you must get a pic when your friends is finished, she will love it once its in, i have small snails and 6 goldfish in mine now and a resident frog ;o))

4 Jun, 2010


I will get some photos, the way she is going it will soon be finished (lol) .
I think I'll buy some snails. Everyone said they would just arrive on their own but I've never seen one in the pond. We started with 6 shubunkins and 2 golden rudd and at one point had 33 fish, which was too many for our little pond. We were going to give some away but mr heron saved us the bother.

4 Jun, 2010


mine not big either but enough for goldfish and a few snail, the herons are a pain arent they, we have quite a few close by and always flying over so im on the look out,

4 Jun, 2010


They're very smart these herons. They get to know your routine and often strike very early in the morning. We put a net on at night now as he took 13 fish in one strike and injured 2 others that later died. The net looks ugly but does the job.

4 Jun, 2010


its awfull and dont blame you having a net, if it happens here i will have to do the same, but a bit tricky isnt it with plants, and i want frogs and wildlife to get to it,

4 Jun, 2010


The Heron can't land on the waters edge and has to be able to walk to it. We have a combination of shrubs, pots, a wall and a low removable trellis around the pond so the only accessible bit was the waterfall. The net doesn't go right down to the ground so the frogs have no problem going under it. I have recently been tempted by a product called Netfloat, that would look better than a net, but would be more of a permanent feature, but I do like the idea of being able to remove my net completely during the day when we're home.

5 Jun, 2010


thanx for info elless, i will see how it goes but not sure a heron could get close with all i have potted round and small trees ;o))

6 Jun, 2010

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