Broom and Wisteria .
By Bonkersbon

9 May, 2010
Photo by Jane .
Comments on this photo
" Posh" ? Not us...but know what you mean ! Lol.
9 May, 2010
9 May, 2010
Lovely photo, everything just belongs together :)
9 May, 2010
lovely picture of the cottage jane ;o)
9 May, 2010
9 May, 2010
Thanks all........
9 May, 2010
It's looking terrific Mr. & Mrs. Posh.
10 May, 2010
Beautiful. Reminds me of the old cottage where I used to live
10 May, 2010
oh wow , beautiful
10 May, 2010
Lovely photo love the planting I have been to North Yorkshire many times my daughter lived not far from there, posh nooooo unspoilt yessssss untouched by modernisation, as is 40% of Yorkshire said on tv last week.
10 May, 2010
Lovely photo, love your cottage esspecially when the sun is shinning and theres no snow. :o))
10 May, 2010
Just like home in my early days, but ours were made of portland or purbeck, bees must be enjoying themselves on the Cistus. Lovely welcome for anyone visiting.
10 May, 2010
owwwwww thats lovely..........
10 May, 2010
really pretty !
10 May, 2010
Thank you for all your lovely comments.
The bees just love the Cistus Doctorbob........
Toto....myshed is an old outside who are you calling posh ? Lol
10 May, 2010
Goodness, a shed with an en-suite toilet, now that IS posh. LOL.
11 May, 2010
LOL that would be a luxury indeed !!
11 May, 2010
Beautiful .what a lovely cottage ,,,,,
12 May, 2010
Thanks Janette....only been here three years and this frontage was just a mass of weeds ......
12 May, 2010
Well all your hard work has paid off .. it,s stunning ,what a nice welcome for your visitors ....
12 May, 2010
Thank you....
12 May, 2010
A perfect cottage Bb.....I love Broom, the scent and then the Wisteria too...I would have my nose glued there all day...Lol!
16 May, 2010
What a beautiful picture, your cottage and garden are just gorgeous :-))))
16 May, 2010
Thanks Janey and Louise.An elderly couple were passing the other day and both stopped and bent down.They too had their noses in the broom Janey !
16 May, 2010
16 May, 2010
Now then come clean, you`ve only put this on to make me go green with envy.Don`t believe that is really what Wisteria should look like? I`ve got one that looks nothing like that - reckon you got your labels mixed up
Only kidding BB the whole set looks gorgeous.
21 May, 2010
Thanks Stroller yes I had one like that too for years cost a lot and never flowered silly me bought unawares in summer thinking lots of leaf meant healthy plant - then read up about them .
Suggested buy in spring and look for flower buds not lots of leaf.This is only 3 years old.
21 May, 2010
Your cottage takes my breath away, gorgeous, the stone walls were crying out for a wisteria. Is the wall south facing.
21 May, 2010
Thanks so much Dawn Yes the frontage is south facing...ideal for the wisteria.........
23 May, 2010
Yes Tis posh - though not very welcoming to attack the elderly with a broom. Not p.c!
8 Jun, 2010
8 Jun, 2010
what a lovely cottage ~ if you open the door are there chocolates behind it?
17 Dec, 2010
Hiya. I love the plants in your photo. They look beautiful. I am very very new to gardening. Please could you let me know the names of the white and pale pink flowered plants that you have in this photo. Thanks so much for your help.
28 Mar, 2011
its not my garden but they look like 'broom' to me. well thats the common name i think.
welcome to GoY
28 Mar, 2011
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Oh, that's gorgeous. a real country cottage. lovely wisteria and broom toning in with the paintwork too. I love the N.Yorks stone. I was there last August on my way to Notts. for a wedding and I had forgotten how beautiful N Yorks is....and how 'posh' lol!
9 May, 2010