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ive heard of pink elephants but pink poodles.........................


By Irish

ive heard of pink elephants but pink poodles.........................

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OH Good heavens above ! :o( What on earth is wrong with some people ? Dear me ! That is insane . Sorry but it just is ....

14 Jun, 2010


all i can say Hywel isssss , it wount be my dog lol.
the pink one was scratching non stop id say it was because of the dye

14 Jun, 2010


It couldn't have done him/her any good. I just wish people would wake up and act responsibly :o( It makes me feel angry when they abuse animals so.

14 Jun, 2010


That poor dog all to keep up with the Jones as the saying goes, they don't even know what damage it does to human brains seeping into the scalp, tests have never been carried out to find out. Even the louse lotion is banned in certain parts of the uk because of the insectorside used, doctors refuse the prescription for it..

14 Jun, 2010


Poor Poodle :-((((

14 Jun, 2010


I think that says a lot about the owner poor dog - no dignity!

14 Jun, 2010


i think its cruel, bet the owner wouldnt want someone to dye her hair pink,, i hate it ;o((

14 Jun, 2010


That is awful , poor dog ... .. it shouldn't be allowed , can't the RSPCA have it stopped ...

14 Jun, 2010


it cant be good for their skin either, having dye on it, its not good for us as humans really but we have a choice

14 Jun, 2010


OMG... poor dog.....

14 Jun, 2010


That´s pathetic, poor dog

14 Jun, 2010


it should not be allowed doing that to a dog, the poor thing, what kind of an owner does it obviously that has no feeling for pets, thats made me really angry,

14 Jun, 2010


i think the dog was even a bit embarrassed . i wonder what kind of dye was used.cos as sixpence said a lot of dyes are banned in other countries that would be onsale over here

14 Jun, 2010


also must have the hair straightened as poodles are naturally curly ;o((

14 Jun, 2010


well spotted sandra

14 Jun, 2010


not good eileen ;o(

14 Jun, 2010


Someone should shoot the owner.

14 Jun, 2010


The poor dog! it must be embarrased what kind of person would do this to their pet, they should be locked up!

14 Jun, 2010


I am appalled at this, Google pink poodle images and you'll see what the mindless idiots have done in Beverley Hills, disgraceful thing to do to a dog.

14 Jun, 2010


omg Shirley, im sorry i googled that :-(.


14 Jun, 2010


These people shouldn't have pets, Irish.

14 Jun, 2010


Believe it or not, I've seen worse than this. I just don't understand it.

14 Jun, 2010


They do it to cats too - guess where? Yes, USA. I agree, the owners should be dangled by their tender bits.

15 Jun, 2010


Well, I think there's a difference between deliberate cruelty and simple ignorance. The people who shave ridiculous patterns into their dogs' coats or dye them silly colors? They're just idiots. Maybe they need the attention or the approval or maybe they're just lonely. What we see here in the southeastern US is cruelty, no other way to describe it. We just had to arrest someone the other day for shooting a cat. The cat had walked into his yard, and so he shot and killed it. Once he gets out of jail he'll most likely have to do community service at the shelter, and I am going to work him to the bone, make him do the most disgusting jobs we have. That's not the only cat-killer we've had to deal with in recent months. I won't even get into dog-fighting or the #*&?!#s who chain their dogs to tires with logging chains or intentionally leave their female pit bulls tied out to trees so they can get knocked up and produce puppies. I had to go to court last year as an expert witness in a turtle-cruelty case. Sickest turtles I'd ever seen. The owner went to jail, was fined $21,000 and was banned from keeping animals for 2 years minimum.
I'm from the northeast & have lived in GA for 5 years. I was not prepared for what I'd experience in the south. In the north, there's much more social control, & people there are significantly more concerned with animal welfare. The spay/neuter laws there are so strict that humane societies have to import dogs from the south - we sent 25 dogs up to Connecticut for adoption recently. I do think it's related to a lack of education - 25% of the population in this county is functionally illiterate - we see young people who can't read or write. Sad. Sorry to ramble.

15 Jun, 2010


not rambling at all Lauram. you certainly see a lot a cruelty cases there.
same here tho , we get the dog fighting and puppy farms, its shocking what some people do to animals. the other week a young horse was killed nearby, had its throat slashed. anyone who starts off doing things like that to animals soon starts to do it to humans.

15 Jun, 2010


I saw similar sights to this at a dog event last year and dogs being treated like babies being pushed about in double dog buggies. Listening to the owners talk was like listening to someone talking about babies 'soandso needs his little nap now' and then they put the hood up and stood rocking the buggie!! Very sad :(

17 Jun, 2010


The poorlittle dog how can anyone be so cruel.

17 Jun, 2010


its unreal isnt it, the local pet shop sells these dog buggies and cots Gee.

17 Jun, 2010


And guess what? Somebody today shot at a dog FIVE TIMES because the dog walked up to him. He didn't hit it, just claimed they were "warning shots." It was a perfectly friendly pit bull, friendly as can be. I met the dog and he's not aggressive at all. I am sick to death of the gun culture around here.I agree,, Irish, if someone is cruel to animals next thing you know they'll start doing things to people. Don't most if not all serial killers start that way?

18 Jun, 2010


hi Lauram , think there have been enough studies done to prove most serial killers started out killing animals first .

18 Jun, 2010


just dropped in on the hot subject. Very serious issue. I have a new puppy (yes, I still have the Jack Russell's too) and, when I went to the pet store to see about a kennel, they had the buggies Gee is talking about. I had to ask the sales associate if they had "a regular kennel without wheels." Thankfully, they had a great supply. Later, I'll post pictures of my "poodle mix" and I promise not to dye him any color! He is the offspring of my daughter's poodle with a papillon for a pop, and she even makes "natural dog treats" for them.

19 Jun, 2010


totally against anyone dyeing their pets - dog, cat, bunny, gerbil, etc - pink or any other color...sigh...poor animals! And who the h*** straightens out a poodle's fur?? Good gracious!

20 Jun, 2010


It's a revolting colour & must have traumatised the poor dog to see it's fur so different. Idiots.

20 Jun, 2010


This reminds me of the dreadful parents in America that dress up there six year old daughter as a tiny adult with lipstick and the full works, parading them in "beauty contests" that just sexualises them. That is just plain uncomfortable but comes from the same warped mentality in my opinion.

Poor doggie. The irony here being that standard Poodles are probably one of the most intelligent of breeds and probably exceed the intelligence of the $u£k)*g owner!

Adults still wanting to play with dolls, whether children or pets.....

21 Jun, 2010


I think this has left me sickened and speechless, Irish, and you can see by the response, that I am far from alone in this. Surely this just comes down to pet cruelty? These pets are just disposable accessories to some idiots whim of so called fashion! I hope someone shames them, I truly do.

21 Jun, 2010


i read a review of this day out in the newspaper yesterday and it seems a lot of folk were not happy when they saw the pink poodle, so maybe the owner has gotten in to some trouble about it.

Fractal i cannot bear to watch those programmes about child beauty pageants, its just soooo wrong

21 Jun, 2010


The more i read about what other people do, the more I love my dog, that's all I can say!

23 Jun, 2010


OMG poor dog .how can the owner think this look good ....makes me shudder

28 Jun, 2010


i take it so Sally wont be getting a make over lol

29 Jun, 2010


No way Eileen ,she,d never go out the front door looking like this ......

29 Jun, 2010


Gosh - a hot subject Irish, but quite agree with eveyone else - this is cruel. They say owners look like their dogs - bet they don't !

11 Jul, 2010

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