butterfly (tortoiseshell) on primula vialli
By Sanbaz

19 Jun, 2010
Comments on this photo
lol karen , yes it does your right haha, so many in garden today, was lovely watching them ;o))
19 Jun, 2010
Brill shot, karen is right aswell :o))
19 Jun, 2010
Wow San , if you had wanted it to do that it never would have .. :o))
19 Jun, 2010
thanx carol ;o))
cheers amy your right , was just lucky ;o))
19 Jun, 2010
Fabulous picture Sandra1
19 Jun, 2010
My lost flower. ha ha. Brilliant shot sand and more brilliant flower. lol.
19 Jun, 2010
cheers carole ;o))
lol linda, named it for you just incase you lost the name before getting one haha ;o))
20 Jun, 2010
Lovely photo.
20 Jun, 2010
Cheers Sand. have been trying to send this comment all morning but couldn't get connection. Anyway, saw one on someones pics last night, then lost it. lol.Don't no whose, I scrolled thro so many I boggled my brain. lol. Decided best I stick with you, cos I know where you are. ha ha he he. I THINK I read on pics comment they were good for boggy ground?
20 Jun, 2010
cheers silverbelle ;o))
your welcome linda, im not sure about possition of planting really, they are near my pond but not boggy but doing ok, ;o))
20 Jun, 2010
Just thinking if they didn't mind wettish ground I've the perfect place at the end of the garden. It's not so much 'boggy its just when we have a lot of rain over a few days, that part of the garden seems to stay wetter for longer.
20 Jun, 2010
Ps! Just showed pic to my daughter and she thinks it looks like a space rocket ice lolly. lol. :o)
20 Jun, 2010
lol linda yes it does, remember them as a child ;o)) as i said not sure about ground conditions, if you google it, im sure it will say linda ;o))
21 Jun, 2010
Brill shot San.......
21 Jun, 2010
cheers dotty ;o))
22 Jun, 2010
I really love this plant after seeing it recently in Scotland. I can't seem to find anyone that sells it though. Hopefully I'll find it somewhere. I've been told its very hardy in most conditions -is that right?
4 Jul, 2012
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What a great shot San! Looks like the butterfly is part of the flower...actually it looks like concorde going up into the air!!
19 Jun, 2010