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Clematis purpurea 'Plena Elegans'


By Louise1

Clematis purpurea 'Plena Elegans'

This grows through a pittosporum hedge in my front garden ... it's rampant !

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I know, I have one too, but I accidentally cut it down this year. Its growing back already I see.

8 Jul, 2010


No sign of blooms on mine yet........

8 Jul, 2010


This has to be the strongest growing clematis i have here.
Is yours always late to flower, Alice, i fancy this one is earlier flowering this year.

8 Jul, 2010


Ooo this is pretty, rampant sounds good to me, have to look out for this one.

8 Jul, 2010


Simbad, it 'is' a pretty one, lovely frilly ruffles on it :-)))

8 Jul, 2010


That is a fantastic photo - one of your best, and that's saying something! :-))))

I must look at mine - it has buds, but no flowers as yet. It was new this year, though. :-/

8 Jul, 2010


Oh Louise, I do wish you woud'nt keep on posting your lovely clematis-------I want them all ! ! lol.

8 Jul, 2010


Mine is always late flowering Louise.....

8 Jul, 2010


Thanks girls :-)
LOL, Val :-))

9 Jul, 2010


Don't think I've evervseen this one. Very different!

11 Jul, 2010


louise1 what a fab clematis i've written the name down must look out for this its a beut

17 Jul, 2010


And, it's a really, really good performer.
I have this in a south facing border where the only shade for its roots is the nearby foliage and it romps away !!!

17 Jul, 2010


I hope mine does once it's established! It's facing west-ish.

17 Jul, 2010


I have this one, new this year....but its 'lost' underneath a C. 'multiblue' which 'took off' this year...wonder if it will survive

17 Jul, 2010


I do hope so!

18 Jul, 2010


It looks really health doesn't it....not a sign of the dreaded mildew, although that usually appears on mine in September...yuck! Lovely photo :)

22 Jul, 2010


I do hope mine doesn't succumb to mildew! What with Zepherine and now this - Yikes!

22 Jul, 2010


I know, I know, lol...Angus must be a very mildewy county!!

22 Jul, 2010


Is it the damp, do you think?

22 Jul, 2010


It gets quite damp in the autumn, very quickly, and I think that's when everything gets mildewy.

22 Jul, 2010


Not a lot you can do about that, apart from move!

22 Jul, 2010


yup! :)

22 Jul, 2010


It's lovely down here....Somerset is a beautiful County.......;-)

22 Jul, 2010


LOL!!! I believe you!!...except for the hose pipe bans of course!

22 Jul, 2010


Oooohhhhh nooooooo - we don't get those - that's the SE. No snow here, either - well, one inch this year...

22 Jul, 2010


oh, give over, you're making me jealous!! It's like angus, but warmer then!!

22 Jul, 2010



22 Jul, 2010


Yes, there are rarely hosepipe bans here and as Spritz said very rarely see snow either :-))))
The only things i've had mildewed this year were my scabious and taller monardas (but not the shorter ones) so they've been dug out and replaced .... the asters look like they're on their way too :-(((

23 Jul, 2010


My Phlox sometimes get mildewed in autumn, after they've flowered - so I cut them back.

Not your new Aster, I hope, Louise! :-(

23 Jul, 2010


Not that one !!!
I was looking at it yesterday and marvelling at how it hadn't succumbed yet :-/

23 Jul, 2010


I hope it doesn't - it's not prone to mildew.

23 Jul, 2010


What a gorgeous colour, I could certainly find room for this one!

3 Aug, 2010

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