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Red Trillium


By Diohio

Red Trillium (Trillium erectum)

Trillium erectum making its debut appearance in my front hosta garden. I don't know how it got there but I'll take it !

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Gotta love the gifts the little birdies leave!!

16 May, 2008


That's for sure !~ I find something new every single year !

16 May, 2008


lovely...but doesn't it take seven years for them to bloom? He must have been hiding in your hostas the whole time!!lol.

21 May, 2008


No chance of it hiding Lori, it was out in the open for all to see. That's a good question. I understand that it takes 7 years so........???? Maybe a squirrel or something dug it up and replanted it here?? Very interesting. I've found other trilliums that suddenly appeared (blooms and all) too.

21 May, 2008


It is amazing what our eyes do not see... stuff is there just blends in and we don't see it till it decides to advertise with a blossom. lol. think I'll see what I can find on google... maybe they dont emerge, they exist underground for seven years then send up a blossom...?? looked briefly at the Wikipedia... It is a rhizome...the three green brachts are its food source and if picked it kills the rhizome hence the laws against picking it. By what Wiki says, ants are prominent purveyers of the so your ants have planted them and the seed became a rhizome and after seven years it flowered!!

22 May, 2008

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This photo is of species Trillium erectum.

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