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Zantedeschia 'Captain Safari'

Zantedeschia 'Captain Safari' (Zantedeschia aethiopica (Arum lily))

This is its third year - I'm so pleased it survives the winter in the greenhouse!

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Thats a beauty

13 Jul, 2010


Lovely, I thought it was a Calla......did you get my PM?

13 Jul, 2010


beautiful Barbara

14 Jul, 2010


lovely colour, I've got leaves in a pot, still waiting for a flower LOL

14 Jul, 2010


I did some research before editing it and found it to be an Zantedeschia aethiopica so Arum Spritz?

14 Jul, 2010


Oh dear - you know me and common names - I can never remember! :-(( I suppose it must be an Arum.....??

14 Jul, 2010


I have just googled ' Zantedeschia 'Captain Safari' is it an arum' and it comes up Arum so unless someone knows better?

14 Jul, 2010


I think it is too............thanks for doing that, Denise!

14 Jul, 2010


youre very welcome Spritz

14 Jul, 2010


Lovely, I saw a lovely delicate Zantedeschia in a garden the other day called Kiwi Blush, a very pale pink.

14 Jul, 2010


I have two new ones in the greenhouse - one is supposed to be pink, and the other pale yellow. I hope they flower soon!

14 Jul, 2010


This Kiwi Blush was a big clump growing outside. But, Cornwall ~~

15 Jul, 2010


Haha. I put my pots outside for the summer, but in they go again in the autumn! Outside? I don't think so!!!

15 Jul, 2010


I love the colour of this!

19 Jul, 2010


Good, isn't it - I had two cormy things sent to me (free) three years ago with an order from one of the plug-plant companies - and this is one of them - they are both the same.

I'm still waiting for the two new ones to flower - I do hope they oblige!

19 Jul, 2010


Is it in front of Photinia? You are so good at colour matching B....I am picking up lots of tips from looking at your pics. I find Red Robin such a difficult plant to match up with!

20 Jul, 2010


Yes - well spotted! I put the pot in front of one with 'Little Red Robin' and some rather nice begonias with deep orange/white small flowers...

Thank you for that lovely compliment, Karen. :-)))))

20 Jul, 2010


You're welcome!

20 Jul, 2010



20 Jul, 2010


Just ordered some more plants from Gardening Express...I know, you're not a fan! Couldn't resist having another Pink Cassini, and there is a lovely variegated Pyracanthus too. Also a new winter flowering Clematis that is supposed to be hardy, and a climbing rose called Ginger something....(I am taking Zephirine out..It is covered with mildew and I don't much care for the colour, wanted something warmer for my planned 'hot spot' I was telling you about). A Cornus Florida with the lovely salmon pink bracts to replace my morello Cherry which has never thrived. Now I'm all spent up.....again!! lol....oh well! what else is a Visa card for? :))

20 Jul, 2010


was it Ginger Syllabub Karen? that's a beautiful rose ;-)

21 Jul, 2010


Oh wow! That's some order! Mind you - I'm planning a make-over of a bed in the front garden - it has a v.v.v. large Cistus in it and it's not attractive unless it's in flower. I don't like it in the middle of the bed as a 'specimen' plant all year round. Shame about Zepherine Drouhin - she doesn't get mildew here, and I love her. Still - if you need a different colour, go for it! :-))

21 Jul, 2010


Yes, Ginger Syllabub Grindle! I was looking for something 'warm' but not 'orange' and GS fits the bill beautifully!

Barbara, I read 'after' planting ZD that it is one of the most mildew prone roses around so I sprayed it......didn't make any difference, and actually although it is one of the most popular roses ever grown, I don't much like it!! That piercing deep pink is not for me! Looking forward to seeing your newly developed bed!

21 Jul, 2010


I'm glad my Zepherine doesn't get mildew! I love her, and her scent.

No new bed yet awhile. I met Louise at our GC, and we looked at roses, but 'the one' wasn't there. ;-(( I did get three Lavender plants and two Geranium 'Jolly Bee' to wind through them, though. That's part of 'the plan'. :-)))

21 Jul, 2010



21 Jul, 2010


interesting to read about ZD, I've just planted it, so I'll watch to see how it does, I have enough trouble with black spot, so if it doesn't do well, it's definitely out.
I love GS, it's such a pretty rose, bought one for a friend, now I'll have to get myself one LOL

22 Jul, 2010


Don't know that one....I'll have to take a look when Karen's is in flower.

22 Jul, 2010


As my white Arum grows outdoors & is doing very well with lots of lilies on it (I have three separate large plants), I am thinking that this lovely one might grow well outdoors here also. Will check for it in the GCs I visit. Mine get totally neglected, but now that they are in flower, I think they are beautiful.

26 Sep, 2011


Your white one is probably Z. aethiopica 'Crowborough', Dwyllis. That's the only one that's hardy in the UK. I have to start my other Arums in the greenhouse and move them out in the summer, in pots, then back under glass for the volder months. I hope in your different climate that you can keep yours outside, but they don't appreciate any cold weather.

27 Sep, 2011

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This photo is of "Zantedeschia 'Captain Safari'" in Spritzhenry's garden

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