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New bird bath


By Janey

New bird bath

Couldn't resist this bird bath at our local garden early birthday I just have to tell someone it's from them....Lol!!

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It looks like it has been there for years. Your border looks well planted.

20 Jul, 2010


Thats lovely and a nice colour too.

20 Jul, 2010


Thanks both.........:o)

20 Jul, 2010


Your welcome Janey

20 Jul, 2010



20 Jul, 2010


It fits right in there, good choice. I'm just wondering how early a birthday present it is :)

20 Jul, 2010


Its lovely Janey, sat in a very nice setting too.

20 Jul, 2010


Very smart.

21 Jul, 2010


It is lovely, and being so shiny it will be easier to keep looking clean and smart with just a quick rinse every now and then!

21 Jul, 2010


What a lovely gift, it looks perfect there too. :o)

21 Jul, 2010


Looks perfect amongst all the lovely plants, just hope someone appreciates the present they bought you lol

21 Jul, 2010


It is a nice colour isn't it? Its from Mum really, and from our garden centre Karen...:o) Thought I'd better provide water for my beautiful green fly...:o))

21 Jul, 2010


lol nice one janey ,, iv been looking at these to but couldnt make up my mind, it looks great now i see it amongst plants ;o))

21 Jul, 2010


I've wanted one for ages San and couldn't make up my mind which colour...they do silver now and black, but I thought they were too modern for my garden...I did like the green, but then you wouldn't see it amongst the plants, would you?

21 Jul, 2010


iv seen blue to janey but thought to bright and may clash with plants, this is better more natural, love it ;o) green wouldnt do either your right

21 Jul, 2010


Time for my beddy byes where's my tablets and milk....:o)))
Night now...X

21 Jul, 2010


That is very nice.....lucky you, how kind of someone to give you an early pressie lol

21 Jul, 2010


lovely colour - so natural in it's location :o)

22 Jul, 2010


hope you slept well janey x

22 Jul, 2010


I did thanks San....only joking though...don't really have tablets and milk...:o)))

23 Jul, 2010


Love the bath.

23 Jul, 2010


very nice janey.....

23 Jul, 2010


lol janey thought you were kidding ;o))

23 Jul, 2010


That is lovely Janey .. have you decided who bought it yet ...LOL....

23 Jul, 2010


It is nice isn't it........Mum's pressie..bless her....:o)) I'm hoping we may get more wild-life....I would love a pool like your Carole and San.....but so would Pops and Ted!!

23 Jul, 2010


Ah that's nice of mum Janey , I haven't a pond , we had a large one before we moved and found it very hard work plus the heron would keep pinching the fish this time round we have several water features , mind you I do occasionally mention a small one would be nice ..... LOL... yes I think Pops and Ted would love it ;o))

23 Jul, 2010


casper loves the pond janey and the frogs, hasnt noticed the fish or he isnt bothered lol, your garden would look lovely with one janey

23 Jul, 2010


Janey i agree with Sandra.

24 Jul, 2010


Tee hee I've done that before. About 4 people think they bought me the chimerea last year for my birthday lol Jx

26 Jul, 2010


Oh fancy a Heron coming into your garden Amy.....they can be pests can't they...but amazing to see and taking off. The water barrel feature you have is looks lovely and to have the sound of water would be great.....
Another project for next spring San....Ian is going to be soooo!
Glad it's not only me Jane....Lol!

27 Jul, 2010


You have name someone for all the xtra pressies you buy yourself ! Love the birdbath Janey :-))

27 Jul, 2010


he sure is just like baz haha, sent you pm janey ;o)

27 Jul, 2010


Ha..ha yep Annella...we have our wily ways...:o))
Ian's just getting round to the idea that he would love a pool.....:o) X

27 Jul, 2010


thats a lovely bird bath , nice b day pressie from sum 1 lol

19 Aug, 2010


Lovely birdbath in a lovely setting. I like these glazed ones. I have an older concrete one (square) which I bought over to NZ with me, when I came in late 1998, but sadly it appears to have developed a leak, so I will just have to sit a plant or succulents in it now. So I went out last week & bought a very pretty glazed one, which is now set up on the lawn ... no garden around it yet, but will get that in over the next few weeks. I originally put a vivid blue one on Hold in the shop, the week before I purchased it, but when I went back to get it, I spotted one which was far more unusual in a dull grey/blue tone with burgundy & cream & brown sort of dripping down the sides of the bowl & mottled on the stand. I then couldn't make my mind up, & kept walking backwards & forwards between the two, but ended up taking the the more unusual one home, & I am so happy with it. They also had smaller ones in glazed bright red, lime-green, strong yellow, & vivid orange. I must admit to liking the lime-green one!

22 Sep, 2011


Hello Dwyllis, Thank you for all the great comments you have been putting on my pics, I'm really pleased you are enjoying GoY, there are some great gardens on here. I've been really pleased with this bird bath, the I'm afraid my pets have collared it as their favourite drinking bowl! Yours sounds to be a beauty, I can picture it well with your description, I think I may have seen one similar over here, I love that type of glazing. This one of mine has added a focal point to this small square garden and looks good in Winter too, when there's not too much colour around....:o)

22 Sep, 2011


Delightful sight!

30 Dec, 2013

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