It's raining...........
By Dottydaisy2

22 Jul, 2010
Had a short sharp shower, all of fifteen minutes, now the sun is out and it's hotter than ever lol
Comments on this photo
Cinders glad you like it, it was tipping it down when I took this, but it is hard to photograph rain lol
22 Jul, 2010
beautiful ideal garden....I love it!
22 Jul, 2010
Everything looking very lush Dd.....!
22 Jul, 2010
lovely garden
22 Jul, 2010
Lovely garden, DD2.
22 Jul, 2010
garden looks stunning dotty,, send me some hot sunshine plez ;o))
22 Jul, 2010
Michaella just wish it was as large as yours.... San I will do you a deal....send me some rain and I will send you some sunshine?......thanks BB Yorkshire and Gee.
22 Jul, 2010
we have sunshine today dotty so hope you got the rain ;o))
23 Jul, 2010
No San not a drop........
23 Jul, 2010
Your garden looks perfect :-)
24 Jul, 2010
Fab Fab Fab!
24 Jul, 2010
Ooh....I love your garden Dd....lovely planting there with the grasses and pergola...they'll love it next year!!....:o))
24 Jul, 2010
Janey how kind of you....I do hope so. thanks KF and Dawn (certainly not perfect, wish it was).
25 Jul, 2010
your garden looks lovely DD :-))
25 Jul, 2010
I think it looks perfect Dotty :-)
25 Jul, 2010
Thanks both, was visited by the bl...y badger last night, scuse my language (just when we thought he had cleared off) dug up some of the lawn, knocked pots over, holes in the here we go again.
26 Jul, 2010
oh no poor you dotty, hope he doesnt pop up next year when your garden is open to visitors ;o(
26 Jul, 2010
Oh Crikey, poor you Dotty. They are so big arent they, so lots of damage. I remember Spritz having them visit in the Spring, digging up bulbs and all that, poor you.
26 Jul, 2010
DD I sympathise with you, the one that visits our garden has ruined my shade border to the point of devastation, it's all being dug out in the autumn and replanted with shrubs :-(((((
27 Jul, 2010
Grindle the annoying thing is we cannot do a thing about it, if it was a child they would have a good telling off!!
San that is what we are worried about, he went off and the fox took over the set, but we think the badger has reclaimed it again...
Thanks Dawn they are such a pain, our garden is not a suitable place for a badger.....
27 Jul, 2010
i guess there isnt alot you can do dotty,, they dig under fences dont they ;o( might have found a new home by next year
28 Jul, 2010
Shall go and put a for sale notice on the sett lol
29 Jul, 2010
lol dotty ;o))
29 Jul, 2010
LOL let me know if it works :-)))))
2 Aug, 2010
It didn't..........!! lol
2 Aug, 2010
someone suggested sprinkling pepper around because they snuffle and it might put them off, haven't had time to try it yet. I'll give it a go though, as anything is worth a try
3 Aug, 2010
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Lovely picture Dotty
22 Jul, 2010