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Carrots '' Nantes ''


By Amy

Carrots   ''  Nantes  ''

Straight from the garden ......

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They are looking so edible, Amy, enjoy them!

6 Aug, 2010


Oh Amy they look really good, enjoy

6 Aug, 2010


nothing like your own veg is there.....

6 Aug, 2010


Oh wow, i'm deffinatley taking a big bag tomorrow when i go to allotment :o)))

6 Aug, 2010


Show off Lol. Fabulous Amy. Was chuffed with my 5 yesterday. They were delicious. Enjoy. :o))

6 Aug, 2010


Do i smell carrot cake?

6 Aug, 2010


Nice crop there Amy.......

6 Aug, 2010


Thanks everyone ...I do enjoy our fresh vegetable you're right Holly there's nothing quite like your own ,
I'd love to see what you bring home with you tomorrow Carol :o) I,m glad you enjoyed yours Linda , I like eating them raw ..
I love carrot cake Mushy ... .. I will let you know when I'm baking ..LOL,...

6 Aug, 2010


Lovely crop hope you enjoy them they look great.

6 Aug, 2010


Yummy Amy..have sent you a pm............x

6 Aug, 2010


Thanks 6p , Jane they were delicious ... x

6 Aug, 2010


About to have a glut of runner beans Amy ! Isnt it great !

6 Aug, 2010


Thats fantastic Jane , do you freeze any ?

6 Aug, 2010


Yes Amy...two bags already..and more to come! Hopefully enough to see through the winter..trouble is not enough freezer space.Freebies to friends !

6 Aug, 2010


Thats great ... I have the freezer problem with fruit it takes up so much room but very welcome in the winter ...!

6 Aug, 2010


Have lots of blackberries nearly ready too.and apples in a couple of months! Crumbles forever ! Lol

6 Aug, 2010


Me To Jane .. I was picking blackberries again today we have loads in the field next to us ... .We have some bramleys coming but not so many this year .. Our son and grandchildren usually turn up in time for the apple and blackberry pies in the summer ..Lol ......

6 Aug, 2010


Bless..they certainly know where to come for a good sweet ! We try to store Amy..have 3 ancient apple trees...but to be honest most go to the birds ! Lol

6 Aug, 2010


Do you wrap them in tissue in a dark draw Jane ? we do that with the cox's orange pippins we still had some last March ,
There's some old apple trees on the field next to us , we took some with us to an Apple identifying day at the local museum but the experts couldn't identify them , they wanted to charge us £5 an apple to send them away , they weren't our property so we didn't do it . :o)
There's some apple trees up the lane here which fall to the ground , you wouldn't believe how many rabbits sit there munching away they hardly move when you drive by ......

6 Aug, 2010


Last year we stored most in old larder \Amy..keeping apart by about an inch..lasted until jan..kept putting out for the birds..the trees must be ancient...

6 Aug, 2010


How lovely to have a larder Jane .. we had one at my fathers old house , you could walk in it with shelf upon shelf to store things with a marble slab on one and lovely old stone floors to keep it cool ...( Big sigh )

7 Aug, 2010


This one in the cottage is walk in too the one in my childhood home.You cant beat them.Ray built shelves in ours where I store all sorts..mainly tubs and tubs of bird food !

7 Aug, 2010


LOL , I can imagine Jane no room for ' proper food ' we use to have something called silver fish sometimes on the stone floors , i'm not sure what they really were ! I know things use to keep a lot longer than they do today , I remember a lump of cheese would stay good for ages today it goes mouldy in a week or so even in a fridge !
You've brought back memories Jane , I remember when we were little trying to stand on a lower shelf to reach something good on a higher shelf ..LOL...

7 Aug, 2010


LOL...We had silverfish too !! Interesting how the good stuff was ALWAYS on a higher shelf ! LOL....Mum used to hide those rarities...chocolate biscuits...away from us up there !!

7 Aug, 2010


LOL... and Jane the bowl of dripping was always where you could see it .. :o)

I hope yours taste as good as these Homebird new carrots have a taste all their own there's nothing like it for the rest of the year !

7 Aug, 2010


LOL .. You could be right Homebird I haven't been able to get any decent crackling for ages , I thought it might be because I don't buy such a big piece for just two of us , I use to get crackling alright with a big family joint !

7 Aug, 2010


These look tasty Amy well done on growing these-they are far in front of mine.

10 Aug, 2010


Thanks Richard , i'm pleased with them , you will be enjoying yours soon .. :o))

10 Aug, 2010


Hope so Amy if the carrot fly doesn't get to them first. I am growing them in a large gardening bag and put a transparent cover on the top just in case the carrot flies fancy a ;-)

11 Aug, 2010


Thats a good idea Richard , I have noticed we already have a few that have been nibbled , trouble is they can't be stored like that ... but I do like to keep organic and not spray with anything .. :o)

11 Aug, 2010


I am the same Amy I don't like using sprays either. I do use washing up liquid, diluted, to spray the blackfly that have recently taken a fancy to my runner bean plants-little blighters...(the blackfly not the runner ) ;-)

11 Aug, 2010


Those look good, Amy...
Tasty :o)))

12 Aug, 2010


Washing up liquid is a good old fashioned remedy Richard and does seem to work , I hope you get a nice lot of runner beans .. :o))

They are tasty TT .. I love new carrots , it's the best time to have them ..:-)

12 Aug, 2010

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