Home made bottled Mint Sauce
By Amy

11 Sep, 2010
I had a second crop of mint so have use it to make a mint sauce that will keep for the winter ...
The leaves must be absolutely dry if not it won't keep !
Chop mint , use 1pt of wine vinegar to 1 oz sugar plus a tiny pinch of salt ...........
Comments on this photo
Well done Amy bring on the Lamb Chops!
11 Sep, 2010
I have a space along a wall where I let it grow 6p it can't spread any further because of the footpath ,, I've got the mint Carole but the chops are a rare treat these days they are so expensive ... .......
11 Sep, 2010
lamb and mint sauce my favourite, well done Amy looks brill. we bought 4 big english lamb chops in sainsburys this week from the butcher and they were on offer we paid £3, and a few pence.great value
11 Sep, 2010
That was good value Yorkshire , we don't have a Sainsburys near us :o(
11 Sep, 2010
Oh Amy, I wish I'd seen your 'recipe' earlier - pulled my mint up the other day :-( There's always next year though.
I see the sloe's are doing well too - it will be that time again soon.
11 Sep, 2010
Does it go with shepherds pie Amy ??? LOL !
11 Sep, 2010
Never mind Dawn ... Guess what ! we put a couple of things in a show today and the Sloe Gin won first prize in the home made liqueur section , the comments were that it had matured just right , we stopped to look at some sloes on the way home they are almost ready but still a little green , they need to be nice and juicey , they should really have a frost on them ,we don't get them to early these days .. ;o))
11 Sep, 2010
Yes Jane ..LOL.. anything will go nicely with Shepherds pie , are you running out of long green things .. :o))
11 Sep, 2010
LOL..lots in the freezer Amy and about 2 meals-worth still to come. Hes not off the hook yet !! LOL
11 Sep, 2010
LOL ... . just think how healthy you will both be with all those greens .. ;o)
11 Sep, 2010
LOL...Ray went to work today with his green trousers and a green tee shirt on ! Could swear he reminded me of something !! LOL
11 Sep, 2010
Hi Jane, hope you're OK.
Well done Amy, that's wonderful news. We still have ours untouched, maturing ready for Christmas. I'll be waiting for the sloe's to ripen so we can get another another batch brewing. I hope the judges didnt drink too much of the gin, just to make sure it was just right, lol.
11 Sep, 2010
Fine thanks Dawn...hope you are too...
11 Sep, 2010
Yes, fine too here Jane thanks.
11 Sep, 2010
I showed these to Beryl . She likes mint sauce. She said will you send her some lol :o))
11 Sep, 2010
Pruned mine right back Amy, wish I hadn't now....:o( Will remember this for next year...:o))
11 Sep, 2010
Likewise Janey.
11 Sep, 2010
Glad I saw this Amy, have just started on the herb garden, and we have a good crop of mint in a pot to stop it spreading too far, do you have to sterilize the bottles like you do for jam?
11 Sep, 2010
Watch out sheepies Amy's about ...LOL Don't forget some peach crumble after the chops oh yes and my invite .. most important : > ))...
12 Sep, 2010
Dawn that was the first thing I asked about the Sloe Gin " did they drink it " LOL...
Poor Ray , Jane ... you will have to make him a red waistcoat or something so that you can tell the difference ...LOL....
I will send Beryl the sauce in exchange for some lamb chops Hywel , you've got lots of sheep running about on those hills .. :o))
Janey if you prune it back as soon as the first lot is past it's best you will get another lot now , unless mine is a different kind of mint , the leaves on this one are very big and have a wonderful strong mint smell !
Yes Dd , I pop the jars in the Microwave for a couple of mins , then let them cool off before putting the mint in them , good luck with it :o)
Ahh you missed the peaches Mushy , it will have to be apple crumble now , didn't you bring any sheepies back from your Holiday ?
12 Sep, 2010
Beryl is just on her way up the nearest hill to get a sheep for you Amy. There are so many there, they won't miss one lol. It will be in the next post ;o)))
12 Sep, 2010
Oh Thanks Hywel ...:o))... I shall look forward to that ,I'd better clear my freezer out ... LOL.......
I hope you are going with Beryl Hywel , she could be struggling with the sheep by herself and be lonesome by herself in the fog ........
12 Sep, 2010
It's a nice sunny morning here so I don't think we'll get any trouble finding a lovely fat one for you with plenty of meat on :o)
12 Sep, 2010
Delicious Amy. You can freeze mint too.
12 Sep, 2010
LOL..Hywel ... will you take it's coat off for me ... :o))
I use to freeze it in ice cubes Linda then in the winter it's handy to pop a cube in with the potatoes ... we do learn a lot here don't we .. :o))
12 Sep, 2010
I'll have to add this to my "to do soon" list! :-)) How long does this keep for?
12 Sep, 2010
It should keep for the winter David .. ours dosn't last long it gets used to quickly ........ my Rowan berries and Crab apples are in the jelly bag dripping for the night ... :o))
12 Sep, 2010
Many Thanks for that, Amy. I have a mental picture of your jelly bag suspended over the upturned stool, now!! Haven't been able to visit the two crab apple trees I know of yet, both out in the countryside. hope to get to them midweek. Meant to say, too, your plants and snowdrop bulbs are all planted now! :-))
12 Sep, 2010
That's good David , I hope they grow well for you ..how is James , is he well enough for school tomorrow ?
We were looking out for crab apples on our way home this afternoon when we saw the perfect tree , it was one tree , one trunk , half the tree had crab apples and the other half quite large bigger red apples it must have been grafted on at some point .... . there's quite a lot of juice I will measure it in the morning .. ... :-))
12 Sep, 2010
Lots of sheepies in the boot and strapped to the roof :o)))
13 Sep, 2010
Lol, Mushy!!!
Yes, Amy, James back to school today, thanks. That tree sounds wonderful! Hope you get loads of juice! :-))
13 Sep, 2010
Sounds like something out of Wallace and Gromit Mushy ...LOL.........
Glad James is better David :o)
I think a week later we might not have had those apples the ground was red with the ones fallen from the tree , we were walking on them, there might not have been any left next week ! I had 1 ltr. of juice I'm a little disappointed as it only made 3 small jars of jelly plus I tipped it straight from the jam pan into a jug collecting some scum from the sides on the way never mind apart from that it looks good .. it tastes slightly sour but it is still hot !
13 Sep, 2010
LOL Will do Amy !! x
13 Sep, 2010
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Thats great Amy exactly was I have done for years but alas my mint has died off in the pot shall have to get another.
11 Sep, 2010