Unknown Fuchsia
By Balcony

15 Oct, 2010
This Fuchsia was sold with labels that named it "Miss California". I bought 4 plants last year. I've done a search & it looks nothing like the named one which is pink & is described as having a lax habit!
Judge for yourself, but does mine look pink or having a "lax" habit?
Comments on this photo
Don't know what it is but it's very pretty.
16 Oct, 2010
It looks similar to Delta's Sarah.
There are several blue varieties. It's difficult to tell really.
16 Oct, 2010
Thanks for your replies. I think it must me Delta's Sarah after the photos I saw last night when I was looking to see if I could identify it.
16 Oct, 2010
It's hardy. It survived last winter in my garden
16 Oct, 2010
Thanks for that info, Hywel. :-)) I hadn't looked that up yet. All my Fuchsias are in the unheated greenhouse down on the allotment where they will spend the winter.
16 Oct, 2010
I hope they're well protected. Green houses can get very frosty. It would be a shame if you lost them.
16 Oct, 2010
I had thought of putting them in the small greenhouse & covering it with bubble wrap & keeping it in the centre of the greenhouse well away from the glass.
17 Oct, 2010
I hope it works.
Here's an idea, - maybe you could plant D's Sarah deeply in the allotmen ground, - maybe alongside the shed or something. That way the roots and some stems would be below ground, and therefore have some protection. You could even mulch over it .... or put a big pot over it .
18 Oct, 2010
Thanks for that suggestion, Hywel. Maybe I could plant it & some others in the bed in front of the shed where my Amaryllis bulbs spent the summer.
The soil there is deep & has a lot of spent compost with vermiculite in it. I took most of the soil off a great many of the bulbs after I discovered that some pest had burrowed into some of them & had been eating the insides. :<( (Angry).
I had to throw away a lot of bulbs. I put a whole row of them in pots without taking off the soil first. I just hope I found all those with the pest in them - some how I doubt it! :-((
18 Oct, 2010
I hope you killed them all if they were vine weevil larvae. They'll get into your other pots aswell.
I have a biological controll for them.
Actually I have saved some fuchsias with no roots. I took cuttings of them so all was not lost.
Good luck with the fuchsias.
18 Oct, 2010
Thanks again, Hywel. The grubs looked too small to be vine weevil. I didn't bother to try to get any more cutting as I already have quite a few pots with cuttings in that I'm hoping will root before the real cold sets in. I also have several plants of each variety so as you say "all is not lost"!
18 Oct, 2010
That's good then.
I wonder what the grubs were then ?
I hope you don't have them again.
19 Oct, 2010
Hi, Try this link (very annoying you cant just press on it) for Delta's Sarah.
Even some of these pictures have differences though.
19 Oct, 2010
Whatever its name, that fuschia is sooooooo beautiful. Fuschias are probably my favourite of all flowers, although I don't have many. I tend to stick to ones which are as hardy as is possible and have found that Dollar Princess is very forgiving but I love looking at other peoples'.
Thanks for that interesting sequence of posts, guys.
19 Oct, 2010
Thanks, Bikerbob, for the link to the picture of Sarah's Delta. It's a lovely looking plant but doesn't really look like my plant. I've seen other photos that have made me think, "yes, this is what I have!"
I very much agree with you, Felinfan, that whatever its name it is so lovely! Although it is difficult to choose just one Fuchsia I think if I had to choose this would be one of my top favourites!
I have several plants of Dollar Princess. It looks very similar to Beacon, except its double whereas Beacon is single. I have 3 standard Beacons all 3ft high where the head starts so they poke over the balcony railings!
19 Oct, 2010
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Just looked in 2 of my Fushia books,but unable to find it . Sorry Balcony! I'm sur someone on here will know. Have you tried Asking Hywel?
15 Oct, 2010