fuschia paula jayne(hardy bush fuschia)
By Sanbaz

1 Nov, 2010
the last one in morrisons so couldnt leave it alone now could i? lol
Comments on this photo
wow you were quick on the keys today yorkshire lol thankyou, have to find a home for her now and hope she makes it through winter ok, or maybe keep her inside till established, unsure,
1 Nov, 2010
you might be better keeping the plant in away from frost San, it wouldn't be hardend off yet coming from Morrisons, would be ashame to lose it,
1 Nov, 2010
He he...no you couldn't San! And a hardy one...good stuff....:o))
1 Nov, 2010
Nice healthy looking too. San.....what is that in the corner behind? It looks lovely!
1 Nov, 2010
I agree San you absolutly had to have it ,poor lonely little plants ... :o)
1 Nov, 2010
thanx yorkshire, i agree ;o)
lol janey, i know you agree with me getting it ;o))
lol karen,, thats an old story on here, a little bit of fun with the members, all thought it was real, but not hahah, was pulling their leg about it ;o))
haaha thanx amy im so glad you think like me to ;o)
1 Nov, 2010
I can see why you couldn't resist this :o)))
1 Nov, 2010
thanx Terra, will pot it tomorrow and keep inside till spring then into the ground to give it a better chance ;o)
1 Nov, 2010
It will be a great addition to the garden next year, look forward to the photos.
1 Nov, 2010
Nice one San! I did wonder, but I didn't like to say just incase it was a real plant that I'd never seen or heard of!!
1 Nov, 2010
thankyou Tog, hope i can keep it alive lol ;o)
lol karen, you wondered right haha ;o))
1 Nov, 2010
do let us know if you find a bay !
1 Nov, 2010
i will karen.
1 Nov, 2010
Well done Sandra ! who could resist a lonely little Fuchsia ! lol
1 Nov, 2010
I would'nt have left it on its own either.
2 Nov, 2010
lol carole i couldnt haha ;o))
knew you would understand to carol ;o))
great how we can tell eachother but wouldnt tell baz lol
2 Nov, 2010
lol no you cud not !!!
4 Nov, 2010
lol cristina :o)))
4 Nov, 2010
You look like you had a little shopping spree this week San, stocking up for next year and getting bargains at the same time!
7 Nov, 2010
yes your right mags, cant miss a bargain can we lol, im looking forward to doing a few things to my garden next spring :o))
7 Nov, 2010
Well hope we get some pics when you get going!
7 Nov, 2010
sure will mags, thanx :o)
7 Nov, 2010
What colour did this turn out to be? It is not at all like one I've just been given
31 Oct, 2012
its pale pink over petals and deep almost red pink skirt inside and pale pink stamens steragram.
5 Nov, 2012
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would have been a shame to leave it all alone, lovely plant San.
1 Nov, 2010