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Carrot and Ginger soup


By Amy

Carrot and Ginger soup

Carrot and Ginger Soup

2 tbsp Oil
I large Onion ,finely sliced
2 Garlic cloves , crushed
1 -2 tsp Curry Powder
1 tbsp Ginger , freshly grated
1 lb Carrots ,peeled and diced
1 ltr hot chicken stock
Salt and black pepper

cream to serve if wanted
chopped parsley

Gently fry onions,garlic and curry powder in the oil until the onions are soft and golden approx 15 mins .
Add the ginger,carrots and stock .. cook for approx 40 mins or until the carrots are soft ..... leave for 10 mins . ....
Blitz the soup with blender until smooth .
Season and serve

This is a lovely warming spicey soup with the curry powder but if you don't like it you can always try the recipe without it ....

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just the thing on such a cold day amy, sounds lovely, going in favs till i get to try it :o)

8 Dec, 2010


another lovely recipe to put in my book,thank you Amy..:o)

8 Dec, 2010


This sounds really good!!

8 Dec, 2010


That sounds (and looks) absolutely scrummy! I will certainly give it a try. I went to a dinner some time ago and several of us had soup which we all thought was delicious and that had curry in so I will definitely keep it in :)

8 Dec, 2010


That looks delicious, gone to favourites, my daughter in law will love this one, she loves carrots and ginger.

8 Dec, 2010


You must try it San / Joanella , when you have time ,
It is good Meanie / Gee , I wasn't sure about the curry but it gave it that something extra , we agreed it wouldn't have been so tasty without it ,
I love carrots and ginger as well 6p so i'm sure you D-in- Law will like it ... :o)

8 Dec, 2010


Gone into my favs too.

8 Dec, 2010


Sounds yummy, putting on favourites too so I can give it a go:-)
I've been making leek soup, have a glut of them on the allotment.

9 Dec, 2010


I'm appalling Amy - I'm already thinking about substituting the curry powder with red curry paste, and I haven'y even made it yet!
Is that bad?

9 Dec, 2010


Good luck Cinderella ! I've been doing the leek soup Kathy I'm afraid the leeks we have left in the garden are all a bit on the skinny side so I was looking for something else to fil the gap , this is delicious ....
Thats not bad Meanie , I'm sure that will work just as well , let me know when you have tried it , if you like it I will try it to ......

9 Dec, 2010


Hope mine are ok haven't been down to allotment for over a week the snows too deep, suppose they'll be well insulated.

9 Dec, 2010


I hope your leeks are keeping well Kathy , the snow does tend to keep them warm , leeks are such a good standby in the winter we all like leeks in a white sauce .. ....

9 Dec, 2010


Have never thought of using curry powder before, usually cumin or coriander. just the thing for this weekend. many thanks, Amy. :-))

9 Dec, 2010


It a great one to warm you up David , I have a feeling you need it up there , it looks awfully cold ... :o)

9 Dec, 2010


Put on favs so i can back track on it.

10 Dec, 2010


I made another lot today Carol and put some in the freezer , it's nice to have at lunch time .. :o)

10 Dec, 2010


I bet it is we need something warm inside us this weather :)

10 Dec, 2010


Was as low as -14 recently, Amy, but a very warm +5 today, so all that snow is beginnng to crash down from rooftops. Like many people, all my guttering has come down with it. Will be making this soup tomorrow. :-))

10 Dec, 2010


I heard on the news about the difference in your temperatures David , what a nuisance about your gutters , can you replace them or will you have to call someone in at your expense ? I hope this doesn't mean the next thing to come will be flooding.. My hubby is over in Wales he said there's still a lot of snow on the Brecon Beacons ....

10 Dec, 2010


Flooding beginning to happen, Amy, but managed to get the car all the way home tonight, for the first time in 2 weeks. Have had to leave it almost a mile from the house, then walk through treacherous side streets. And, by Monday, the temp is to drop again, with new snowfalls forecast by Monday :-((

Am still seeing crashes, with police cars and ambulances in attendance, several times on drive to and from work.

I cannot remember ever seeing "avalanches" from rooftops in my life. It is, actually, quite exciting! You hear a very audible "crack" a split second before the, up-to 1 foot deep, iced snow on a roof comes crashing down. Just enough time to leap out into the road or dive into a shop doorway. And I worried about the "killer" icicles, up to 3 ft long, some of them, hanging from my, erstwhile, gutters!!! Path from gate to door now blocked with massive ice cubes, LOL!!!!

Gutters and pipes are to be replaced, not at my expense, within the next week, weather permitting. Best bit was to come home tonight an feel the heat!!! Was without heat and hot water for the past week, but has now been restored. I'm "in Heaven"!!! :-)))))

Wishing OH a safe trip home! :-))))

10 Dec, 2010


Oh My Goodness David , you see these things on TV but you don't realise just how much it effects each and every individual , i'm pleased that at least you have heat and hot water , it makes me appreciate that we had a wood burner installed a couple of years ago at least we would be warm .....
I imagine it would be exciting to see and hear and an Avalanch ( from a distance ) when they come down from a roof there must be a huge weight involved , keep clear and be careful .. You could save some of those giant ice cubes for a very large Sloe Gin at Christmas ...LOL....
Thanks for the safe wishes for my Hubby he should be leaving Dyfed in Wales this morning his sisters funeral was yesterday ... driving isn't much fun these days ...:o(

11 Dec, 2010


Wow another warming recipie, thanks Amy it sounds and looks delicious, must try it soon ;0)

11 Dec, 2010


A flask of this would go down well on one of Simon and Clares long walks Carole internal cenral heating .. :o))

11 Dec, 2010


What a great idea Amy must remember it for the next one!

12 Dec, 2010


yak sorry amy im sure to the people who like hot spicy food its lovle . it looks lovly . if its anything like all your other home made food ie your lovley soup . yum yum great cook a good mate and great person and ive hardly seen you that often realy . i think we realy clicked strate away as it goes .im afraid thats makes you a bit of a wierdo lol . takes one to know one .dont worry im not going to say anything like happy xmas or anything lol . take care bye for now x x . i wont have a car for a while and im not riding my motor bike in this weather but as arny said ill be back astalavister lol x x .

14 Dec, 2010


Hi Leigh , I thought you had been unusually quiet lately ...... so you think I'm weird , LOL... well like you say it takes one to know one , If you are at a loose end at Christmas and you can get out on your bike you know where we are ....... take care .. xx

14 Dec, 2010


you know what amy if theres a nice day ill ring you and you can just say weather i can come round your house .THINK your wierd ? lol .hopefully see you soon amy . say hello to tony please xx .

16 Dec, 2010


Sounds and looks delicious.....☼☼

19 Dec, 2010


It is Dd , it's a little bit different :-)

19 Dec, 2010

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