By Amy

11 Dec, 2010
It's still growing but I think it will be a long time before I have any berries for Christmas ..........
Comments on this photo
I,m pleased it's still growingYorkshire , I have 3 pieces on different trees , I have a dread of the trees dying before the Mistletoe produces berries .. :o(
11 Dec, 2010
I think thats the closest I have ever seen it grow,
11 Dec, 2010
Well done Amy, lets hope they don't by the looks of this, it will not be far off giving you a spray .
11 Dec, 2010
It's taken approx 5 years to get this size Yorkshire , it was 2 years after I put it on before I saw anything at all ... ...
11 Dec, 2010
I hope so 6p . another one I have on the Brambly tree does show signs of forming tiny buds or berries , it was to difficult to take a photo of that one as I have put wire netting round it to stop the Bull Finches from eating the buds , they did last year ......
11 Dec, 2010
Yes it was on the Alan Tichmarsh show that an apple tree is the best for it to take off from, he said let the berry go black then insert into the tree, lets hope the Bull Finches don't get to it.
11 Dec, 2010
I picked my berries up from the ground where they had fallen naturally from the trees in a churchyard it was about february time of the year .... we were in Suffolk ( Constable Country ) and had been looking at Willie Lots Cottage ..... it looked just the same as the picture ....
11 Dec, 2010
I think I will get some this year and try it on my apple tree, I have never seen Willie Lots Cottage, but it sounds lovely, I m going to go and look it up now and have a peek lol thank you Amy
Just had a peek its lovely is nt it did nt realise it was a painting of his never heard of that one, the Haneway and the mill is all I know.
11 Dec, 2010
Suffolk is a pretty county 6p , you can see where J. Constable's inspiration came from , if you manage to find some berries squeeze the green seed from out of the centre of the white berry before putting it onto the tree ... I hope you find some , I think you have a lot more of it growing your side of the country than we do here although I did read only the other day that it is becoming scarce ..... don't try to use any bought at christmas time as a lot of it comes from abroad .. even if it's English it won't be ripe until about February ......
11 Dec, 2010
I have never been to Suffolk been to Great Yarmouth thats about it, but did nt tour, a boring boyfriend at the time, which gladly has gone :o)) Thank you I shall look out for some that grows naturally and carry your instructions out .
12 Dec, 2010
Well done Amy.
12 Dec, 2010
6p .. Gt. Yarmouth is one place I wouldn't recommend to anyone as it's not the real Norfolk ... it's purely a holiday place ... sounds as though you were relieved to get rid of that boy .. lol....
Thanks Carol.. :o)
12 Dec, 2010
Thank you for the info on Gt Yarmouth not a true sight for Norfolk, yes Amy I sure was relieved I got rid of him.
12 Dec, 2010
That's doing well, Amy, you must be pleased to see the growth.
13 Dec, 2010
I am Gee , I shall be very excited if one day I have some berries ... :o)
13 Dec, 2010
Lucky you to have Mistletoe growing.......
14 Dec, 2010
It's taken a long time Holly , I am pleased it's taken off and is growing .. :o)
14 Dec, 2010
well done amy, it will be lovely, i saw some for sale today but berries didnt look very good, a bit wrinkled and old
15 Dec, 2010
Thanks San , the berries you saw probably wouldn't grow , the berries inside don't ripen until about approx. Feb . also a lot of it for sale at xmas comes from abroad ... apparently it's getting scarce in this country because it's getting cut quicker than it grows .. :o(
15 Dec, 2010
thats a shame isnt it amy, a lack of xmas trees to but i got a nice one today, a smallish one as so expensive,
15 Dec, 2010
That is so interesting Amy....such a strange growth pattern isn't it? Lets hope next year there will be berries too, you may get lots of Thrushes in your garden then.
15 Dec, 2010
Oh Amy, how amazing, it's done so well. I dont think mine are alive now sadly. I should get some more berries and try again.
18 Dec, 2010
We have a resident Thrush already Janey , perhaps it's waiting .. I'm hoping there will soon be some berries :-) .
I'm sorry you think you have lost them Dawn but don't give up on them yet , I thought I had lost mine last year but this year I have 3 growing .. .........
18 Dec, 2010
Well done Amy, hope it continues to grow for you.♥
19 Dec, 2010
Thanks Dd I hope so to , I haven't been to look at it for the last few days . ☺
19 Dec, 2010
Hello Amy, I've looked again and there doesnt seem much sign of life. I'll leave them be and try and get some berries in February.
20 Dec, 2010
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thats lovely to see amy.
11 Dec, 2010