By Amy

15 Dec, 2010
My OH won this in a raffle last night , there's no name or instructions with it , I will have to keep it inside , do you think it can go in the garden in the spring ?
Comments on this photo
Thanks Motinot , i'm not sure about some of these plants , sometimes they look as though they are meant to be houseplants ........
15 Dec, 2010
Well done OH :o)
15 Dec, 2010
thats a real beauty, I would have thought it would be safe in the garden when the frosts have gone,
15 Dec, 2010
What a beauty, lucky you Amy winning, lovely to have such colour to gaze upon, on these dull winter days
15 Dec, 2010
A lovely Azalea! Will be fine in the garden...plant out around the end of march and be sure to use lots of ericaceous compost in your freshly dug hole :)
15 Dec, 2010
Well done, OH! Lovely plant, Amy.
15 Dec, 2010
Thanks TT , he brought it in to me with a big grin on his face .. :o)
I will put it out in the spring Yorkshire // Grant thanks for your information , I will do that !
6p it has already brightened my porch with it's lovely bright colour .....
I might put it in my sundial circle Gee , I will be able to keep an eye on it there :o)
15 Dec, 2010
What a lovely prize and such a gorgeous colour!
15 Dec, 2010
Ooh it's beautiful Amy! A smashing colour for right now, like everyone says, I'm sure it will be fine in the garden....
15 Dec, 2010
that`s lovely Amy...
15 Dec, 2010
It's lovely isn't it Carole / Janey / Elsie .. we very rarely win anything so it was a gorgeous surprise :o)
15 Dec, 2010
Lovely plant well done to OH, i think it will be fine outside in the spring.
16 Dec, 2010
Thanks Carol, Isn't it nice to have all you lovely people to get advice from ... :o)
16 Dec, 2010
What a great prize! Agree that it should do well outside come Spring. you could, perhaps, keep it in a container with ericaceous compost for next year, just in case! Try to water using rainwater, if possible, rather than tap water (it is more acidic). ;-))
18 Dec, 2010
Thanks for you information David , I tried to get rain water out of the barrels the other day and guess what , they are frozen solid ... I expect yours are to! I believe you have had another heavy dose of snow :o( I have a washing Machine in the back porch , I used it today and the porch was flooded like a swimming pool .. after the mopping up operations the pipes were checked and they were full of frozen ice stopping the water getting away , they wouldn't normally have frozen but we had a blocked drain which forced the water back up the pipe , what a mess ... I hope you are keeping well and warm ... x
18 Dec, 2010
Oops, forgot you had the rain collection system, Amy! Such a shame that they are not functioning right now, isn't it? So sorry to read about your mess from the washing machine. :-(((( I got heating and hot water restored after 8 days without, so feel like i have won a lottery, lol!!!
We escaped any new snow showers here this weekend, as probably too cold. The last lot is still lying thigh-deep in the gardn and street, and now frozen solid, so am glad that there has been no fresh falls.
Have been growing on some Coleus cuttings for you but, alas, due to having no heating, the roots have become frozen in ice, and the leaves all dropped off - and they were on the kitchen windowsill. Hope to try, again. :-))))
18 Dec, 2010
I can imagine how relieved you were to get your water and heat restored David , I can't imagine being without it for that long ...
Don't worry about the Coleus , I have a feeling there's going to be an awful lot of casualties this winter , we shall no doubt hear about all the losses in time ... take care .. .. :-)
19 Dec, 2010
Very nice Amy, lucky you.
20 Dec, 2010
Lovely plant Amy..and doesnt it make a nice change from the inevitable box of chocs/biscuits or bottle of wine (both of which we have all sampled too much of lately! lol)
10 Jan, 2011
And it's still in full bloom Tetrarch , the chocs and wine would have been gone by now :o))
10 Jan, 2011
and the plant is a slimming aid no less Amy!! LOL! Must remember to drop hints come my birthday next month..
10 Jan, 2011
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I should think it could go in the garden......
15 Dec, 2010