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bird flats? or higher perches [thanks to Terra]

bird flats? or higher perches [thanks to Terra]

this is a christmas present ~ i think its lovely but im worried that the birds wont share my view? 6 front doors but a large room inside ~ what would kirsty and phil have to say about that?
will the birds nest in it or should i put some straw inside to make it cosier?

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I have found it's quite hard to get birds into bird houses, am sure someone on Goy will know, good luck with it!

10 Jan, 2011


Kirsty would advise knocking down inner walls, and adding an extension for the bathroom and toilets ...

... and maybe making some rooms en suite ...
... and possibly a nursery for the babies ?

Phil wants to know if the birds are planning to use the residence all year, or will they require him to find another property overseas ?

And there's the planning issue ... has this modern des. res. been built on a neighbour's land .. ???

..looks suspicious .. is that tree within the boundaries ?..... ;o)

10 Jan, 2011


i knew it was a mistake putting the fence in the photo! you dont miss much do you inspector TT?
it overhangs our land ~ is that ok?
the woods belong to the council and they put bird boxes up too ~ no one comes along that bit cos there is no path but it wouldnt get in anyones way so i think its ok
box was a bit big to go anywhere else but i do have an alternative if i have to move it.

you must know kirstie and phil very well TT ~ you've got them down to a 'T' or is that a TT??

10 Jan, 2011



10 Jan, 2011


I have a sparrow 'flat' on the side of my bungalow and it's in constant use. Your box is beautiful so I have it gets some takers very soon - how could they resist?

10 Jan, 2011


What a lovely Christmas Pressie, Birds will only nest if its safe in their eyes, they will inspect it first if you watch carefully, they don't like the sun facing on to it if you visit the rspb site it will tell you how and where to place it and what to do to incourage them in. It is also adviseable to place some throned stems like off roses to prevent squirrels getting at them, as one got to mine last year and that was hidden amounst a clematis.

10 Jan, 2011


Good point Sixpence makes about the direction of the sun...

but ... why is this labelled "Flats" ... ???
looks like a TRIANGLE to me..

Phil and Kirstie will start squabbling about the Trade Descriptions Act .... ;o)

10 Jan, 2011


Thank you Terratoonie, the box should nt get the sun incase burn the chicks I read last year, each box the black birds last year which nested the boxs were facing one north the other west.

10 Jan, 2011


thank you all of you ~ im glad you like it ~ thought i might move in ~ just have to slim ~ only a little bit!!!
it faces west so i think it will be ok.
bird pyramid better TT?

10 Jan, 2011


"This is no pyramid scheme ...
... merely a desirable west-facing Des. Res ...
... with space for growing families to feather their nests
... DOWN payment required ;o)

... or, wait for it, buy it on HIGHER PERCHES "

LOL lol Lol lol lol LOL LOL LOL ... ...;o)

10 Jan, 2011


thats very good TT ~ i shall remember that ~ you are on very good form today!!!

10 Jan, 2011


... nervous energy ;o) Lol.

10 Jan, 2011



10 Jan, 2011


ive changed the title Terra

10 Jan, 2011


Laughing so much I can't say anything to the above, also having to type with one hand because Sluggs keeps batting me with her huge paw and I am having to hold her at bay!

10 Jan, 2011


dont put sluggs in my higher perches will you lulu

10 Jan, 2011


ooh she would love that! Met her first squirrel the other day, thought she was going to climb the tree!!

10 Jan, 2011


my cat used to chase the squirrels but she has given up ~ she cant climb!!

10 Jan, 2011


LOL! you are all nuts!!! Fortunately for me as I am too

11 Jan, 2011

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