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My new egg platter. Got it today at the flea market for a BUCK!!! What, what?!?!


By Tasteyg

My new egg platter.  Got it today at the flea market for a BUCK!!!  What, what?!?!

Not exactly gardening, I know... but there are flowers on it, so that counts right??? ;~)

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Your right there are flowers on it.Some eggs would be nice to.---LOL
It is a lovely platter, I say it is very old, you got a bargain alright

6 Feb, 2011


It's beautiful Tastey! A great buy...enough for a dozen too, I think I would say its from the early 70's...retro chic!

6 Feb, 2011


Love it and the colour too.

6 Feb, 2011


Love it, eggscellent!

6 Feb, 2011


I think its great

6 Feb, 2011


Nice buy TASTEYG.....

6 Feb, 2011


Very pretty colour and shape, much better than my boring old white 'egg box' one :)

6 Feb, 2011


I always thought the egg box one quite amusing Gee! I have a choock with her back as an egg holder!! But I do love this, could be a colleggters item!

6 Feb, 2011


Thanks for all the comments. I'm glad that you all love my egg platter as much as I do :)
Johnjoe, there will be eggs on it soon enough :) My grandmother passed away a couple of years ago and she made the BEST deviled eggs. I make her deviled eggs for parties and everyone loves them. Hence my love for egg platters.
Janey, I think the middle 2 are for salt n pepper shakers, but I'll probably put eggs there :)
Lulu, you're just eggstatic aren't you?!?! Me too! The little beauty is hanging on my wall now :)

6 Feb, 2011


Eleggant way of storing them.

6 Feb, 2011


A bargain Tracy ,and so very pretty , it will like great on your party table .. did your Gran have a secret recipe for her Deviled eggs ?

6 Feb, 2011


LOL! You guys are so punny!
It is kind of a family secret Amy... ;) It's very simple, but so good!

6 Feb, 2011


It's no good asking you for it then Tracy , ...LOL..

7 Feb, 2011


thats very posh; i hope to see it filled with eggstravagant easter eggs very soon

7 Feb, 2011


what a find!

8 Feb, 2011


i wish id seen it first.....its wicked..:-)

8 Feb, 2011


Thanks for all the comments :) Very happy to have found found it. I think it's a real nice find. My mother and 2 friends are calling dibs on it after I kick the bucket ;) My mom was w me when I found it and she said that she was jealous that I found it. I think she wanted it, but I didn't give it to her. Is that bad??? There are a lot of people around her house and it would probably get broken :(

9 Feb, 2011


Love it....great bargain Tastey....

9 Feb, 2011


I found socks with sparkly skeletons on them at Value Village the other day for only 49 cents, & they are the greatest socks I've ever worn, but your platter beats them hands down. And everybody at work laughed at the socks, but I think they were just jealous.

10 Feb, 2011


LOL, Laura. I think you're right...they were jealous!

10 Feb, 2011


they also laugh at the bright orange, green & red turtle hat with the moving eyes that my mother gave me, but they're probably just jealous of that too since one of them went to Spencer's and bought a lion hat. Not everybody is willing to humiliate themselves by wearing a hat shaped like a giant turtle, LOL!

10 Feb, 2011

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