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Fence baskets

Fence baskets

These baskets are on the fence outside the conservatory, planted with Primula, Viola and ivy, awaiting the violas to flower now.

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Wow that looks great very pretty all of it

10 Mar, 2011


Carole,do you leave those baskets out all year,or bring them in for the winter ? just wondered how they weather..Lovely planting ...

10 Mar, 2011


You can varnish them Bloomer a lady at the garden centre uses Yatch varnish on hers.

10 Mar, 2011


Thanks Sixpence and Sandra I leave them out all year Sandra dont do anything to them, they are at least 3 years old, but like Sixpence suggests yatch varnish would preseve them;0)

11 Mar, 2011


Your weclome Carole I leave mine out too, I have nt got any choice any more as I cannot reach them unless some one gets them down for me.

11 Mar, 2011


Very attractive and so natural looking with those lovely baskets.

11 Mar, 2011


Thanks Gee They make a good way to brighten up a dull fence;0)

11 Mar, 2011


Thats helpful,Carole and 6d,as I wondered if they would rot.I might try some :o) They look nice deep ones,so lots of things,like trailing fuchsias,or trailing Begonias would look good..I'm thinking of my shadier fence...

11 Mar, 2011


they look very nice pp....

11 Mar, 2011


lovely PP .i love pansies :o)

15 Mar, 2011


Thanks Helen the primula are dominating the baskets at the moment but Im sure the Pansies will soon show their smiling faces;0)

15 Mar, 2011

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