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Spider alert!


By Gee19

Spider alert!

I've had this lodger for the last week to my knowledge. He has tried the hall, my bedroom, the kitchen and now, inevitably, he is in the bathroom, sitting next to the toilet. Every time I go in there I feel I'm being watched :)

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does he say," I spy with my little eye " by any chance

13 Mar, 2011


lol... Gee... i hate having spiders indoors....

13 Mar, 2011


they won't hurt you Holly.

13 Mar, 2011


ohhh i know but .. i hate them skulking about in the corners of the room, then running across the

13 Mar, 2011


I've mentioned this before, but I'll say it again! If you put a conker in the corners of a room, spiders will not appear. I have no idea why, both my Aunt and Mum do this, voila, no spiders. : o )

13 Mar, 2011


I'm not afraid of them but they are ugly aren't they lol

13 Mar, 2011


Hywel, Damn, wrong time of year, oh well Spiders for another 5 months, lol.

13 Mar, 2011


LOL ! My cat eats them :O Beryl is terrified of them :O I have to catch them and take them outside !

14 Mar, 2011


I have been very interested in all the comments and reactions. I remembered reading something about conkers and spiders, Shirley, so checked it out on the internet. The Royal Society of Chemists are offering £300 to anyone who can prove that spiders are deterred by conkers. A group of school children won £300 by proving that they are not! See the following: I haven't seen my lodger for a few days now but no doubt he will pop up somewhere when I am least expecting it :)

14 Mar, 2011


When the title 'Spider' appears, I have to press 'End' and look at the keyboard until the final comment appears as I can't abide pics of spiders! Sad, I know, but I can't help it! I clicked on the link, realised it would be a video and decided not to view spiders! Well done to the school children though.

14 Mar, 2011


are any of your spiders venomous? We have to worry about our spiders here! Some are small but deadly! 2 of the "top ten" are routinely seen in my house and garage. I have to admit I don't worry about them much since I was only bitten once (brown recluse) and was very sick for a while but obviously lived, so it wasn't a big deal.

14 Mar, 2011


Gee I always put a glass over them and then transplant them outside we've had some huge ones lately ...
Lauram you are so brave ,I'm not frightened of ours as we don't have poisonous spiders but i'm not sure that I could forget they were there if we did have some, yikes !! ....

15 Mar, 2011


I sometimes do that too, Amy, especially if they are being a nuisance and festooning my home with cobwebs! I certainly wouldn't won't to tackle anything like the ones Lauran has :(

15 Mar, 2011


My daughter wont go into a room if there is one in there...Its not easy catching a spider in a bedroom, especially with laundry all over the place...:>)

15 Mar, 2011


Last year a local woman was bitten by a brown recluse and was in a coma for a few days, and had to have one breast removed! So I consider myself lucky! The venom basically eats away at your flesh & kills your blood cells. In my case I was left with a sort of crater or depression on my leg, & sometimes people notice it, but it isn't disfiguring at all.

15 Mar, 2011


i couldnt go to the loo with a spider there, baz wouod have to move it lol

15 Mar, 2011


Same here San OH would know because he would here me yell, I cannot abide them.

15 Mar, 2011


Hi, I didn't think there were really dangerous Spiders in the UK although most can bite. Recently i visited a small local Zoo and after chatting for a while to the main man there he said that any port in Britain is always open to invasion from most insects, spiders and small creatures, which can land here on Cargo or mooring ropes but most dont survive our cold winters.
This is also worth reading

17 Mar, 2011


i had to smile at your comments gee ~ and yorkshire! i wonder if he is now climbing up the spout!?
my sister cannot abide spiders ~ she sucks them up the hoover but she wont have one of those hoovers with clear cylinders in case she sees the spider peering out at her!! with all his 8 eyes!!

18 Mar, 2011

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