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If you go down to the woods today...

If you go down to the woods today...

bluebells under the beech trees in the Lickey Hills

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Lovely photo

23 Apr, 2011


brilliant pic

23 Apr, 2011


Amazing, just beautiful.

23 Apr, 2011


How inviting!

24 Apr, 2011


funny how different parts of the wood make better pictures, last year this side didnt have as many blue bells or not as blue perhaps?
thank you for your nice comments.

24 Apr, 2011


Pathway in the woods always such a pleasure!

25 Apr, 2011


A wonderful scene, shows the English spring time at its best ;0)

25 Apr, 2011


It's beautiful - I can almost smell it! There are no trees where I live and I miss them so much.

28 Apr, 2011


i would miss trees, that would be true but i might swap trees for no neighbours and all that space!!??

28 Apr, 2011


If you go down to the woods today, be sure of a BLUE surprise....
Except that, in spring it's not all that unexpected :-)

29 Apr, 2011


very true beattie

29 Apr, 2011



30 Apr, 2011


A blue carpet of bells
that dance in the breeze
and the heady purfume
just might make you sneeze!

30 Apr, 2011


thats tet ~ like that word!
very clever linda, well done you

30 Apr, 2011


The wild flowers have been incredible this year. The flowers have bloomed for a long time even though we haven't had any rain this month.

30 Apr, 2011


Enough to make even me go out for a walk!

30 Apr, 2011


you got bluebells near you wagger? i used to live near buckinghamshire ~ before milton keynes was built if you can believe that!!

30 Apr, 2011


My garden backs on to woods, the nearest bluebells are about half a mile away, I passed some on my way to the paper shop today. Milton Keynes was/is a pretty little village wasn't/isn't it? I'm in South Bucks.

30 Apr, 2011


i was in south bedfordshire ~ backing onto the duke of bedfords estate ~ well nearly!
there were some bluebell woods somewhere near but my mum once saw a slow worm in there and i dont think we went there again!!!

30 Apr, 2011


What a shame - slow worms are beautiful - we have some in the garden and I love to see them. Have to be very careful to check before hitting the compost heap though. We get grass snakes too - pretty wild here, lol.

30 Apr, 2011


eeek! i dont like snakes. or worms or slugs.

30 Apr, 2011


Do slugs have a single supporter in the world? ....or snails for that matter?

30 Apr, 2011


i dont mind snails, some have pretty shells

30 Apr, 2011


....and at least the thrushes like them, yum yum!!

30 Apr, 2011


Oh that's a pretty scene..Do you think there were any Teddy Bears about??? "If you go down to the woods're sure of a big surprise...If you go down to the woods'd better go in disguise...'cause every bear that ever there was, will gather there for certain's the day the Teddy Bears have their picnic!"

1 May, 2011


i used to have that on a little record when i was young! didnt see any bears that day ~ i know there have been tho cos playgroup used to take them for a picnic!
i did see a very gorgeous white gold labrador ~ he looked as cuddly as a bear!!

1 May, 2011


It was my son's favourite "sing me goodnight, mommy! sing me about the bears!" he used to say. I love the carpet of bluebells. It reminds me of the carpet of violets that I had in my last garden.

1 May, 2011


what a lovely memory!

1 May, 2011


ahhh so many happy memories are tied to my children...and my pets...and my gardens...I feel very lucky. How 'bout you, Sticki?

3 May, 2011


very similar lori but my children left home a long time ago ~ i only wish they were still here ~ never been the same since.
i have my cat minty still here ~ she is lovely.
i like my garden and perhaps the one i have now is the nicest but its my boys that i have the best and most memories of.

3 May, 2011


Very true, Sticki.
I have my hubby and our old dog...we are all aging gracefully (?) together! lol...our son's are in Ottawa and we have this little eden to explore and embellish as long as we have the strength and stamina to do so...I'm working hard now so that later I can sit back and enjoy! Sure hope it works out that way.

6 May, 2011


i hope so too lori ~ all the best.

6 May, 2011


Thanks very much, Sticki!

11 May, 2011


Just noticed this Sticky, its almost a replica of the print I have by David Crane "Bluebell Wood".

7 Jun, 2011


oh, thats interesting ~ sorry but i havent heard of david crane ~ havent seen the picture

7 Jun, 2011

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