have a guess?
By Stickitoffee

3 May, 2011
do you know what this is? when you have guessed i will explain a little more
Comments on this photo
3 May, 2011
near karen
no kfun ~ near tho.
3 May, 2011
3 May, 2011
3 May, 2011
Some kind of flan with grapes on top
3 May, 2011
none of those ~ i wish it was a flan cinderella
3 May, 2011
Is it an orange,with a fruit filling ?
3 May, 2011
bees leg with pollen attached
3 May, 2011
that would be very nice bloomer but it isnt
clever idea kf but its not that either
3 May, 2011
baby snails on an orange
3 May, 2011
eeek that wouldnt be very tasty!! no!
3 May, 2011
3 May, 2011
chinese latern fruit
3 May, 2011
sorry ~ neither.
so far passionfruit is possibly the nearest.
3 May, 2011
The inside is too dark for a Kumquat so I will try Papaya as that has a dark centre.
3 May, 2011
Looks like the inside of what we call a pawpaw ... a papaya to some.
4 May, 2011
yes its papaya ~ i have potted up the seeds and now have 4 growing!!
4 May, 2011
Well done, good luck with the seeds!
4 May, 2011
Good mystery, Sticki - glad Bernie got it, I was about to say half an orange with cranberries. How exciting to have 4 papaya seedlings - well done!
4 May, 2011
just realised i have 5!!
not sure how they will get on from this point on ~ tallest one is 2" high and nice thick stalks. that tallest one has now got its second set of leaves.
4 May, 2011
thanks sticki that was a hard one any more?
4 May, 2011
got to have a look ~ not sure? you got any more?
4 May, 2011
I've added a photo, but I think its too easy.
4 May, 2011
Having guessed correctly do I get a prize?
4 May, 2011
i dont think its easy.
4 May, 2011
I'm glad the answer was on here - I had no idea!!
5 May, 2011
i just cropped a picture i had; when i opened the papaya it looked so beautiful i had to take its photo!!
5 May, 2011
It is a papaya! rats...missed out on that one. sorry to be slow off the mark, Sticki. My passion is mangoes! MMMM...the best fruit bar none! and they even floss your teeth for you while you eat them...(I prefer to peel them and eat them like an apple...that's why I get 'cotton mouth') heee heee....great pic, Sticki~
2 Jun, 2011
i love mangoes ~ they taste better than papaya ~ but that great big seed is a bit of a pain to cut round!! i now have about a 100 little papaya seedlings!!!
2 Jun, 2011
Good Grief! what will you do with them? Can you grow them? Have you ever tried avocado or mango?
3 Jun, 2011
I love both, but have you ever tried a fresh mango? They are so much better fresh. Over here I check out the reduced section as they need to be at the point of going rotten almost to taste good.
The same with Lychees! Nice over here, divine fresh!
4 Jun, 2011
lychees may be my favourite fruit ~ i adore them!!
yes, ive tried fresh mangoes and they are truly delicious but as you say they need to be ripe. if you puree them and mix them with greek yoghurt they are really good too.
i havent tried growing avocado or mango ~ not sure they would be so easy? i think my dad tried growing avocado once ~ dont you have to suspend that big seed over water until it shoots or something?
i have no idea what i will do with all the seedlings ~ i didnt expect them to come up!! would you like some??
4 Jun, 2011
Much as I would like to say yes, I've seen Papaya growing at the botanic gardens and it's a little bit bigger than the average house plant!
I have a couple of mango "stones" which I'm going to try to grow - not sure how yet though.......
4 Jun, 2011
what shall i do with the seedlings? they are all in one pot at the moment and most are about an inch and a half tall ~ 4 of them are long and stringy with tiny leaves on.
4 Jun, 2011
I would be potting them on into individual pots asap.
I'd keep a couple and give the others away........
4 Jun, 2011
i dont have 98 friends to give them to!!
but i can do the pot bit ~ thanks
4 Jun, 2011
A bit late to this - would never have guessed thought it looked like the top of a tangerine and blueberry cheesecake.
4 Jun, 2011
i think that would have been nicer stroller!
4 Jun, 2011
And here's me thinking it was sticky toffee with seeds lol!
7 Jun, 2011
of course it was tet ~ i just didnt tell anyone!!
nice idea tho!! i shall be off to the cooker immediately to see how to make sticky toffee with seeds ~ like a flapjack with a caramel topping? that would be an upside down version of the above???
7 Jun, 2011
Oh do wait til I get there..sounds delicious!
7 Jun, 2011
have to experiment ~ id like to say like heston but probably more like roald dahl ~ something horrific!!
7 Jun, 2011
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Whatever it is, it looks sweet and fruity and yummy!
3 May, 2011