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By Sanbaz


they have been with me 2 years now and visit about 3-4 times a day, hope to see young ones again this year

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I keep asking you to send some down to me ... no luck so far!

14 May, 2011


Excellent shot!

14 May, 2011


I am surprised they will come so close to the house. I am trying to decide where to put my birdhouse once it is painted and thought if I put it on the patio area it would be too near to the house....maybe not, looking at your photo, San.

I hope you do have some babies too :)

14 May, 2011


You are so lucky to have these,San..there are some that come to a garden 3 doors away,as they nest in a big conifer there,but sadly,they never come to visit me..:o(
I love there anything special they prefer,food wise?

14 May, 2011


its on my patio so not far from the house and they do see me when im in the kitchen but seem ok with it, i didnt think they would come so close especially as i have another station behind the garage where they can have thistle seed, they love that but must love the sunflower hearts better ;o))
so jacquie i would put yours near house to and sunflower hearts, i get the robins and blue tits to.

14 May, 2011


ah,that might be the answer then..thistle seeds and sunflower hearts...I will try those..thanks San..:o)

14 May, 2011


Thanks, San....I'll keep the sunflower hearts in mind when the bird table goes out....and also give it a try putting the table near to the house as it won't be fixed down and can be moved around if the birds are too wary.

I've not heard of thistle seeds...must have a look out for those.

15 May, 2011


I am happy Sandra as we have a pair coimg to our waterfall now - I love these birds :):):)

15 May, 2011


Haven't seen any of these since living here.
I have missed such a lot recently. Can't find the energy lol. Try to catch up tonight

15 May, 2011


your welcome sandra :o))
jacquie thistle seed is niger seed, aboth the same was told when i was out with clarice last year, which we didnt know, it took a couple of weeks for the birds to get use to new station but they came and now have two as i didnt take the old one down either lol :o)
glad you have them to paul, so pretty and colourfull ;o)
thanx hywel, know what you mean im not on as much, busy and also if im on here to long i get bad head and bad neck :o( so everyone will have to bare with me getting to pics etc, look after yourself hywel :o)) x

15 May, 2011


Yes it makes me feel dizzy :( Can only see a few mins at a time. I must be getting old lol

15 May, 2011


Brill photo Sandra, i dont get as many birds as i use to,funny how they know these 2cats are not Smokey, as there was always birds in my garden even when he was outside.

15 May, 2011


lol hywel i must be then to hahaha
know what you mean carol, i have casper and two other cats that come in my garden and in my house given the chance eating caspers food :o( but luckerly the birds still come :o)

15 May, 2011


Nah ! you'll never be old Sandra :))) x

15 May, 2011


awww hywel, i love you haha ;o)) x

15 May, 2011


lol :D X

15 May, 2011


;o))) x

15 May, 2011


Such pretty birds , I havent seen any around here yet!

15 May, 2011


thanx carole been with me all year im so pleased, hope you get some soon.

15 May, 2011



15 May, 2011


I think I saw one in my garden ! it flashed past so quickly all I saw was the red head .. I hadn't seen one before or since ......

16 May, 2011


i didnt see them before i started putting sunflower hearts and thistle seed out amy and now they are here all year round, such pretty birds :o)

16 May, 2011


It's hard to believe they live in this country...such beautiful colours. Apparently a flock of goldfinch is known as a 'Charm' , I think that's a lovely description :)

17 May, 2011


yes lovely discription judy, they do look tropical i agree :o)

17 May, 2011


I get lots of goldfinches too Sandra, they are such pretty birds with big appetites too...I have to fill the feeders daily! :o)

17 May, 2011


im the same sandra, they never stop on thi station with sunflower hearts then on the other with thistle seed, little piggies lol

17 May, 2011


You feed them exactly the same food that I do Sandra, you`d think with all they eat they wouldn`t be able to! :o)))

17 May, 2011


lol thats true sandra haha :o))

17 May, 2011


Fab pic. We've had a pair of Bluetits eyeing up the birdhouse in front of the kitchen window. Whether they will nest I don't know, but we're hoping. :o))

18 May, 2011


thanx linda i do hope you get the bluetits nesting with you :o)

18 May, 2011

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