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Typical Sunday?!

Typical Sunday?!

My husband took this with me unawares, doing the usual tea-time crossword in my favourite chair . . . love the shadow patterns!

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Where are the scones and jam Sheila?? Nice relaxing pic.

22 Aug, 2011


Ideal! How long did it take you to finish the crossword?
Your summer house is lovely, looking out into the garden and the sun.

22 Aug, 2011


This is the life..make the most of it..winter's coming...

22 Aug, 2011


Just spotted that lovely big cold frame..wish it was mine!

22 Aug, 2011


has it got a solar panel on the top?

22 Aug, 2011


What a delightful spot, you have made a lovely Gazebo.

22 Aug, 2011


Very nice look so comfortable....:)))

22 Aug, 2011


Yes, that looks just lovely! A happy Sunday.

22 Aug, 2011


Thank you so much Grandma, Sticki, Tet, Denise, Sue and Karen - it is my favourite spot! Tet . . . would you believe, the cold frame was a FREE GIFT when we bought our Alton Cedar greenhouse four years ago, in memory of my Mum.

22 Aug, 2011


Sorry Sticki . . . no solar panel, no! And this week's crossword was mostly straightforward (the Jumbo in Saturday's Times): I prefer a bit more of a challenge really, but I do enjoy them. (oh, to answer your question, about 45 minutes?).

22 Aug, 2011


45 minutes!!!??? you must be a genius ~ would take me 45 weeks!

22 Aug, 2011


45mins?? The Times??? it took me half the afternoon to do the Sun crossword!!! (not that I buy it, OH buys it once a week for the tv mag.)

22 Aug, 2011


definitely no hope for me then!!!

i shall stick to easy sudoku, codeword ~ when its not impossible and GoY!!!!!

22 Aug, 2011


Ah, you're running away with the thought that I was doing the "Cryptic" crossword . . . noooooooooooo, it was the General Knowledge one!!

Sorry to disappoint you - I quite like the idea of being a genius, lol.

22 Aug, 2011


either way!! wouldnt make any difference i still cant do them.
think i will award you some letters: HIL ~ highly intelligent lady!

22 Aug, 2011


I think so too..I used both the coffee time AND the cryptic in order to complete mine, two bites of the apple and still it took me ages.

22 Aug, 2011


It's a good excuse to have a sit down, though, lol! Sticki, I don't deserve the "H" . . . "O" would fit (for "occasionally . . "), but I don't want to be OIL!

That's an interesting idea - I bet we could all invent letters to put after our names. You could be Stickitoffee, G.A.C. (Gardener and Cook). What would you be, Tet?

23 Aug, 2011


Tet would be HM ~ hostess magnifique
or she could be RG ~ rose grower
or CARG ~ clematis and rose grower

im not industrious enough to be called gardener nor cook
i could be NbN ~ as the stickitoffee avatar ~ Naughty but Nice [i hope]

23 Aug, 2011


Hello, we posted together there! I could be Grandmage NST (non stop talker)!!

23 Aug, 2011


no, oil is not good ~ would you prefer BAIL ~ Bowler Also Intelligent Lady

23 Aug, 2011


yes GM you can have that one cos you got it in quick before my second one!!! sounds very good!!

23 Aug, 2011


Its Ok, until you know what it means!! Reckon Sheila should have Sheilabub WG (wonderful garden)

23 Aug, 2011


Sheila looks more LM to me sat there in the sun with her coffee (Lady Muck is really an affectionate term for someone doing and having what we would like to have and do LOL)..figure that one out!!!

23 Aug, 2011


sheila could also have BL ~ bonsai lady
and of course she will now have to have LoL ~ lady of leisure!!!!

23 Aug, 2011


now you have brought the tone down tet you will have to have another title
TWMML ~ Tet Who Makes Me Laugh

23 Aug, 2011


I know, I know...just cant 'elp showin' me origins...or is that apples?...I do hope Sheila still speaking to me..

23 Aug, 2011


she wont be long ~ she is probably doing today's crossword ~ about 30 mins??

or perhaps she is thinking up a cross word for you!!!

23 Aug, 2011


Nope! I reckon not. If that were the case she wouldn't be as nice as I think she is!! (I also have a nice number in creeping as part of my CV)

23 Aug, 2011


She went out shopping (not plants today since you ask), and came back and found this . . . so now she's laughing her head off! Sticki, I'm not a bowler(!) I'm a croquet player - you can definitely be NBN.

Thank you Grandma ge for the W.G. suggestion, and Tet for LM. So now I'll sign off as Sheilabub, CPAILWGLMBLLOL . . . or is that a bit much? Can't do the crossword yet, Sticki - ironing to do first, then crossword and Codeword with tea. Roll on 4 o'c!

23 Aug, 2011


i cant work that all out.
C ~ croquet
P ~ player
A ~ and
I ~ intelligent
L ~ lady
W ~ wonderful
G ~ garden
L ~ lady
M ~ much
B ~ bonsai
L ~ lady
L ~ lady
O ~ of
L ~ leisure

thats an awful lot of ladies ~ what is the collective noun for lots of ladies???
sorry sheila i dont know why i have bowling in my mind instead of croquet ~ will try harder to remember

23 Aug, 2011


No probs, Sticki - you're not the only one who gets them mixed up.

As to letters (to keep things simple!) I think that you, me and Tet can all be LOBs . . . you Sticki, Lover of Baking, me, Lover of Books, and Tet, Lover of Buildings. And what about Grandma ge . . . are you a Lover of Babies?! (L.O.B.)

23 Aug, 2011


thats very clever sheila ~ now we can see why you are so good at crosswords!!

23 Aug, 2011


one word 'Bliss'

23 Aug, 2011


Thanks B. I'm a lucky so-and-so. :))

23 Aug, 2011


I like 'LOB' Sheila ! or maybe YOB is more like it LOL. Not sure what the Y is for though!!

23 Aug, 2011


Whose calling me a Lazy Ole Beggar???

23 Aug, 2011


Not me Tet, honest!!

24 Aug, 2011


Tut! Wouldnt be surprised..getting lazy in my english!
Whose???? should be Who's!!

24 Aug, 2011


Didnt notice, do not worry!

24 Aug, 2011


Too funny!

26 Aug, 2011


I agree with Lulu ... highly entertaining comments! ... Lulu, you could have M.A. after your name as Mosaic Artist rather than Master of Arts! . . . . .

29 Aug, 2011


I suppose Mistress of Arts might be a tad suggestive??

29 Aug, 2011


OOh good idea Shirley, might try that one!

31 Aug, 2011


Lol, Lulu! . . . . .

31 Aug, 2011


finished the crossword yet sheila?

31 Aug, 2011


Finished on the day, Sticki, with a little help from my friends!

31 Aug, 2011


very good!!! thats what friends are for.

31 Aug, 2011

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