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Early Spring in N.E. Downunder - Courtyard Garden


By Bernieh

Early Spring in N.E. Downunder - Courtyard Garden

Azaleas, Aralia, Plectranthus 'Mona Lavender', Shock Wave Petunia 'Pink Ice' and Ipomea batatas

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Lovely Bernieh.

4 Sep, 2011


Very nice!!! :o)

4 Sep, 2011


Beautiful display,Bernieh..

4 Sep, 2011


Thanks all. It's dry season here, so it's a task keeping everything going at the moment.

4 Sep, 2011


Everything looks terrific! It appears all the plants have recovered very well from Cyclone Yasi.

6 Sep, 2011


Most of the damaged plants are elsewhere, Andy. The shrubs in that bed off to the left look decidedly straggley and ugly as they attempt to recover during this dry season. All the large trees and shrubs that were knocked over by the cylone are mostly down the driveway and that looks simply dreadful still.

6 Sep, 2011



I'm so sorry to hear the plants/tree are still damaged! I guess it's expected after such a horrible cyclone. Hopefully, when the wet season comes many of the plants will continue to recover!

13 Sep, 2011


Yes I'm hoping that we get a decent wet season this coming summer, and hopefully not an over-the-top one this time round.

13 Sep, 2011


Hi Bernieh, your courtyard garden looks absolutly beautiful as do theother pictures of your garden, the Poinsettas are wonderful. I have a sister that lives in Western Australia, Perth, but unfortunatly she hasn,t got green fingers like you. Well done.

13 Sep, 2011


This is a very pretty area! It sounds as if you are in quite a dry spot .... not so with me ... it rains quite a bit in the Rangitikei, where I live in NZ ... would love to send some over to you for your garden. I spent years living in West Africa, where it was very hot, but very humid, in the dry months .... bourganvillea grew wild everywhere & frangipani thrived in my garden ... but not much else.

14 Sep, 2011


Hi Dwyllis, yes it's a very dry spot here. My particular corner of Queensland is classified as a 'dry tropics' area because we have a 'dry' season that lasts around nine months every year. By 'dry', I mean no rain at all.

Of course we also have a 'wet' season which though short can be very, very intense and destructive. Right now I wouldn't mind some rain as we've not had a drop for well over four months. This is the time of year that the surrounding landscape is dry, parched and brown.

Bougainvillea grows well here, but it's not a favourite of mine. I had lots of it growing in previous gardens and it was a nightmare to keep under control. Frangipanis are very, very common here as well. Again, they're not really a favourite of mine as they are mostly deciduous and look horrible for the majority of the time.

17 Sep, 2011

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This photo is of "5. Courtyard Garden" in Bernieh's garden

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