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Caryopteris clandonensis Grand Bleu

Caryopteris clandonensis Grand Bleu

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Love that colour!!!!!!!!! :)

5 Sep, 2011


Had to double check whose photo this was, no bugs! Lovely colour.

5 Sep, 2011



5 Sep, 2011


lovely :))))

5 Sep, 2011


Very striking!

5 Sep, 2011


absolutely Lovely K.

5 Sep, 2011


Thanks all!...and sorry! Didn't realise you'd all looked!
Another Monday morning market purchase...this time, with a label!!
Needs sun, and doesn't have silvery green leaves, which the one in my book describes...very green and bigger! :)

5 Sep, 2011


Yes, it looks quite different from our usual Caryopteris Worcester Gold...nice find!

5 Sep, 2011


No finding, KS...I just go to the market every Monday and they find me! :)

5 Sep, 2011


Lovely Caryopteris, I like them but they dont like my heavy soil :(

5 Sep, 2011


Oh P! Then it won't like mine either...clay!

But, got sun, I'll tell you how it goes! :))

5 Sep, 2011


The sun will help!!! wish we had some :(

5 Sep, 2011


Sorry, P! I'll try and send some! :) It worked with Lil! :)

5 Sep, 2011


Just dig in some compost first, it should be fine! Heavy and cold is quite different to heavy and warm isn't it!

6 Sep, 2011


That's true, KS...and that's what I'll do...
Anyway, it's here now! If all goes well, you'll probably see the pictures! :))

6 Sep, 2011


Lovely plant and great shot it the same stall you go to every week? If so, he's gonna be tantalising you every week with different plants :)

6 Sep, 2011


I've got three favourite stalls, Scottish...and the local shop on the corner...It's eally hard to come home with nothing!!! :)

7 Sep, 2011


Lucky you :)

7 Sep, 2011


Lucky them really, Scottish...I think they see me coming! lol!

8 Sep, 2011

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This photo is of "Caryopteris x clandonensis 'Grand Bleu'" in Karenfrance's garden

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