It's Tibouchina Time!
By Meanie

23 Sep, 2011
The first bloom of the year on my Tibouchina!
Comments on this photo
I had one of these for a number of years in my previous garden & it was a glorious sight over the dreary winter months. But then is suddenly just died. I never pruned it, so I'm wondering if that is why? Also never knew its name, so good to be able to identify it.
23 Sep, 2011
i thought it was a slightly tender evergreen Dwyllis is it hardy then Meanie?
23 Sep, 2011
Gorgeous colour
23 Sep, 2011
lovely! love those 'anthers'[?]
23 Sep, 2011
Has 12 months really gone by? Well I liked it as much this time as last Meanie!
23 Sep, 2011
and beautiful it is to....
23 Sep, 2011
Thanks all!
Dwyllis - I keep at least one cutting on the go, as I've heard similar stories to yours before.
Surreylad - it is tender, Dwyllis has the climate for it.
Tetrarch - It is probably only 11 months!!!!!!! It was a little later last year.
23 Sep, 2011
Ahh yes next time i'll see where they are from ! :-)
23 Sep, 2011
Top tip - keep an eye on Lidl in the spring. They usual have them in for one week priced at a couple of quid!
23 Sep, 2011
Great photo! Glad yours comes out the true royal purple color! All the trees are blooming here, too...they tend to bloom heaviest from Summer through Winter (they rest in spring).
28 Sep, 2011
It's a bugger of a colour to catch isn't it!
28 Sep, 2011
It sure is...and it drives me nuts!
28 Sep, 2011
I have to fiddle with my cameras settings a few times before it's right - and the light conditions always seem exaggerated with this colour too.
28 Sep, 2011
These digital cameras have so many setting; it's not funny!
I know the white balance and the purple setting is off...and I haven't fixed it yet. :>)
28 Sep, 2011
Downright confusing at times!
28 Sep, 2011
28 Sep, 2011
Re: The Lidl tip they have Heuchera's priced at Two for three Quid in ours and a beaut of a Hebe at £4.50
29 Sep, 2011
It's always worth a look in there.........
29 Sep, 2011
Meanie have just bought one of these plants, it needs re-potting what compost should we use? it has some flowers coming already, also need to know how to take cuttings please, was so pleased, it was in an open garden, and he let us have it for £4.00 it is over two ft tall....
29 Jul, 2012
I just used an airy mix based around ordinary multi-purpose compost.
As far as cuttings go, I shoved young growth into the same mix. It did need bottom heat though to take.
Wherever possible use rain water as opposed to tap water as our tap water left calcium deposits that seeped through the leaves. Never allow it to dry out when in bud.
Enjoy - it's a gem!
29 Jul, 2012
Thanks for your prompt reply, no intentions of buying one of these, but saw one a few weeks ago and was so taken with it, especially the colour!! I could not resist it, one lady had one in her conservatory that was about 8ft tall!! also saw and tried a Physalis obviously the edible kind, have you tried growing them?
29 Jul, 2012
One of those plants that just gets you DD!
29 Jul, 2012
I can well imagine......I think you and one other are the only ones growing it?
29 Jul, 2012
And you've joined the club too DD!
Mine is not looking good this year - it has been rather neglected. That will be addressed next year though when I'll hopefully be on top of the new garden.
29 Jul, 2012
It does take time to get a new garden up and running, we have been at it for 12 years and still not happy with some of it lol
29 Jul, 2012
It will take all those twelve years to get rid of the forget me nots and Primroses here DD!
29 Jul, 2012
Not quite as bad as Japanese knotweed and that very large Carex Pendula!!
30 Jul, 2012
Not that bad!
30 Jul, 2012
Pictures by meanie
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This photo is of "Tibouchina" in Meanie's garden
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That's an amazing colour!
23 Sep, 2011