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Dendrobium "Berry Oda"


By Meanie

Dendrobium "Berry Oda" (Dendrobium kingianum x Dendrobium 'Mini Pearl')

First rebloom on this in a couple of years!
This Dendrobium hybrid ( Dendrobium kingianum x Dendrobium 'Mini Pearl' (=Dendrobium canaliculatum x Dendrobium bigibbum)) has small flowers of 15mm or so.

Comments on this photo


Beautiful picture. Is the pencil planted there? It might grow to grow to make a good bonsai. LOL.

27 Oct, 2011


Thanks Costas!
It's just their to give a sense of scale!

27 Oct, 2011


Very nice, well done you must be well pleased :o)

27 Oct, 2011


Lovely little bloom Meanie and well worth the wait , I'm afraid mine seem to have come to a full stop , I might try the shock treatment of putting them in a cold room when it gets colder then bringing them out again !

27 Oct, 2011


Thanks PA and Amy!
I am pleased PA, and all the keikis that I potted up have taken too!

Amy- do you have this one too?

27 Oct, 2011


i love the colour; rather nice to have smaller flowers.

27 Oct, 2011


Thanks Sticki! This is one of only three named hybrids that I bothered to buy - it was worth paying a little over what I normally do for this one I thought.

27 Oct, 2011



27 Oct, 2011


Blinkin' heck, blink and it's not there, that's tiny.
Good luck with growing the Pencillatum leaddii!

27 Oct, 2011


Meanie I've been out to look at my label it only say Dendrobium I've checked my paperwork and it appears that it is one that has never flowered yet , that pleasure is still to come , I've had it for absolutely ages :o)

27 Oct, 2011


they seem to be growing some orchids in this county now, so they are a bit cheaper than they used to be, but i dont think they have these more specialised sort.

27 Oct, 2011


Thanks Milky!

Lulu - I wondered what that one was called!!!

Amy - If it's one of the Dendrobium phalaenopsis hybrids then they like it a little warmer. So it may well be worth a cool, low light spell. Remember to reduce the watering too. They only flower from new canes.

Sticki - this is dead easy to propagate once you have the parent plant. Bare canes can be cut and stuck in fine orchid compost, or make the plant unhappy as I did (I have two of these, so one stayed indoors in the warm in strong light) and they produce keikis prolifically.

27 Oct, 2011


Thanks for that Meanie , perhaps I should move it into a cooler spare bedroom for the time being ;o)

27 Oct, 2011


ah, thats worth knowing ~ thanks meanie, perhaps i will have a try??

27 Oct, 2011


Amy - Dens appreciate a rest. The canes, as a rule, only flower once so as long as there are canes that haven't it should flower in the spring.

27 Oct, 2011


Actuall Sticki, I think that Amy has grown one of hers from a cane cutting if I recall correctly.........

27 Oct, 2011


i shall look at the photos ~ thank you! impressive amy!!

27 Oct, 2011


i had an Oncidium globuliferum which produced prolific keikis too Meanie.. that's outstanding well done..

28 Oct, 2011


nice new avatar surreylad.

28 Oct, 2011


Such a beauty! I love when all the Dendrobium kingianum bloom at the San Diego Zoo...they fill the trees with blossoms and are gorgeous! You'll have to give me the secret how to grow this mine looks terrible!

29 Oct, 2011


Thanks Delonix!
They need a cool spell! Is it producing plenty of new canes - they generally only flower the once from each cane.

29 Oct, 2011


thanks Sticki :-)

29 Oct, 2011


No I haven't Meanie sorry ! I do roses and Clematis but haven't done any Orchid type plants , perhaps I will try it in the future :o)

29 Oct, 2011


Damn - now I'll have to try to remember who it was.........

29 Oct, 2011



Dendrobium kengianum blooms in the fall and winter here in San Diego. My plant stays outside all year, so it gets enough cool weather in winter. It used to bloom every year like I can't get it to grow. I'm pretty close to tossing it in the trash and buying a new one.

30 Oct, 2011


Probably time to start a new plant from cuttings then!

30 Oct, 2011


I can't take cuttings. I'll post a photo to show you what the plant looks like...the plant shrunk. lol!

30 Oct, 2011


Aaahhhh - I "look" forward to the photo!

30 Oct, 2011


I'll post a pics tomorrow. I looked at it today and it looks like it may be a goner. :>(

31 Oct, 2011

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This photo is of species Dendrobium kingianum x Dendrobium 'Mini Pearl'.

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This photo is of "Dendrobium "Berry Oda"" in Meanie's garden

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