By Amy

27 Oct, 2011
Planted on the birth of our Granddaughter Elloise ..
She will be 12 next week ~~
Comments on this photo
It will Sheila , we have another one in the garden planted when our grandson was born he is 13 this week making it a year older than this one and it is taller , I don't know how tall they can grow up to I looked it up in one of my books but it didn't state that fact !
27 Oct, 2011
What a beautiful Stately tree it has made, lovely colour;0)
27 Oct, 2011
WOW Amy, it's a beauty, look at that Autumn colour.
My Tulip Tree (Liriodendron) has been with us for 9 years now and I keep hoping for flowers .... one day.
27 Oct, 2011
Lovely autumn colour! :o)
27 Oct, 2011
Thank you It's one of my favs. Carole , What a treat to have a Tulip Tree Dawn do you know how long it takes before they flower lets hope it won't be long :o)
Thanks Plantoholic the colours are lovely .......
27 Oct, 2011
what a lovely thing to do ~ plant a tree for your granddaughter and what a beautiful tree.
27 Oct, 2011
Hi Amy, I think I've read between 8 and 12 years. We'll see, live in hope, bit like waiting for walnuts, lol
27 Oct, 2011
Beautiful colour and Shape
27 Oct, 2011
Lovely tree & what a wonderful way to celebrate the births of your grandchildren.
27 Oct, 2011
Sticki the childrens like to know which is 'their' tree :o)
You should be expecting something to happen soon then Dawn , do you have a Handkerchief tree ? they are lovely......Thanks Brian and Dwyllis I liked the idea and I know the children do :o))
27 Oct, 2011
well its a great idea and how very lovely that they are interested too.
last year i sent a christmas card that included a tiny baby tree ~ i dont know if you have seen them ~ it was to a lovely lady who has 3 children ~ 2 of them got married within 3 months ~ i thought she might like to remember the year by planting a tree!!! she loved it.
27 Oct, 2011
I haven't seen cards like that Sticky it sounds a great idea I'm sure it's a very welcome gift card .....
27 Oct, 2011
Given me an idea for when my little Great Grandson arrives Amy;0))
27 Oct, 2011
Stunning shape and colour Amy, the leaf shape is so pretty too. Such a great idea a tree each for the grandchildren....:o)
27 Oct, 2011
Oh Yes Carole a perfect solution ( I have noted that it's Grandson ) Thanks Janey , we had one tree for our oldest Granddaughter at our last house/garden we had to dig it up to bring it with us when we moved ,luckily it survived and always flowers on her birthday .......
27 Oct, 2011
Stunning Autumn colour, it has grown rather a lot in 12 years, a lovely idea to plant trees on the birth of your grandchildren, we have a tulip tree Dawn it would be amazing to see a flower on it, we live in hope.
27 Oct, 2011
gorgeous colour..lovely looking tree
28 Oct, 2011
I agree with all the comments Amy, you must have a large garden..lucky you...:>)
28 Oct, 2011
Thanks Angela it has grown a lot quite quickly , lucky you having a tulip tree I hope you are able to see flowers before to long
Thanks Skips certainly adds a brightness at this time of the year ..We have half an acre Motinot ,not so big but it still takes a lot of looking after :o))
28 Oct, 2011
A beautiful tree.
28 Oct, 2011
Thanks Carol :o)
28 Oct, 2011
Hi Amy, no I havent got a Handkerchief Tree, hmmmm may have to look into it.
How long have you had yours Dotty? Looking out of the window at mine now and its glowing gold, lovely arent they.
30 Oct, 2011
Lovely tree, Amy...
It seems your grandchildren's trees are taller than they are !
Lucky they were both born at a good time of year for tree planting ... not in the deep snow ... or heat of the summer ..
2 Nov, 2011
Thanks TT .. the two that the Liquid Ambers were bought for were born within a week of each other 1 year apart ! one was 28th Oct the other 3rd Nov. it's been parties all week plus a Bonfire party here this Sat. night .. we don't have any animals near us so it's an excuse to born our garden rubbish .. :o)
2 Nov, 2011
Lol... one never-ending party at Amy's place ;o)
2 Nov, 2011
A beautiful tree,really nice.
13 Aug, 2013
Thanks Lynda ,the lovely autumn colour is what makes it special :o)
13 Aug, 2013
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Featured on: trees autumn colour plants
This photo is of species Styraciflua.
This photo is of "Liquidamber " in Amy's garden
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Brilliant . . . what a beautiful tree! Do you think it will get much bigger?
27 Oct, 2011