Stevie The Terrible's Feminine Side
By Lilcrawford

18 Nov, 2011
I believe the title says it all ;)
Comments on this photo
Me too but great wrok!
18 Nov, 2011
lovely mosaic, very clever but im sure that's not stevie's lipstick!!!
18 Nov, 2011
Heehee! :))
18 Nov, 2011
Oh wow! I think it's your best yet!!!! Keep on mosaicing girl! I did love the jeans one too.........
18 Nov, 2011
I think your owl is your best yet too, Lulu (that I've seen) girls are getting into your grooooove!!! :)))
18 Nov, 2011
Maybe I should post you (LiL) the painting I did of an Angel I saw years back, maybe you could mosaic her!!!
18 Nov, 2011
Thanks Karen!! x
18 Nov, 2011
I speak as I see :)))))))) x
18 Nov, 2011
Any ideas as for what mosaic next?!!
18 Nov, 2011
Do you fancy doing something exotic, Lou?!
18 Nov, 2011
Flora and fauna - I don't mean dancing or cigar rolling! lol!!! :))))
18 Nov, 2011
Thanks ladies!!!
Sticki, that is the exact 'red' of Stevie's lipstick if he were feminine ;)
What about the dragon Lulu? Seeing the detail you've accomplished with the owl, think that would be fab!
The sudden change in style is bc I'm entering 2 pieces into an art show for the month of December!! This one and the Levi's Lou. So glad you like!
18 Nov, 2011
how about Gandalf or someone from Lord of the Rings?
18 Nov, 2011
So...This is the other piece, Pictures of both when hung would be good. Amazing where inspiration comes from, who would have thought all those little quips between you and Stevie TT. would result in this ? ;0))
18 Nov, 2011
Or the villagers from Badagry Creek? Oops! Sorry, Pimpernel - both posted at the same time!
18 Nov, 2011
No Pimp, this is not 'the other one' but yet a different one. If you would just join this century and stop being soooo bashful and join FB, you would know that :)
Wait until you see what you have inspired Pimp :)
18 Nov, 2011
<<<<Mind's all a bogglin' now !
18 Nov, 2011
o; uGWE YFWEUKDVG mnc\jkb.cD
19 Nov, 2011
WHAT!!!!!!!!!, sorry that was the shock of my hands grabing the keyboard in shock at what I have just seen on my screen : 0
I think I am going to need a moment to think about what I think about this!!!! I find I suddenly need to go to the toilet
19 Nov, 2011
Lol!!! That's what you get for pulling on my pigtails Stevie! Disappointed though, no 'like'? :(
19 Nov, 2011
Ok, well er ok, just ran out of tissues but I think I'm ok for the moment
Ok well FIRSTly 'Lil' you know it took all my strength not to post the comment what I was going to comment on you last pic, which would have been something along the lines of 'Lil this is the most fantastic mosaic of an angel i have ever seen, well done, shame about all that crap on the table'! but no, I resisted, thinking poor ol Lil she might be feeling a bit fragile so I did the decent chivalrous thing and quietly and respectfully clicked 'like' and moved away.
and now there I was just taking a sip of my tea, chugging along on this quiet saturday morning, clicking to this and then spitting it out (all over my keyboard) in SHEEERR (deliberately spelt like that) disbelief and what I was seeing.
So here's me good ol macho man Stevie (I own a Royal Enfield 350 dontya knows) with my own polymancave where I retreat from the world, especially any woman, making extremely highly unskilled bodged creations with pallets, loving the sheer unadulterated pleasure of whacking total overkill numbers of screws into it in some kind of delightful male rage, and here I am
portrayed as some kind of trans/sexual/genger/bending/chutneyblending/crossdressing/lipstickwearin/lipsmackin/thirst quenchin/ace tastin/motivatin/good buzzin/cool talkin/high HEEL walkin/fast livin/ever givin - cool fizzin MOSAIC!!!!
(me and Stick -
Well you know I guess its like when you are a bit nervous going for an interview and someone says 'just imagine they have no clothes' well thats good advice, but you dont then go and make a MOSAIC out of it!!!!
and you wouldn't then walk into that interview and say 'hey guys, look I've made a mosaic about you, look its an orgy scene, do I get the job?' no
Right well thats it, where the hells my pen n paper.......'Dear WI......'
19 Nov, 2011
and definitely under NO circumstances and I clicking 'like' on this one, and neither is anyone else allowed to either, you hear me everyone!!! I'm warning you WI lot, dont push me...I think you'll find I have more Chutney on my side of the fence...ha
19 Nov, 2011
and another thing if I took a pic of this with my old camera that 'red' as you call it wouldn't come out properly so it doesn't isnt there.
19 Nov, 2011
ok well she does look quite attractive, if she were alive i might invite her over to the polycave but I'm not saying I would let her in you understand oh no.
All you gotta do now is bring her to life ; )
19 Nov, 2011
OMG!!!!! I have not laughed this hard with some sort of moisture squirting from my eyes since I don't know when!!!!
PLEASE Stevie, PLEASE move to Canada!!!! I'll take your show on the road and we will make millions!
Have to go back now and see what the bloody hell you are referring to about crap on the table.
Don't push me any more Stevie. You've got me thinking now about an orgy scene with you of course as the star ;)
19 Nov, 2011
Absolutely fabulous Lil really totally different to your others but superb, sorry Stevie think you look kinda groovy:)
19 Nov, 2011
Re: 'me and Stick -'
have you managed to find a translator yet??
19 Nov, 2011
oh deary me!
19 Nov, 2011
What would the Stevie ( as in Nicks) show be like? Lil...Sell me the ticket.
19 Nov, 2011
Thanks Nana, been missing you.
Sticki, translation would be flagged and then prompltly deleted :)
All is good Lu!
Aw Pimp. Still waiting to hear if Stevie will take me up on my offer but I will definitely keep a VIP seat reserved for you, you that is always so gentle and kind :)
Stevie, please never change :)
19 Nov, 2011
well when I was young I did have quite big eyelashes : 0
I'm off to rev my bike now....
Nana, what are you clicking like for!!!!!
19 Nov, 2011
Vroom, vroom!!!!!!
Nana obviously has excellent taste :)
19 Nov, 2011
Email on it's way Lil..
19 Nov, 2011
like AND in favourites!!!
19 Nov, 2011
Atta girl Lu :) Think we should all vote for this to be the upcomung GoY Calendar cover.
Email received Pimp. Now if I only knew how to manipulate pics......baahaahaaa ;)
19 Nov, 2011
Lol..I am off for a bottle....I am still pretty , less hair.
19 Nov, 2011
Has he gone? Is it okay to press 'like' now?...
(gorge mosaic, Lil!)
19 Nov, 2011
Well Pimp of course you're still pretty, hair or not ;)
Oh Libet, you cheeky, cheeky girl. Beware the wrath!!!! (I think it may be his 'time').
20 Nov, 2011
How's the new one comin' along Lil? Pity I can't press like again!!
20 Nov, 2011
I've got my eyes on that 'like' panel folks, it was at 10 last time I lo....14!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
20 Nov, 2011
Looks like you'll have to make more Chutney Stevie!
Off to start the new one now Lu. Pressure is on!
20 Nov, 2011
A bit of slap didn't do Alice Cooper's career any harm - I don't know why Stevie's got his Calvin's in such a twist. Must be his hormones.
Nice mosaic Lil.
20 Nov, 2011
20 Nov, 2011
Now Stevie, how many times dear boy have I told you not to go off of your meds? You know you don't react well emotionally. Looks like you've made some lovely friends here (particularly this Lilcrawford, looks a peach). Do you want a repeat of your school days Stevie where you had no friends? All because you would get so emotional! You're Da still blames me! As if dressing you as a wee lassie was responsible. I only did it until you started school. What harm is what I say. Now stop this nonsense and mind your manners! And yes, I did in fact click the like button!! Would do it again if I could figure out how to.
Will see you at Christmas dear. Don't forget to bring the chutney.
PS I think its a very good rendering of you when you were in high school. Did you know this Lilcrawford then? She wasn't one of those girls you 'got into trouble', was she? :0 :0 :0 :0 :0
21 Nov, 2011
welcome to GoY Mrs TT :0))
Read your profile. you Mothers and your apron strings !
Looking forward to the garden pictures and the inevitable photo of the Wee tyke Stevie.
21 Nov, 2011
Stevie s Mum? Kidding no!?
21 Nov, 2011
this is getting weird !?!?!!? :-{
21 Nov, 2011
so it's not Stevies mum then?? Mrs TT.........
21 Nov, 2011
I dont think so!
21 Nov, 2011
naughty Mrs TT
21 Nov, 2011
The only thing my mother knows how to do on a computer is play patience! in fact that is the ONLY thing she would ever do on a computer. There is also the minor details of her not having a computer or internet connection!! (and we have never had a cat!!)
Hmmm joined in Nov2011 : 0 and lives in a county she has never been too!!! suspicious no?
21 Nov, 2011
21 Nov, 2011
21 Nov, 2011
21 Nov, 2011
Aha! lol!
21 Nov, 2011
21 Nov, 2011
love this one Lil, your so talented, hope your selling lots at the garden place ;o))
29 Dec, 2011
Thanks Sanbaz! Have sold 3 so far in the GC but won't get paid until they re-open in March!!!
Hope Stevie doesn't come after you for clicking like :)
29 Dec, 2011
Pictures by lilcrawford
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Completely lost on me, Lil...but nice mosaic! :)
18 Nov, 2011