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Full moon

Full moon

Finally I got a picture that is more than a white circle on a black background!!
thanks to meanie and pimpernel! and a bit of help from google.

Comments on this photo


Wow....Brilliant one Sticky......

9 Dec, 2011


thanks milky, must have tried 100 times or more!!!

9 Dec, 2011


Blooming Ace Sticki... PM on it's way

9 Dec, 2011


thanks pimpernel

9 Dec, 2011


WOOOOOOOOOOW Fantastic Sticki :o))))))

9 Dec, 2011


job done Sticki, difficult subject & a steady shot.

9 Dec, 2011


Great Picture...

9 Dec, 2011


Smashing picture Sticki...I've tried lots of times to get a great shot of the moon but all turn our cra**y

9 Dec, 2011


Just put my best effort up with the info for you.

9 Dec, 2011
gfreat shot! :)

9 Dec, 2011


had another go and put that on too ~ thanks again meanie, been trying to get one of these for absolutely ages.

9 Dec, 2011


brilliant, be right back with moon pics i hope, never been able to get one myself haha

9 Dec, 2011


Well it's 3.47am and have tried but just a white smudge :o)))))))))

10 Dec, 2011


N3tyy - most digital cameras are limited by the sensor and software. You'll need to use the manual option.

Start here;
ISO 400

10 Dec, 2011


What time are you two up?

10 Dec, 2011


lovely photo sticki...i noticed the lovely moon last night and thought it looked particularly cheerful! :))

10 Dec, 2011


there was a partial eclipse tjhis afternoon but we didnt see it as was cloudy..did you see it?

10 Dec, 2011


thanks karen, no pixi it was cloudy here too

how were the roads on the way to your dad's

10 Dec, 2011


See blog..oh you have lol :)))))

10 Dec, 2011


yep, just found it.

10 Dec, 2011


No Pixi...I knew nothing about a partial eclipse...sorry!

11 Dec, 2011


Your patience paid off Sticki a Great picture ;0)

11 Dec, 2011


Well I heard it on the radio going up to Dads..they said around 3pm would be best to see..I never saw a thing lol..actually I forgot about it. But at 3pm I was in the framers getting the pic framed for Dave's Christmas.

11 Dec, 2011


Love the new picture pixi, just put my tree up!

11 Dec, 2011


very nice Sticki...

11 Dec, 2011


I want to try one of those silhouette type pictures next with the tree and the moon but it's been cloudy ever since.

11 Dec, 2011


when i saw these today i though must give it a try as it's been clear as a bell here, guess what.... it's now piddling down... hey ho maybe tomorrow :-)

11 Dec, 2011


Same here, but forecast says dry at 9pm???

11 Dec, 2011


sounds good then :-)

11 Dec, 2011


I brought my tree down from the attic..but that's as far as I got lol...need a break!

11 Dec, 2011


Well done Stickie, but full moon, Ooer should I be scared! lol.

15 Dec, 2011


thanks rose, im sure i heard on the radio that the moon is moving slightly further away each year ~ so we should take our chances now before it is too small to see.

15 Dec, 2011


I hope you will teach me how to do it. Mine moons are always just blurred white spots in the total darkness.

20 Dec, 2011


yes mine always were katarina, can you alter many settings on your camera?

20 Dec, 2011


Yes, very many. Also there is one, claimig "dark", but when I turned the setting to this one, there was just pitch-dark photo, lol.

20 Dec, 2011

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