Viola odorata
By Meanie

6 Jan, 2012
In bloom already!
Comments on this photo
nice little flowers, i have some down my side garden..
6 Jan, 2012
Thanks Sticki - March would be normal...........
Rather spreading though SL!
6 Jan, 2012
Stunning Meanie......
6 Jan, 2012
Oh wow off to check mine tomorrow, did notice tulips poking through today and the first snowdrops and hellebores about to open :-)
6 Jan, 2012
I will go check on mine tomorrow too...
Beautiful plant and picture Meanie.
6 Jan, 2012
Thanks Milky, Simbad and Alex!
They've been at it a while (they were hidden by my Sollya) as there are a few deadheads on it.
6 Jan, 2012
Great pic Meanie, I am almost tempted to grow them again..I had them in my last garden and they went everywhere...why did they ever get the name" Shrinking Violets"
6 Jan, 2012
Thanks Pimpernel! One thing that they're not is "shrinking Violets"!
BTW Sticki - these are good in shady gardens!
6 Jan, 2012
Fab. pic.
6 Jan, 2012
I thought that and I do have a few but not many at all and none that I have seen this year?!
6 Jan, 2012
Thank you Grandmage!
Maybe it's the clay Sticki...........
6 Jan, 2012
I haven't got clay, so that's what they like is it? Maybe they like damp shade? I have dry shade.
6 Jan, 2012
I didn't have clay..Or damp shade, though that is how they grow best in my Mums garden, she made the mistake of taking some from is rampant in her neighbours garden as well now. They both love it.
6 Jan, 2012
Sos Sticki - I thought that you had clay! It does like moisture though...........
6 Jan, 2012
I think the trees take all the moisture, i think you call this soil almost friable? It's very free draining, almost sandy like but slightly acidic.
Very pretty flowers especially when photographed like this!
7 Jan, 2012
Thanks Sticki!
7 Jan, 2012
I have to say at least half the pleasure I get from flowers is the photo opportunities!
7 Jan, 2012
There is something in that!
7 Jan, 2012
Nice :)
7 Jan, 2012
Oh isn't that just gorgeous , I can't wait to go outside to see if mine are coming yet .......
7 Jan, 2012
Oh, I could look at this photo for ages ... it's a beauty, Meanie ... :o)
7 Jan, 2012
Thank you Severnside and Amy!
7 Jan, 2012
Thank you Shirley!
7 Jan, 2012
Great picture, Meanie....
8 Jan, 2012
Thank you Rbtkew!
8 Jan, 2012
Such a great close up! The plant is doing very well.
8 Jan, 2012
Thank you Delonix!
9 Jan, 2012
I was just thinking, viola odorata, is that anything to do with it's scent?
9 Jan, 2012
I think so sticki, it's called Sweet Violet as well.
9 Jan, 2012
and sweet scented violet?
9 Jan, 2012
My Latin isn't that good!
9 Jan, 2012
i was guessing odorous???
9 Jan, 2012
Beautiful little flower whose scent can fill a room.
9 Jan, 2012
Aren't they quite tasty too Lulu?
9 Jan, 2012
How nice to see and how early for it to be out... :)
9 Jan, 2012
Haven't tried one but I do remember violet sweeties! Loved them!
9 Jan, 2012
oh yes, palma violets??
9 Jan, 2012
Just checked and they taste like nectar..........
Thanks Holly - it seemed early to me!
9 Jan, 2012
you ate it???
9 Jan, 2012
I ate one!
9 Jan, 2012
flowers and young leaves are fine....The roots can make you vomit...
9 Jan, 2012
So just the petals and it tastes like nectar?
9 Jan, 2012
I just took the whole flower and left the roots alone!
9 Jan, 2012
Leaves taste as good as petals?
9 Jan, 2012
Lovely colour
9 Jan, 2012
Young leaves not the old ones, in salad and the flower. You can make Violet tea with the new leaves as well.
9 Jan, 2012
i thought maybe float some in fruit salad??
9 Jan, 2012
Flowers ? Infuse a yoghurt..?
9 Jan, 2012
ooooooh nice! i love yoghurt.
real custard might work too?
and then maybe creme fraiche??
and as an edible decoration on a cheesecake
9 Jan, 2012
So everything ends up with food then!!!!!
9 Jan, 2012
oooooooooops, sorry meanie but you did eat the plant.
9 Jan, 2012
I know - it was like pushing a button!!!
9 Jan, 2012
with certain people including me yes thats true.
so im predictable???
9 Jan, 2012
I wonder, what are the properties of violet tea?
it's a pity I have so many seeded unscented ones, I don't want to eat the one batch of scented variety that I have!
9 Jan, 2012
Thanks Homebird!
Sticki - easily led astray!
9 Jan, 2012
Don't worry Lulu - it'll soon be a big invasive patch!
9 Jan, 2012
well then you shouldnt tempt me ~ i wont mention food unless you do first.??
9 Jan, 2012
I can't help it!
Been thinking about Brie and bacon sarnies all day!
9 Jan, 2012
thats really made me laugh, so glad its not only me.
they are gooooooooood, needs a sauce???
made that coconut pud again tonight, its such a good recipe.
have you tried st vernier [i think] cheese? comes in a small pot and the skin is washed in wine. nice.
9 Jan, 2012
I had the tinned pears and Stilton...Yum
9 Jan, 2012
the sort i made pimpernel?? i did a slice of tinned pear and coated it in stilton and goats cheese then rolled it in toasted walnuts ~ yes a bit fiddly but it was for a new years eve party ~ hoped it looked like a yule log??? albeit rather smaller.
9 Jan, 2012
You guys are sick!! Pears and Stilton!!!
And Sticki - sauce with Brie de Maux, proper homesmoked bacon and artisan bread!!!! What would you have me do - plop a dollop of ketchup in there!!??
I will be looking out for the St.Vernier though - Waitrose?
9 Jan, 2012
NO not ketchup, just needed a tad of something piquant i thought???
pears and stilton work well. so does nice stilton on its own.
'Jean Perrin fully expresses the 'terroir' of the Jura mountains. The cheese is made from the milk of local Montbelliardes cows and its rind is washed with a white wine made from the Savagnin grape. This brings to St Vernier both its unique flavour and creamy texture' yes waitrose and therefore ocado too.
9 Jan, 2012
"NO not ketchup, just needed a tad of something piquant i thought???"
Never mess with perfection!
9 Jan, 2012
How close to Bewdley are you? I think that this place may do Brie de Meaux.............
9 Jan, 2012
wow fabulous picture, worth a trip at the weekend i would say. although london this weekend.
oldest son had one of those cheese wedding cakes ~ very nice and it was served in the evening alongside bacon baps ~ you would have loved it.
9 Jan, 2012
Classic pear and Stilton!.
9 Jan, 2012
Sticki - that is what I call a wedding cake!
You're not selling it to me Pimpernel!
10 Jan, 2012
yes i thought it would appeal!!
he loves cheese and i think part of the enjoyment was choosing and tasting which he would have on each layer. he went to a specialist cheese shop in london. Granted it doesnt look pretty but its much more workable, everyone enjoyed it, son got to have lots of cheese later which didnt go off and people still talk about it!!!
10 Jan, 2012
I have a mate who has his own butchers shop - talking a few months ago ago business and he said trade was good, but margins were poor, so I suggested that the only decent place for cheese was Waitrose. I gave him some Brie de Meaux to try. He has now switched his supplier, stocks the king of Brie's, and now can't get cheese in fast enough. Next to the cheeses are his home prepared cooked and cured meats (only place in town that does Haslet). What has happened is that people have said to friends that you must go in there for such and such a cheese, and once they're in there he has them buying meat and they're converted to ditching s/market meat.
Why am I telling you this? You should have seen the christmas hamper that he gave me as a thank you for that one conversation!
10 Jan, 2012
that is fantastic, and i would love to visit that sort of shop, you deserve that hamper, and yes i would love to have seen that too!!
have you thought of going into business consultations??
haslet!! ages since i had that, nice stuff.
10 Jan, 2012
It's a proper old fashioned butchers - only one around here with a game license, only place that can tell you the slaughter date of the premium beef. 60% (and rising) locally reared stock.
10 Jan, 2012
hopefully thats the sort of shop that will do well, thats the sort i like ~ people who love and know their stuff.
has to be really good to do well but sounds like this one is on the way ~ well done you!! he ought to be giving you some shares!!
btw how do you get superglue off your fingers, im trying to do two things at once and now i have glue stuck to me!!
10 Jan, 2012
Nail varnish remover and a stanley knife blade! Rub the remover in with a q-tip and use the blade to gently lift. Can be done with the remover alone, just takes longer!
10 Jan, 2012
Thanks! have to search the cupboard, there ought to be some remover in there somewhere, not something i use cos i dont wear nail varnish.
10 Jan, 2012
Me neither, so I keep some paint thinners from the bodyshop that we use..........
10 Jan, 2012
well you do surprise me!!!
i have white spirit ~ will that work?
10 Jan, 2012
I believe the active compound is acetane (not sure of spelling) which would not be present in white spirit. No harm in trying.........
10 Jan, 2012
ah ok, yes that makes sense, acetane is the stuff you can smell!! the alcohol might work?
10 Jan, 2012
Smells rather nice I think!!
10 Jan, 2012
if you like that sort of thing
prefer bacon sandwich smell myself!!!
10 Jan, 2012
Is Sticki still stuck?
Pear and Stilton...........yeah!
11 Jan, 2012
no it washed off eventually thanks lulu, with the help of a bit of cleaner and alcohol!!
11 Jan, 2012
Cleaned your finger then drank some alcohol!!
11 Jan, 2012
um not quite!! the gin helped take the glue off??? maybe. i didnt even lick my fingers!!
11 Jan, 2012
Delightful capture.......
14 Jan, 2012
Thanks DD!
15 Jan, 2012
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what a lovely little flower and a very nice photo.
was thinking it was a shame i didnt spot any devon violets while is was down there! do these normally come out in march??
6 Jan, 2012