Morning sun on the frost

14 Jan, 2012
Round the corner from me
Comments on this photo
I hope you were well wrapped up , Stevie .
14 Jan, 2012
Couldn't be anywhere else but England could it !
14 Jan, 2012
Looks serene..............
14 Jan, 2012
Lovely shot.
14 Jan, 2012
WOnderful pic.. dont know how i missed this...seem to be missing a whole lot of pics..ho I check every day..very weird. :)
16 Jan, 2012
Thanks folks, wasnt that cold with the sun out, Amy, agree (but could also be wales ; )
Pixi, It should tell on your news page when pics come on : )
16 Jan, 2012
Yeah it SHOULD! Hmm missed loads over the past few days, however getting thorugh them now :)))
16 Jan, 2012
awwwww, you have a stream just round the corner from youi? and fields, and proper trees, and ... and ... (sits here slowly going green wthi envy)
22 Jan, 2012
The river Usk is not to far, will walk it someday this year : )
22 Jan, 2012
Missed this great photo! Maybe I will join you for a River Usk walk, with 3 dogs in tow!
27 Jan, 2012
How could you miss THIS?? Lulu ; )
sounds like a good plan, how are you bearing up dear?
27 Jan, 2012
I missed it 'cos I been not on GoY much!
Been bored stiff and sore but today spent 4 hours re photographing my mosaics, posted them on facebook and only one comment - BAH!
Thinking about joining an online art gallery called They take 35% but what the heck, hike my prices up.....need to sell!
Must look at a map sometime to see how far away you are, being....somewhere in the middle of Monmouthshire!
27 Jan, 2012
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Featured on: frost
This photo is of "Misc 2012" in Stevietheterrible's garden
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looks nice and peaceful - bliss!!! Cold but loving the sunshine of late
14 Jan, 2012