Another Hellebore!
By Grandmage

11 Feb, 2012
Couldnt resist this one and it took me ages to choose, i really love the double ones but they are very expensive. As these have been grown at the GC under cover I am keeping this one in my porch for now, I will plant it up come Spring!
Comments on this photo
my name is Granmage ! Lol but thanks Linda.!
11 Feb, 2012
GG. that is stunning. Does it have a name please? Its really beautiful!
11 Feb, 2012 must have thought it was bound to be me with all my hellebore pics! :))
11 Feb, 2012
Karen thought that was funny too, i adore Hellebore too. going to look on the label now.
11 Feb, 2012
thanks! The colour is just gorgeous!
11 Feb, 2012
Hi there its called 'Haryington pink speckled' bred by Harvington.!
11 Feb, 2012
Beautiful GM!
I've seen so many on here that I've decided I want some. Do you know the 'common' name?
11 Feb, 2012
THanks Lil, Sometimes they are called Christmas rose, not sure what others might call them!! Scroll to bottom of page and click on H. then click on Hellebore and see some of the photos there! Woweeeeee....
11 Feb, 2012
That is so pretty G.mage or whatever your name is! Lol.
Sent you a PM .:o)
11 Feb, 2012
Lovely colour!
11 Feb, 2012
Thats lovely GM....Fab colour.. Also Known as the Lenten Rose Ms Crawford. I didn't want to type Lenten rose Lily..sounds confusing.
11 Feb, 2012
Yes, Helleborus Niger is the Christmas Rose and Helleborus Hybridus and Orientalis are Lenten Roses. Then there's the Stinking Hellebore...H. Foetidus, which is beautiful and taller with flowers over the winter - green flowers, sometimes edged maroon, and the Corsican Hellebore, H. Argutifolius which has very hard grey/green leaves and paler green/yellowish green flowers very early. That's all the ones I know there are more!
11 Feb, 2012
Karen has it bad..!
11 Feb, 2012
lol...have you only just noticed Pimps? ;)
11 Feb, 2012
11 Feb, 2012
so lovely!
11 Feb, 2012
LOL B !! and Thanks all, Michaella,Pim & Karen (alias. Ms. Wikipedia!!) Paul & San. There are far too many to choose at the GC right now, I wanted them all but @ £8.99 each................
11 Feb, 2012
Of course you couldn't resist, Gran, it's absolutely gorgeous!! Money well spent . . . :))
11 Feb, 2012
Thanks Gill and Pimp, very helpful.
I think I'll be needing you to come along with me to my GC when it opens KS.....
11 Feb, 2012
I agree Sheila they are worth their weight! Lil if you lived closer we could all help!
11 Feb, 2012
Lil look at member Naoto and check the video link. The Video sold me on these flowers.
11 Feb, 2012
IF Gill, IF......the dreaded IF word!
I'll just have to check in a few weeks at my GC bc I don't recall ever having seen these here.
11 Feb, 2012
Ah ok Pimp, will do.
11 Feb, 2012
Grandmage, that is really beautiful . . . a very good choice. :-))
13 Feb, 2012
Hi Muddy, thank you, poor little thing I purchased it at the wrong time really but in the GC they all looked so beautiful just had to take one home!!
13 Feb, 2012
H.b. they were all calling but I had to try very hard not to listen. Lol
13 Feb, 2012
Areal beauty Grandma, I wouldnt have been able to resist that one;0)
13 Feb, 2012
wow! very lovely!wish to see this flowers!!
14 Feb, 2012
Thank you Pp. I think its because they are the 1st. flower of the new season that we all like them, they are so beautiful. Thank you Junna, they are very special, glad you like them.
14 Feb, 2012
Lovely flowers and so early too
18 Feb, 2012
They are early Lindak, think thats why we all like them so much.
18 Feb, 2012
I'll have to try to find a corner in my very small garden for one.
19 Feb, 2012
Ooooohh yes you will, Lin. or maybe two or three ! Lol
19 Feb, 2012
:0) Just bought an agapanthus and a Nerine and put into pots. Tried growing them in the garden without success.
19 Feb, 2012
I always find Ag. like to be in pots anyway and I suppose Nerine do too, lovely, i like pots never can have too many!
19 Feb, 2012
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It is really lovely Karen
11 Feb, 2012