Tree House
By Lilcrawford

8 Mar, 2012
A home in town. Wonder how their foundation is??
Comments on this photo
Nice to be close to nature,but there is a limit ! ..:o)
8 Mar, 2012
Oh my! lolol
8 Mar, 2012
What came first . . the tree or the house? :-))
8 Mar, 2012
I see young cedars planted right next to houses and cringe. That pic is the ultimate...
8 Mar, 2012
Hope if they have a dog,it gets a bit further than the tree, for relief ! :o)
8 Mar, 2012
Blinking Dinks lol:)
8 Mar, 2012
Lol, ''hi honey I'm home....hey where are you?'', ''hi dear, didn't hear you, I was in the other room?''
8 Mar, 2012
Do you think the tree has a conservation order on it??
8 Mar, 2012
I get the feeling from the picture that stepping through the front door is simultaneous to stepping out of the back door.
8 Mar, 2012
8 Mar, 2012
You are all too funny!!
Good question Linda. I wouldn't be surprised if it did!
8 Mar, 2012
Oooh! That's close!
9 Mar, 2012
''and another thing, I told you not to plant that bloody tree, oh no you said, we'll only be here for a couple of years then we'll trade up to a bigger place''
''come on love we've got a bedroom and a living/dining/study/kitchen/reception room what more do we need''?
''ok love sorry, didn't mean to raise my voice, its just sometimes the ten kids get a bit under my feet''
9 Mar, 2012
Lol Stevie, I didn't realize you had been married ;)
9 Mar, 2012
so you've decided I have been married AND divorced!!?!
9 Mar, 2012
Ummmm, yessssss..... :\
9 Mar, 2012
They could have built a tree house Stevie. :o)
10 Mar, 2012
Having just had subsidence fixed in our house due to our street tree causing major problems, this pic. did make me laugh!!
13 Mar, 2012
I read that subsidence is caused by the tree taking all the water out of the soil, worst on clay, so that it shrinks. Most people think it's the roots themselves, but apparently not always.
14 Mar, 2012
Well 7, the roots were under our foundations and we are on clay soil and then they take up all the moisture, we had our house monitored for over a year before anything could be done, it took a total of 4 years to get sorted.
14 Mar, 2012
That sure is a little house. I wonder whose bright idea that was ! The tree looks quite old so it must have been there first. We have a scots pine not far from our back door which is very very old, but the roots go straight down looking for water as ours is sandy soil. (so I've been told!)
I'll have to put a picture of it on my page.
14 Mar, 2012
4 years GM, crikey. Was that because you had to make a claim against the council over their tree? What was the eventual work that solved it?
14 Mar, 2012
Yes 7, loads of letters back and forth, via insurance co. they had to dig up our path under the windows and take soil samples, that took over a year, they needed the four seasons to evaluate damage. Then they had to contact the council to take the tree down, that took ages, more letters etc. then our house was fixed and it is now fine! It is so much better without the tree invading our home, the branches were five feet from our front windows.
14 Mar, 2012
Glad it's ended well after that protraction GM, lucky it wasn't listed...
14 Mar, 2012
Screeeeeeaaaammmm ! So glad it wasnt too!!
15 Mar, 2012
What would that have meant if it were listed?
15 Mar, 2012
Hi Lil, A tree has a preservation order put on it so that nothing can happen to it, ie. be taken down, pruned. lopped etc.......
Got this from google.
What is a tree preservation order?
It is an order made by the Council which in general makes it an offence to cut down, top, lop, uproot, wilfully damage or wilfully destroy a tree without the planning authority's permission
15 Mar, 2012
Ah ok, thanks Gill. Understand the scream now!! :)
15 Mar, 2012
Lol :~) That would have meant also that we would never be able to move from here even in old age(approaching fast!) because no body would want to buy our house!
15 Mar, 2012
I'm all for the preservation of green space, but sometimes it can be taken too far.
15 Mar, 2012
Only Lil if the tree is in the right place, say in a park/field or open space. Sometimes people do it to b....minded.
15 Mar, 2012
house looks so tiny next to tree Lil, but tree must have been there first judging by the size, so more fool them for building next to it :o))
18 Mar, 2012
Think you are right Sandra, though the house really is tiny :)
18 Mar, 2012
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Ha ha hah! Tiny house!
8 Mar, 2012