Tete-a-Tete and pansies
By Franl155

21 Mar, 2012
Three weeks on - hadn't been out for a couple of days, suddenly noticed them blooming.
Comments on this photo
lol it did indeed! was worried that they'd not be happy with so many of them in so small a pot, : okay, they'll bloom, or they wouldn't sell, but wasn't sure about taking them out and repotting them; didn't want to disturb them if they were (fairly) close to blooming. Now I'll be watching them daily and appreciating them!
21 Mar, 2012
Hi Fran ..That's a pretty pic ! :o)))
21 Mar, 2012
thank you! *s* tried several shots, with them at different levels, this one worked best
21 Mar, 2012
Yes.. very nice .. good photo !
added to GoYpedia.
21 Mar, 2012
ooh, ta! *s* I did rememebr tha suggestion in a blog, to try to shoot upwards against the sky, but that didn't work - it was only against the fence, which isn't so pretty, and holding the plant with one hand and the camera in the other produced some very blurry pics!
21 Mar, 2012
GoYpedia is about the subject matter, not a photographic competition .. Lol.
...so it doesn't have to be an "artistic" photo ... just a reasonably clear picture of the plants etc.
21 Mar, 2012
lol David Bailey I ain't! I'm so glad for digital cameras: I do'nt have to send a roll of film off, pay for it, and only then find out that I've got blur on most of 'em. Even with the digital camera, I can't really see the blur till I upload - though some are so bad that I can see it even in-camera!
21 Mar, 2012
Lol. Yes, I know the problem... I'm often not sure what I've photographed till I see it larger on the computer screen !
21 Mar, 2012
I can see a lovely bit of rendered wall there..It has nice green algi and brown/grey water staining. So I would use it as my photographic backdrop. We may have limited space Fran, but our plants are portable ;))
21 Mar, 2012
lol Pim, that's a sheet of wood that a previous tenant put up, or had put up, all roudn the lower four foot of the garden for privacy; it's wired to the mesh fence and concreted in at the bottom,or it'd be out by now! I've got plenty of ivies to grow up the fence once they can get a toe-hold.
I'm so fed up with it being there that I never thought to think it could have a positive function - it blocks light as well as sight, making the ground even more shady than neccessary.
But you're right: I'll go and have a look and find a nice bit (well, a bit that's nicer than the rest) and see how the plants contrast with it. and maybe I can improve my view of it by painting it or staining it other than by natural weather and make it a virtue.
21 Mar, 2012
Lovely picture, Fran! So cheerful, and beautiful, singing colours.
27 Mar, 2012
thanks Gattina, glad to see spring seems to have defintely arrived, she said with due caution!
27 Mar, 2012
Tete-a-Tete and pansies look very cute...great colours....
17 Oct, 2013
I do love blue plants: I think I picked out the trays with the most blue in them, and seem to have succeeded.
I went mad at Sainsbury a while ago and bout 20 packs of spring bulbs; there's four or five mini narcissi, including more Tete-a-Tete so I just need to get half a ton of pansies to go with 'em!
17 Oct, 2013
18 Oct, 2013
Are you taking them with you to plant in your new garden, or are you leaving them for the next tenant in London? When do you go?
19 Oct, 2013
can't leave anything, sadly, Gattina - council said that anything I left they'd chuck and charge me for. Would have left a lot of stuff otherwise, including the living room carpet.
19 Oct, 2013
That's very mean and short-sighted of them!
23 Oct, 2013
I suppose that one person's "useful" is another person's "juink", so they had to make it an absolute rule. Can see their point of view, but it is a bit unforunate all the same.
Some people would take advanteage and abuse the rule if they relaxed it. I used to work for the council, and I've seen how some people leave their properties and what council workers have had to clear - sacks of rubbish, furniture that's often literally lousy ...
23 Oct, 2013
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Featured on: small garden ideas
This photo is of "Narcissus Tete-a-Tete" in Franl155's garden
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Well that's going to give your spirit a lift!
21 Mar, 2012