Pond Update
By Crissue

25 Apr, 2012
Bit more work done on the Pond, Rock fall end now finished and planted, and edge to the right widened, a few more plant to add, (when it stops Raining)
Comments on this photo
Pond looking good, Sue.
Nice rocks ..
25 Apr, 2012
Very pretty.
25 Apr, 2012
Looks fab sue:))))
25 Apr, 2012
25 Apr, 2012
Looking good Crissue .... it's been pouring here nearly all day long grrrrrrrrrrr.
25 Apr, 2012
love that Mushroom Crissue it is lovely your pond area. My garden is looking like a huge lake tonight, when will it stop raining just had a deluge here, hoping for a little less water tomorrow.
25 Apr, 2012
That reminds me of my own little project Crissue! Isn't it great to have water in the garden? I need to get a slope in there for the frogs next...a froggy ladder!
25 Apr, 2012
It must be the year of the Pond lol looking good, it is quite large isn't it? will you bother with fish?
25 Apr, 2012
cute pond:-)
26 Apr, 2012
Thanks everyone, and good morning, it is DRY here for a change and the sky is looking good...
I've been looking with great interest at how the ponds are developing, and aren't they looking swell...:o))))
Hi B...the Mushroom is a minature staddle, and OH has to take the top off at the moment as the cats perch on it, and it has to be fixed for the pond, else it will end up in the water..As soon as it's dry enough he'll cement it on with a waterproof type...DD we have two Fish, and that's enough for us...It looks bigger I think than it is it's 350 litres...and I love the way OH has managed to site it between two main borders, but in full view of the Patio...just right for our small space...
Karen there are millions of frogs here, it is a real breeding ground...we see one or two in the garden, but we do have a resident Toad...
26 Apr, 2012
i bet the pond will look even better in the middle of summer, i love frogs too, so if you can, take a pic of your frogs for me!
26 Apr, 2012
Will do Dawn...You know we have really deep ditches here in the countryside, to take up the drainage from the fields, and in sept/oct there is a big migration of frogs, young and old from one side of the road ditch to the other...the road is awash with them... If I get the chance I'll get some snaps then too..
26 Apr, 2012
You've done a good job there Sue ,it looks great :o)
28 Apr, 2012
looking so well sue, so natural :o)))
28 Apr, 2012
Thanks again, can't wait till all the plants grow too...nice hiding places for the wild life
28 Apr, 2012
Looks good.
28 Apr, 2012
What is the trailing plant Crissue, on the right, just in front of the golden grass?
28 Apr, 2012
Hi Carol, thanks...
Hi Karen...it's Sedum d'Armenie or Sedum du Kamtschatka, I can't remember which one is which till it flowers, one is Red flowering and the latter is yellow..will post a pic of them so you can see...I've moved them around, sorry..but it's ideal for the Pond side, as they spread as you know...and I've taken lots of bits off for the edges of pots etc...very versatile...
29 Apr, 2012
Thank you Crissue. I hadn't thought of Sedum for the pond side....great idea! :) Yesterday I bought a lovely spreading Juniper...it was the perfect shape as all the foliage was on one side so it was good for covering the pond edge. I might get a bit of sedum as well. I would much rather see plants covering the edge than stones!
29 Apr, 2012
Morning all, dry here at the moment, been outside and had a look around, no damage, in spite of the gusts from yesterday...
Karen that Juniper sounds great...The other plants I've put in on the ponds edge are Garden Geranium, any type will do, if you have one you could split a piece from, they take very easily..and Nepeta, which goes great guns..
30 Apr, 2012
Yes, thanks! I put a geranium magnificum near the pond the other day...only a wee bit, but it should get going properly next year. I don't grow Nepeta because cats drive my little dog wild. I do have nepeta subsessile, but the cats don't seem to to notice it....yet! I have to be careful...we have such a long winter here...there has to be a good amount of evergreen stuff or it will look awful for most of the year. That's why the sedum caught my eye. The one I have planted looks really good there, so thanks again for the inspiration!
30 Apr, 2012
You're welcome Karen,,,little ideas evolve as time goes on don't they...
30 Apr, 2012
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that looks very nice
25 Apr, 2012