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Manchester Piccadilly..5 minutes this way.

Manchester Piccadilly..5 minutes this way.

Comments on this photo


thats really pretty. is this on your round??

3 May, 2012


No this is three minutes outside my door. Bruces walk every morning.

3 May, 2012


oooh thats lovely.

i wonder how many different wild flowers there would be in that stretch??

3 May, 2012


Nice area to walk Bruce! almost Neighbours;0)

3 May, 2012


Right on the edge of the city Pp.

3 May, 2012


Hard to believe it is so close to the centre!

3 May, 2012


Nice to see you gattina! Popping in, back on the blogs!

4 May, 2012


Lovely photo! Lucky Bruce!!

4 May, 2012


Now if someone had thought to prune those brambles hard a month or two back, there'd be jars of blackberry jam for everyone come September! Next year, eh?

4 May, 2012


Once watched a family of foxes very selectively picking black berries on this walk G, Mother and three cubs. Sad to say we get motor bikes here often in the summer though.

I will not be able not to look for all the wild flowers now Sticki...The Cow parsley is out as are the wild garlic, bluebells, speedwell, buttercup, mousetail, cranes-bill and purple vetch and garlic mustard (jack by the hedge) so far.

4 May, 2012


oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh, that is so lovely - and so close both to you and the city centre. never mind about the blackberries, you've got jam enough!

4 May, 2012


Oh how lovely :))))))

4 May, 2012


that is loads, how fantastic!!! and beautiful.

my dog used to pick blackberries!!

4 May, 2012


Looks a lovely place for a walk :) (never knew that jack by the hedge is also garlic mustard . . . edible?)

4 May, 2012


Not sure if it is ebible, the leaves smell of garlic when crushed. I will google it and see. Yes..the following is off Wiki

"The chopped leaves are used for flavoring in salads and sauces such as pesto, and sometimes the flowers and fruit are included as well. These are best when young, and provide a mild flavour of both garlic and mustard. The seeds are sometimes used to season food directly in France."

4 May, 2012


Learn something new every day . . . thank you Pimm's!! Btw, massive feature on Manchester in the paper today - "lots of people with a good sense of humour and a great sense of style" . . . there you go :))

4 May, 2012


Looks very mysterious.

4 May, 2012


Was it an advert Sheila ? I would not put that past our council.. ;)

4 May, 2012


Update for you Sheila, Jack by the hedge, Garlic Mustard, is very nice indeed. I will be adding it to seasonal salads from now on.

5 May, 2012


Re Sheilabub's comment, Pim, I think the journalist must have seen us together, gracing the Manchester scene with our wit and style...........

5 May, 2012


Naturellement. Went without saying ;))

5 May, 2012


Pretentious? Moi?

5 May, 2012


great shot Pims, makes me want to see what's at the end of the path :-)

5 May, 2012


Yup Gattina . . . that must have been it . . exactement comme ca . . . les deux beaux en promenade ensemble . . . in fact it was an article about "regeneration", saying it was a pretty good place to live. :))

5 May, 2012


Ma foix! Je ne puis pas me promener n'importe où dans le monde sans attirer l'attention. Il doit être mon beauté ravissant, mon style éblouissant et mon charisme incroyable. Et sans doute mon compagnon fringant, aussi.
Forget Manchester, although it is quite a good place to live - I enjoyed it, anyway, although it's not nearly so exciting since I left...;o)))))

5 May, 2012 true.

5 May, 2012


hard to believe it so close to city , lovely walk :o))

5 May, 2012


Si vous avez "beaute ravissant" (pas d'accents sur cet ordinateur, je suits desole) que je crois, absolument . . . donc, pourquoi tu n'aime pas la photographie?! Ces tellement domage . . .

5 May, 2012


Parce que, Ma chère Sheilabub, je suis un menteur extraordinaire. ;-)

5 May, 2012


Lol..à la française

5 May, 2012


Dites donc!! J'avais crois tous que tu as dis . . . zut alors! Et ton style eblouissant, et ton charisme incroyable?? - evidament tu est absolument comme moi -ca c'est la verite, je suis sure . .

5 May, 2012


oh my god you lot cant read french haha, cant speak it either lol

5 May, 2012


Tant pis, San (that means "not to worry")!

5 May, 2012


lol sheila thanx i wont remember i never did at school :o))

5 May, 2012


Well, of course, we all know that The Scarlet Pimpernel was as one with the French aristocracy, so he would have absolument pas de problem avec the lingo......
Oh Sanbaz, that's such a shame, not learning another language - you don't know what you've been missing - it means you wouldn't be able to enjoy the original sayings of de Maupassant, Voltaire and Miss Piggy.

5 May, 2012


i hated learning french.

5 May, 2012


prob was we were given endless lists to memorise, rahter than learning it as a living language, picking it up as we went along, the way that children do. and the prob with the gender, and which way the accent goes! no doubt if i went back to france some of it would come back to me, but the whole point of learning a language is to speak it regularly; like any other skill, use it or lose it. i lost most of mine

6 May, 2012


I guess we've all got different strengths and weaknesses, but it is fun to understand others without them realising sometimes! For example I've waited in a boulangerie (in France), while the owner is chatting to the customer in front of me, and they have no idea that I can understand what they're saying :))

(Miss Piggy indeed . . . )

6 May, 2012


Oh..I forgot all my french and german within a few years of leaving school..I went through a patch where I mixed the two languages togeter then gave up. Very lazy I know.
I do get a little annoyed with myself when I hear my neice chatting away in almost perfect Spanish. I also have the complete Berlitz learn Italian and French..Never used either yet.

6 May, 2012


Which language would you prefer to learn, Pimm's? If you take yourself off to a remote part of preferred country for a week or two, i.e. where no-one speaks English, you'll pick it up in no time :))

6 May, 2012


Learning a language at school when it's COMPULSORY, isn't the best way: you need to WANT to learn it. I wasn't exactly a Duffus at French, I just didn't get to practice it very much, so it faded. I always made a point of learning to speak a few basic words and phrases in the language of whichever country we went to on holiday - it's only courteous and good for a laugh - and even managed to get the Greek alphabet under my belt. I started to teach myself Russian when I got bored by my degree course, but didn't get very far, and when I started to learn Italian, every other language was mentally pushed into the background. We were travelling through France to Italy when we first moved out here, and our car was broken into and everything taken. I had to go with the police to make a statement, only to find, to my total embarrassment, that every French word and expression I had ever learnt had been supplanted by Italian ones. And the handsome young officer - Marèchal Laurent, (see, I remembered THAT) was plainly unimpressed. Bl***y British!
I'm not sure that total immersion in a language if you don't already speak it to a basic level is any use at all. Waving your hands around is FAR more useful!

6 May, 2012


OMG how dreadful, to have everything stolen when you were moving countries - unimaginable :(((

I lived in Switzerland for four years, which bolstered my French, but it keeps coming to mind while I try to learn a few words of Spanish before visiting Nariz and her lovely region. Like you Gattina, I always try to get a smattering of a language when we're going on holiday: it delights the natives if nothing else!

6 May, 2012


I am very envious of you going to meet Nariz, Sheila. The only bit of Spanish I can remember is "¿Dónde está la carnicería?" (Where is the butcher's?) It's a real challenge trying to work that into everyday conversation. When do you go?

6 May, 2012


23rd May . . . now wishing it was for more than six days. Can never leave the pesky garden for long at this time of year . . .

I'm trying to learn "Donde esta les aseos"!

6 May, 2012


Pretty much the first and most useful phrase in any language! You're already set, then!
Erm, you don't REALLY mean "pesky" do you?. It's a lovely garden. I do know what you mean, though. There's never a right time.

6 May, 2012


No, you're right, I don't really mean it. It's my own stupid fault - I sow too many seeds and raise too many babies. It's a bit hard on our lovely neighbours, as there will be a lot to water in the greenhouse . . . but we're doing the same thing for them right now, so all's fair.

6 May, 2012


Just you behave yourself over there Sheila...Our reputation as tourists in Spain is quite bad enough!

6 May, 2012


Surely you're not a party-pooper, Pimm's?! What are holidays in Spain for, anyhoo . . .

My idea is to sit with bare feet and a glass of red wine on a sunny terrace facing the sea . . . hope you approve!

6 May, 2012


Certainly do...Give my regards to Nariz and have a lovely time. :)

6 May, 2012


Thanks . . . you're not quite rid of me yet though . . . I'm not going to go quiet for another two-and-a-bit weeks yet :)

6 May, 2012


Lovely pic :o)

6 May, 2012

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