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Polypodium scouleri

Polypodium scouleri (Polypodium scouleri)

For my records
A new addition to my fern collection

Comments on this photo


i shall look for this one ~ very nice!!

6 May, 2012


Was this one of the them your Mum got?

6 May, 2012


Lovely colour :o)

6 May, 2012


I thought it was nice too Sticki - thank you!
No such luck be fair to her - the 3 she brought 2 were the same and I already have similar. She means well! She knows that I am trying to get things to grow round the side of the extention where there is no sun at all and at the ''much cheapness'' it was little to loose!

6 May, 2012


Ferns are great. They look after themselves and just get on with pushing up pretty fronds. That's a pretty one.

6 May, 2012


lovely fern!!!

6 May, 2012


Oh nice, Scottish! Does it get quite big?

7 May, 2012 gets between 15 and 50cm will depend on how happy it is. I may have to give it a wee bit protection with some straw in the winter but that's not a problem.

7 May, 2012


I was looking at some ferns yesterday because that's another little 'area' I'm thinking about...luckily, they were so scraggy that I wasn't really tempted.

I do like this one - I'll have to look out for it! :))

8 May, 2012


Pity you don't have Morrisons there....they are selling ferns at £1.75 - mum brought home another 2 today (for the pond area - she tells me)

8 May, 2012


impossible to resist Morrisons plants.

Have a look at this one Scottish

Athyrium niponicum "Ursula's Red"

and Athyrium "Vidalii"

8 May, 2012


Ive got Athyrium niponicum already is still in a pot - not decided where too put it and the other was not liking where I had planted it - so it's been moved too see if it improves!
The other one looks very nice - did you see that in Morrisons? My favourite nursery has them in stock for £7.50

8 May, 2012


Not Morrisons I am afraid..Took note of them at a gardencentre the other day. Think they were £6.50

8 May, 2012


Thank you for bringing it to my attention P - not that I need much persuasion to go visit Mr Carruthers :)))

8 May, 2012


It's good that your mum gives you things, Scottish!

...and she has a vision for your garden ;))

It was divisions of all my mum's plants that started my gardening fetish...she was a garden devil...

...but now she has very expensive artificial flowers 'planted' in pots, save work...!

Please, please don't let it be true that daughters don't always turn into their mothers!!!!

8 May, 2012


Don't say that Karen....I couldnae bare it!!!!

8 May, 2012


Doesn't bear thinking about, Scottish............!!! ;)

9 May, 2012


lol girls :) Nice fern!

12 May, 2012


Hallo Scottish, love the fern, anyone know the name? We did have a few. Only have one tree fern left now, had to put it in a pot to rescue it. Its just beginning to unfurl now.

14 May, 2012


The name of it is Polypodium scouleri - it's at the top of the page Kentish belle. I love ferns - tree ferns being my fav - did pay quite a few pennies for one many years ago - but it didn't last the winter despite being lovingly wrapped up and stored away!
You must be dead chuffed your tree fern is alive - I know I would be! How come you lost your other ferns - I think most of the common ones are pretty hardy - or did you have some fancy tropical ones?

14 May, 2012


I love this fern Scottish! :))

14 May, 2012


IT likes sun Karen!! You were looking for one that enjoys the sun were you not?

14 May, 2012


Oh, that's good. Yes, I was! Thank you Scottish!

15 May, 2012


Thats a lovely one, I'm looking for a few new ones too, we're gradually clearing and planting a small wooded area, I'm off to Morrisons now !!!!! :-)

16 May, 2012


You'll get lots there Simbad and at great prices :)

16 May, 2012

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