Sluggypup meet Mrs Sheep
By Lulu33

12 May, 2012
All these sheep were hand reared (I wondered why they were so friendly!) Sluggy was not sure at all!
Comments on this photo
Sluggy was quite upset and scared.....she is such a big wuss!
12 May, 2012
aw poor sluggy!!
12 May, 2012
Funny little dog she is!
12 May, 2012
Poor Sluggy, some of those sheep can be very scarey :)
12 May, 2012
Sluggy even woofed at my Buddha head this morning!
13 May, 2012
Poor sluggy, sheep, buddha and stevie all worried her didnt they??
13 May, 2012
As spotty as she is dotty!
13 May, 2012
13 May, 2012
Lulu, do your dogs pick up a lot of ticks from the sheep. I was at a friend's this weekend and she has two Breton Spaniels and she removed two ticks just this morning off them. It grossed me out completely and I've never seen a tick on Molly...but then she doesn't go off in fields off her lead.
13 May, 2012
Hi Karen, we have had a few ticks but mainly from the long grass and woods. Horrid things. I picked up what I thought was a raisin at Dads house and it was a tick!! I was totally grossed out too!! There is a tick/flea pill!
13 May, 2012
Yes, that's right...we do use that...well, the liquid actually...I must do that again today, she hasn't had one for a while. That must be why we don't get them....phew!
14 May, 2012
Oh poor Sluggypup, we got calves coming tomorrow. She won't like those either!
15 May, 2012
i think you might have to donate your boots to sluggy lulu!!
15 May, 2012
What, to wear?
16 May, 2012
16 May, 2012
love that nose : )
16 May, 2012
Which nose Stevie?
16 May, 2012
which one won by a nose?
16 May, 2012
David! Won a HUGE amount of money on a race last night!!!
16 May, 2012
WHAT ~ he is having a great week isnt he!!! how brilliant is that!!!
P A R T Y time lulu!!!! get the drums out ~ and of course LG will be playing???
16 May, 2012
He's playing cricket tonight!
16 May, 2012
he IS having a good week!!! and its sunny!!!
where's stevie gone?
16 May, 2012
Don't think he's playing cricket. Drinking vodka in the polytunnel more like!
16 May, 2012
so they were his empty glasses then ~ not mine????
16 May, 2012
Just back from the polytunnel..hic...
HUGE !!! enough for another drum kit??
16 May, 2012
We were wondering when you were going to buy a kit!
16 May, 2012
Stevie and the Chutneys ~ sounds good eh??
16 May, 2012
I am drawn to a Bonzo Ludwig type deal
(sluggys nose btw)
16 May, 2012
like this
16 May, 2012
Sluggy says ta ever so (even though she is a rude puppy!)
16 May, 2012
something like that Sticki but they do a cream reissue jobby, not that I prefer bonzo over moony but just fancy that kit, then all i need is a huge gong ; )
16 May, 2012
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Baaaaaaaaaa, who are you
Woof and what are you???
12 May, 2012