Malva 'Mystic Merlin' grown form seed.
By Karensusan63

30 Jun, 2012
Last year I grew a different Malva from seed and it was such a great success that I decided to have another go this year. The bees adore these and they go on flowering for ages. I think they can be perennial, but I use them as annuals.
Comments on this photo
Yes, great colour.
30 Jun, 2012
It's more lavender than last year's which was a deeper pink. I like it though :D Thanks!
30 Jun, 2012
gorgeous :)
30 Jun, 2012
Thanks Pixi...dead easy from seed.
30 Jun, 2012
Lovely colour,Karen..why don't you risk leaving it in this year,as mine have come through the winter ok..Shirley Tulip sent me some seeds,and I was concerned they wouldn't survive,but they are fine...just starting to flower :o)
30 Jun, 2012
I might do that Bloomer with some that are in the ground. did you just leave it over winter, or did you cut it hard to the ground please?....I'm not a fan of dead over-wintering stems...
30 Jun, 2012
I know what you mean,Karen,neither am I ..I cut it fairly hard back and hoped for the best..not really sure,but I think there some foliage left on ,through winter..I don't recall the dead stems...
30 Jun, 2012
Good compromise then! I'll see how they go. I also planted few Lavatera this year and so there might be enough with those....but thanks for the tip!
30 Jun, 2012
You could still take seeds from it,just in case..I don't want you blogging about "that B.....y Bloomer.knows nothing "!
30 Jun, 2012
lol...have you ever seen me 'speak' in those terms if!! The very idea!! How very, very dare you!! lol ;) x
30 Jun, 2012
No I haven't Karen,but there is always a first time ! Lol..
That would be different.. am I bovvered ? nope :o)
30 Jun, 2012
:D You're right...there is....I might surprise myself! ;)
30 Jun, 2012
I grew this from seed about 4 years ago Karen...yes it was hardy...It grew to an amazing height so i had to take it garden is the size of a postage i do remember the two lovely colours of flowers...:>)
30 Jun, 2012
I might keep it and ditch the lavatera if I don't like them Moti!
30 Jun, 2012
I love all of your plants Karen, my wish list is growing so big and I have just realised that I can add the pictures to my favourites, I have been writing them all down lol
30 Jun, 2012
lol Marion...this site is brilliant! I keep a record of all my plants in my garden pages and it has really increased my interest in the garden lots. My spending on plants has gone ballistic and I really have to get a grip on myself now...seriously...could be some marital strife if I don't control myself!! ;) I saved a wonderful blog (you can favourite blogs too) that someone did ages ago about bee I.D and I'm getting really interested in doing that now as well. I think I shall go out with my camera today (as it is sunny...hooooooray!) and get some snaps of bees and find out what kind they all are. That won't cost me anything!! Couldn't do without GoY is brilliant!
1 Jul, 2012
That's really nice Karen!
1 Jul, 2012
Thanks Keith. I have quite a few dotted around but this is the first flower. Everything is very behind now..some of my roses are still not flowering and it is 'still' raining :( But I did sit out in warm sun this morning for about 2 hours! :D
1 Jul, 2012
I'm a big fan of Mallows too Karen. My Zebrina is just coming into flower . . . a bit of warm sun wouldn't go amiss though. :-)
1 Jul, 2012
Is that the one in your avatar? It's lovely!
1 Jul, 2012
Some of my roses have only just opened,Karen,and already,I have had to cut some off because of this darned wind and rain ..grrr.!
1 Jul, 2012
I know, it's dreadful isn't it? Its pouring again here now and all the ones that opened in the sunshine will be rotten tomorrow. I hate it.
1 Jul, 2012
Luckily,it has been a half decent day,no rain,but windy and cool..with mainly a rotten cold,so haven't been out .but tonight,it is beautiful and very calm.. all at the wrong end of the day ..sigh ..
1 Jul, 2012
Poor you bloomer.....whisky in the garden? purely medicinal of course!
1 Jul, 2012
Sorry to dispel the image,Karen,but I don't drink ! Used to,but just went off it for some strange reason...maybe had my fair share in my youth ? No idea really..but I knock a mean tonic and lemon. back,.no ice ,now and the other half lives,eh ? Lol...cheers ! :o)
1 Jul, 2012
That's a pity bloomer because that ice and tonic is going to feel horrible on your throat with a cold...whereas a whisky.....mmm..burns just the right spot! enjoy your tonic and lemon! :D
1 Jul, 2012
Go on,Karen..rub it ,I don't mean THAT
rub it in..although I think I still have some Vick somewhere Lol....actually,my throat isn't too bad (not talked much,so that helps ) ..OH well pleased..very dry cough and achey...and as they say, it only hurts when I laugh.:o)
1 Jul, 2012
....sorry bloomer, I'm watching the footie, with my whiskey . You may not have talked much but you've made up for it with the typing lately ;) Come on Spain!!!!
1 Jul, 2012
..and I'm watching the footie too..They have done it ! yippee :o)) good result.!!!..see the Italian guy just walk off,? poor loser..
1 Jul, 2012
Yup! Hooray for Spain! They needed some good news!
1 Jul, 2012
1 Jul, 2012
The one you sent me last year is flowering again now Karen. I cut it right down last winter but it has come back. Only problem is something has chomped on the leaves big style, still pretty flowers though.
I only watched a bit of the footie, the bit where Torres came on........well I watched Torres, ogled Torres!! :o)
2 Jul, 2012
lol....daftie...he is quite pretty though!
2 Jul, 2012
Luv him!!
2 Jul, 2012
He was absolutely brilliant last night!
2 Jul, 2012
Yes he my dreams :O)))))x
2 Jul, 2012
lol!! If you want a laught...though it will take a while as it's getting very long...have a look at Cristinas blog....some people on here have not been taking their meds!
2 Jul, 2012
Which one Karen?!
2 Jul, 2012
'' dodgy mess on my photo now deleted'
2 Jul, 2012
Karen, I tell so many white lies now to my hubby when I am buying plants.... Its just as well he is not interested in gardening as at the moment everything I buy is "only £1" lol, I dont know if he believes me or not!
2 Jul, 2012
lol.....nice one!!
2 Jul, 2012
My Oh thinks 'Karen' is a plant mail order co.!
2 Jul, 2012
I could never know what I'll get up to next in this weather....I'm thinking of doing 'slug export' know, for chicken keepers..that kind of thing!
2 Jul, 2012
I've just found this, when hunting for Malva Bibor Fehlo! Yours is gorgeous, but not quite the same as the reddish-purple plant that I've grown from seed this year. It is already 3ft tall, and I've been unable to establish whether it's perennial or annual. I guess I just save the seed like you??!
22 Sep, 2013
Oooh, that sounds lovely! I never did save any seed, but they came through the winter no bother. Then I took them all out late summer as they were heeeeuge! Yours sounds a lovely some seeds and leave it in and see if it makes it! Then you can send me some seed too!
22 Sep, 2013
...and have a look at this!
22 Sep, 2013
Thanks Karen! Funnily enough, I'd just been reading that very same blog . . . their plant looks amazing, doesn't it?! Did yours bush out like that? Mine looks as if it's growing more like a Hollyhock (same family I gather). I've put up a question on here, with a fairly terrible photo!
22 Sep, 2013
Mmm...mine was taller and much more straggly. They got to about 7' high!
22 Sep, 2013
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Its a lovely deep colour isnt it.
30 Jun, 2012