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terraced houses in edinburgh


By Sanbaz

terraced houses in edinburgh

i had to take a picture of these houses which were situated on a road up to the castle, they have so much character and especially like the irion steps.

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This reminds me of homes in Montreal with the iron steps.

6 Jul, 2012


arent they lovely Lil with plants on ledges and steps ;o)

6 Jul, 2012


True Sandra, charming :)

7 Jul, 2012


Love these :)

7 Jul, 2012


I love houses with steps outside. You see that alot here, and especially in the villages in Fife and in St Andrews. They are so pretty!

7 Jul, 2012


glad you agree pixi :o))
glad you agree to karen i could see myself living in one of them as long as they have a garden out back :o))

7 Jul, 2012


If I had to live in a city.....Edinburgh would be a close second to London.

7 Jul, 2012


think edinburgh better than London as a place to live karen, but love the sites in London.

7 Jul, 2012


Yes, you're probably right San, but Edinburgh is a cold place. I love the weather in London (usually) and all the parks and the museums etc. We're going down at the end of August. We just booked tickets for the V&A..they have a Thomas Heatherwick exhibition on....I am a bit of a 'groupie' of his! lol

7 Jul, 2012


yes much warmer down south karen.
Bet that exhibition will be great though his designs can be a bit OTT and weired, but very talented, hope you enjoy it and your trip :o))

7 Jul, 2012


I think he is a genius myself..but then I am sometimes a bit OTT and weird! ;) lol. We are also going to Paris to see Coldplay. Two nights in Paris and then one in London and then surprise Callum at Heathrow Airport and bring him home with us from USA trip. It will be brilliant!

7 Jul, 2012


lol karen, think we all can be at times.
love coldplay, i was ill whe we had tickets last year at manchester so joe went with Baz, no worries i can go again one day.
paris sounds great but expensive even for a short trip, i wanted us to go last year but ended up not doing because of prises just for a few days, maybe one day.
we are off to see Rolf Harris exhibition in liverpool tomorrow and cant wait, love his work.
then to rome and venice in sept all being well for Baz`s 60th which is in oct but want to go when good weather.
doesnt seem long since you said callum was going, bet you cant wait to see him again, you have some lovely things to look forward to karen, think we need these escapes especially when the weather is so bad.

7 Jul, 2012


Absolutely're spot on there! Venice and there's a trip! :D You'll love them both, but Venice was my favourite of the two. Everything is so beautiful there, even the people are totally glamorous! Worth wandering in to some of the hotel lobbies just to admire and gasp at the marble and decor!

7 Jul, 2012


yes i can imagine venice being like that karen, cant wait,
A client of mine is getting me some names of hotels she has been and were recomended to her so thats a help as its difficult to choose when you dont know a place.

7 Jul, 2012


Your'e right San. I can't help you there as we only had a day there when we were on holiday in Croatia. It was Yugoslavia at that was Scott and my first every holiday together....26 years ago...happy days! We bought some glass....still have it on display!

7 Jul, 2012


no probs karen, plenty of addvice from my lovely ladies at work.
aww and so romantic being your first hols together, nice to look back and remember why your with them lol
haaha :o))

7 Jul, 2012


The Georgian properties in Edinburgh are special and I love your photo.

8 Jul, 2012


they are Linda and many thanx :o)

8 Jul, 2012


We walked around the mauseleum graveyard when we visited Edinburgh in May. A lots of them date back to the 1700's

9 Jul, 2012


wow how interesting Linda, wish we had have had more time there to see more, one day is tiring and not enough :o)

9 Jul, 2012


There must have been a lot of rich people living in Edinburgh then Sandra.

10 Jul, 2012


yes i think so with all the big buildings and very grand they are to ;o))

10 Jul, 2012


Love all the Georgian houses, and kept so well too.

11 Jul, 2012


me to Linda ;o))

11 Jul, 2012


i agree homebird :o)

6 Aug, 2012

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