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New Front Garden Area

New Front Garden Area

I've brought over the potted things and thought I'd share a little progression. I'll collect in a blog later. This is the front area, where the main garden will move, since this is the best sun. I cut all the wild grass and raked out the years of old matter, just to see what we are working with. It is quickly greening back up.

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Thank you. It is daunting for now, but once I get going I'm sure it will be less enormous a task.

26 Aug, 2012


Looks like it will be a great spot! Can't wait to sink the spade into that slope?...noticed the concrete could do an array of potted plants there! Great possibilities!

28 Aug, 2012


Its going to be a great spot. Thank you. The stairs are deep shade most of the day, so I'll have to be choosy, but they are very wide. I dug right into the bank, added a hybrid rugosa rose, geum, sedum and centauria. I'm choosing to plant on the bumps, leaving the draining areas, little ravines in the bank. All the area drains across this, so I don't want to mess with the natural drainage, or I think I'll have a mudpit instead. The new plants should grab ahold and keep things from eroding away, better than this sad thin grass.

29 Aug, 2012

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