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From bright green to yellow to pink n back again

From bright green to yellow to pink n back again (Acer palmatum (Japanese maple))

My lovely acer sangokaku dancing a nice shade of pink in a gentle breeze and the sun goes down

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what a stunner! i would look at that all day [but then how would i have time to photo and look at the passionflowers?]

4 Sep, 2012


lovely colours, great against the wall - sure sign autumn's on the way!

4 Sep, 2012


Beautiful Stevie...:>)

4 Sep, 2012


That's so beautiful, especially set against the colour of the stone and the chocolate paint. Such lovely, soft sunlight too.

4 Sep, 2012


Looks lovely Stevie:)

4 Sep, 2012


Thanks folks, this shot is quite nice n subtle, I took another in direct 5 o'clock light and the effect was..wham, contrast with everything coming at you. I'll stick on a general blog of the front in a couples of days and stick it in for yous x

4 Sep, 2012


o wow! nice. I got myself Sangokaku recently - but guess would have to wait few years for that kind of fireworks, lol

4 Sep, 2012


It is really a very nice speciman in spite of the fact it is in pot. Mine usually did not grow very well when they were in pots. Once I planted them into the soil, they started to grow rapidly. What fertiliser do you use and when, Stevie?

4 Sep, 2012


its such a fantastic shape as well as colour!

4 Sep, 2012


Repotted it last year Kat in the biggest pot i could find and used a bit of feed, other than that nothing, seems to like the spot its in though : )

4 Sep, 2012


Katarina - Stevie doesn't know what a word 'fertilizer' means... He's cruel to his plants, lol. Not to mention he doesn't talk to them, lol.

4 Sep, 2012


the new growth on mine is not a strong straight stem, it seems to fly around in the wind ~ will it get stronger as it grows?

4 Sep, 2012


Kasy (how very dare you!! lol) I have stopped using el cheapo peat compost altogether as the vine weevil love it, and I have reduced them amazingly. still the odd one or two.
I 'make' my own compost and have propagated about 30 comphrey plants (from 1 yes 1) and have planted them on the veg patch to replace the weeds. I have also made my 'own' fertilizer from the comphrey leaves from the plants i propagated last year, mixed in water for 3 weeks.
This fertilizer has every component (and more) that the most expensive one you can buy has and I have also used the leaves in the water trays on my trellises as well. So have fed alot of my plants and cuttings.
And I have the odd conversation as well ; )

4 Sep, 2012


Sticki - yes ; )
but you might want to think about wind burn and its hydration if it gets a strong warm wind

4 Sep, 2012


That is question to whom, Sticki? Lol.
Kasia, yesterday I have learned he kills slugs at the dinner, today I hear he is cruel to his plants. Steven Jekyll/mr Hyde? Lol.

4 Sep, 2012


lol. Would you have a spare leaf or 2(0)? lol.

4 Sep, 2012


Now if I know what is comphrey...have to dissappear for century in google.

4 Sep, 2012


He's just pretending to be nice... lol. Trying very hard, lol
Maybe we should ask him what is that conversation about? lol

4 Sep, 2012


fairly sheltered garden so hopefully no wind burn, thanks stevie

are you selling any of that comfrey compost stevie?

4 Sep, 2012


Its simplicity itself to make Sticki, just leaves and ends of stems, in a tub of water, wait 3 weeks (till it stinks) and use. NB dont use it to neat as it will burn roots so dilute, roughly 1,2 parts juice to 8,9 water.

Kasy you can have all the leaves you can carry to the car in one go ok (should be a good photo ; )


Its really an indestructible plant Kat, so easy to plant, just need a bit of root or a stem with only a bit of root and next year will be a massive plant. great for bees too : )

4 Sep, 2012


Oh, thanks Stevie. Will try to find an hour in my very busy recently schedule, lol

4 Sep, 2012


Seems like orgaic gardening to me. I like it. But I do not know this plant. Never seen it here.

4 Sep, 2012


I''l take a few pics and include them in a blog for you Kat ok : )

4 Sep, 2012


Eeks, took me years to get rid of the comphrey in my borders! I do the same but make the liquid feed with nettles.

Lovely photo of that fine acer stevie :)

5 Sep, 2012


Cheers, yes its a pretty indestructible plant and'll grow from nothing.

have taken some pics Kat will stick a mini blog on soon

5 Sep, 2012


Thank you.

5 Sep, 2012


Blogs on Kat, just a few snaps so you can get the feel of it : )

5 Sep, 2012


Just logged - will have a look...

5 Sep, 2012


I love comfrey and am happy for it to spread a bit. Also done the nettle thing, like Lulu. Had forgotten dilution ratio tho' so thank you. Talk to my plants all the time.

5 Sep, 2012


yes stevie your tree is definitely better than the one i saw in the GC today for £299!!!

5 Sep, 2012


Sue them!

6 Sep, 2012

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This photo is of "Acer Sangokaku 2012" in Stevietheterrible's garden

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