Autumn path in the garden
By Amy

31 Oct, 2012
Just trying something ! one worked one didn't , I can't get the size thing right :o(
My garden , not my cats .......
Comments on this photo
Gee gave me instructions as to how to do it some time ago 6p , I shall have to find my notes ! the cats aren't real I've stuck them on my photo ..
31 Oct, 2012
Amy. Useing Photoshop? if so should be easy to resize.
31 Oct, 2012
Wouldn't you like to have those cats though Amy ?
31 Oct, 2012
Lovely Amy...:>)
31 Oct, 2012
thats great fun! what did you use to make it amy?
31 Oct, 2012
Thanks all ..I'm ' trying ' to use Powerpoint Brian /Sticki , we have enough stray cats round here Hywel they've even started to eat the bird food standing on their hind legs !!
31 Oct, 2012
oh, ok, looks fun, thanks amy!
31 Oct, 2012
Love the autumn path Amy, some lovelymuted colours there, and those little monkeys, especially the black witches cat in front.....Happy Halloween!!
31 Oct, 2012
Poor strays. They must be very hungry.
I'm feeding one now aswell. Beryl's started calling him Smokey :o)
Blodyn is disgusted lol ...
31 Oct, 2012
It will be when I know what I'm doing Sticki :o) Thanks Janey and to you to ,don't go out after Midnight !!
Oh Hywel you will put poor Blodyn nose right out of joint ! Has Beryl quite recovered from her fall ? x
31 Oct, 2012
Yes she's better now thanks :o) Bruise gone, and nor so sore.
31 Oct, 2012
That's good news Hywel I'm pleased Beryl is better , give her our love :o)
31 Oct, 2012
Thank you, I will :o) x
31 Oct, 2012
Lovely path and cats woould be too, :)))
Funny if that´s possible to make, I have never tried that, even do not know where to find program like that.
But I like the idea - if I do not have, I will create it :)))
1 Nov, 2012
Do you have Microsoft office Kat ? if you do
click on Start ,then Accessories ,then Microsoft Office ,then Powerpoint .. I'm afraid I can't explain how to use it as I'm very much in the dark myself !
1 Nov, 2012
Lol, Amy. I normally do Power Point presentations. But how to make collage I really do not know.
1 Nov, 2012
Well done for having a go Amy, great fun, always good to have a laugh.
4 Nov, 2012
I,ll try to give you instructions Kat from what I have found out so far ... go to PP . click insert , click and choose picture/ photo , click clip art , it will bring a box up on the right hand side ,in the search box type a picture of your choice in my case it was cats , it will give you a list of pics to choose from ,click on the one you want ,it will be placed on your photo you can then size it and place it where you like ,it's important to choose a pic without any background or it will show up on your photo
I'm getting the hang of it Angela ,I enjoy doing things like this :o))
5 Nov, 2012
I have been trying this on Picasa Amy. I can't get Powerpoint. I can impose little pictures on another, but they are always square, I can't find separate cats or dogs or butterflies or whateveron Picasa.!!
I'll put my effort on Goy.
7 Nov, 2012
Shirl computer Instructions alway seem so hard to follow for a novice ,I haven't anyone living near me so tend to struggle on by myself making mistakes as I go ! I shall look forward to seeing your pics .. well done for trying :o)) I use to use picnik but they have changed to picmonkey I don't think it's so good !
7 Nov, 2012
All my efforts are trial & error Amy!! I did have a few computer lessons when I started but didn't learn any more than basics, so I just carry on regardless, trying anything & everything!! It amuses me anyway & keeps the old brain ticking over!!
8 Nov, 2012
I say so long as we are enjoying what we are doing that's the main thing Shirl , I learnt most of what I know from some books I bought from Tesco a long time ago they were very good at explaining and good diagrams,they stopped selling them soon after I bought mine , if it's any interest to you I think you might still be able to send for them they are called .. really easy step-by-step computer books ... they have a www number on the back it's :o)
8 Nov, 2012
Sounds a great idea, I think I will look them up Amy. You never know!
That's one thing with these 'contraptions', you can usually find out whatever you want!!
8 Nov, 2012
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What gorgeous autumn colour mix you have there Amy its lovely cats as well. hope you can fix your sizing Amy or some one here might be able to help.
31 Oct, 2012