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Thuya (Platycladus) orientalis 'Southport'

Thuya (Platycladus) orientalis 'Southport'

Plant displaying winter colour in december.

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Just love the gold of the Thuyas in winter, the first one I had Blue, I thought it was dying, then when spring came, back to green again......

23 Dec, 2012


Yes Jane, one of my first conifers waaaay back in ... haha can't remember now!

23 Dec, 2012


looks good - is there any notice of its eventual height - roughly?

24 Dec, 2012


Around 150cms high in 15 years, can't imagine it eventually growing any higher than 200cms.

24 Dec, 2012


Oh, that'a s bit big for here, or would be at full height, but it's on my "maybe" list - or "definteily when i move" list - lol don't tell the housing asociations, but I mainly want to move to get a bigger garden.

25 Dec, 2012

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