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BIG bird!


By Lulu33

BIG bird!

It was delicious! Soup made, meat frozen, curry tonight and the fox got all the bones!

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that's huge!

29 Dec, 2012


lol that's what I call getting the bird ...

29 Dec, 2012


Lucky we didn't go to Dad' wouldn't have fit in the aga and Sluggy wouldn't behaved behaved either!

29 Dec, 2012


any left ?

29 Dec, 2012


My God, that was a TURKEY!!! Almost as big as you, Lulu.

29 Dec, 2012


Just had turkey curry Paul, and many more bags of meat in the freezer and lots of soup!!
I thought someone may say that Kat!!! LOL!

29 Dec, 2012


how much did it weigh - before and after stuffing???

29 Dec, 2012


Turkey curry - lovely !!!!!

29 Dec, 2012


It weighed lots! Cooked for 4.5 hours resting 1/2 an hour..perfectly cooked. More turkey curry tonight!

2 Jan, 2013


grins, will it freeze? straight diet of turkey day after day does tend to pall after a month or so!

2 Jan, 2013


yup, on 2nd batch of frozen cooked turkey breast!

2 Jan, 2013



2 Jan, 2013


Turkey salad tonight!

2 Jan, 2013


i have half a stilton to use up!!!! [given as a present] so trying souffle tonight and maybe risotto another night? stilton sauce on steak is good too

2 Jan, 2013


grins, trade some cheese for some turkey?? though you've probably got enough of your own

2 Jan, 2013


or put them both together and eat them all up?

2 Jan, 2013


we got lots of stilton too!!! Don't like it much as an ingredient in a meal...just a big fat slab to nibble on!
Just ate 3 Bendicks choccies...ain't eating stilton on top of that!

2 Jan, 2013


the stilton souffle was good ~ ate it with potato and celariac dauphinois ~ [ready made] which was really good. Also a bit of waldorf salad for some crunch. I also made a loaf of bread ~ quite pleased with it.

2 Jan, 2013


Well... I did have a wee slice of stilton!
Potato and celariac yum.
I've been using my new food processor slicing and grating some very tasty organic, locally grown celeriac, pink and golden beets too, carrots...a salad full of roughage.

Pru and Sluggy are both enjoying their 'poorly puppy' state meals of boiled chicken and rice. All go in the kitchen here.
The coronation turkey was passable.

2 Jan, 2013


never done coronation turkey, i love turkey soup! new food processor sounds very good

mother in law coming for tea tomorrow night ~ any ideas?

2 Jan, 2013


Turkey surprise!

2 Jan, 2013


mmmmmmmmm and the surprise turkey??!!

2 Jan, 2013


Now there's an idea!

3 Jan, 2013



decided on roast chicken ~ and the chicken was reduced!!

3 Jan, 2013


After Prudence's vet bill (she nearly died between xmas and new year) we now can't afford to eat anything!!

4 Jan, 2013


oh lulu, im so sorry,

i didnt realise how poorly she was.

is she all better now?

shall i send you a food parcel?

4 Jan, 2013


NO turkey!!! Not even Sluggy is eating any more of it!!

Thank goodness she is better, a belly full of stitches and she eats up well if I give her fresh meat. Sluggy is off food also, only eating fresh mince or beef. So the £16 I spend on chicken and rice was just a waste of money!

Pru howled so much at the vets they sent her home early. We carry her up the stairs to sleep with us, just until the stitches heal.

Jazzy needs something done about her massive limp, so that's more scans etc.

Oh dear :(

4 Jan, 2013


What a huge relief that Pru is better; do they know what was wrong? why do vets charge so much?

poor jazzy, sorry that they are all having such a bad time lulu, surely you and they deserve only good things to happen from now on.

I hope Pru is more sensible than Minty who tried very hard to pull her stitches out!

4 Jan, 2013


The stitches look good thank goodness.
Pru had a massive uterine infection that unspayed bitches often get. Thank goodness it happened now rather than when she was an old pup. Jazzy had it too a year ago but not such a bad one.
Once Sluggy has had pups (which I'd rather she didn't) I am having her spayed regardless of other people's opinion!!!!!!!
Jazzy is happy but unable to run. Sluggy is not eating..except hand fed hunks of beef. Dear, dear, dear.

4 Jan, 2013


What a good thing you took her to the vet on time, I hope they never get it again.

Poor doggies, they aren't having a very good time are they, do you think Sluggy knows her Mum isnt well?

4 Jan, 2013


wow! yummmmmy:-))))))))

5 Jan, 2013


Sluggy was lost without Pru. Pru and Jazz are now safe from the dreaded Pyo, only certain bits become infected and they have been removed.
Pru managed to jump on our bed when we were brushing our teeth (naughty pup) So she slept well and we didn't!!

Friends over tonight...we are having venison loin!

5 Jan, 2013


Sounds like Pru is feeling better if she could jump on the bed! That's a good sign but doesn't leave you with much room!

Minty has been out all night again!

Venison sounds VERY good!

5 Jan, 2013


I went to Winchester to visit a friend, and she took me round their makret - couldn't believe they had a venison stall!

5 Jan, 2013


sounds really good fran, wish i had gone!

5 Jan, 2013


Pheasant casserole tonight! Even though D has gone to watch Everton play Cheltenham!! It's all ready in the fridge!
I don't feel hungry tonight but will have a small bowl of tatties and soy sauce and maybe a smidgen of mayo!!
The dogs are a bit fussy at the moment...mince and beef cuts from the butcher although they did manage a bit of kibble with that today!
Tomorrow Pru has her stitches out..she's doing well.
The venison was fab. cooked as fillet steaks along with pheasant breasts. It was my first time plucking (actually I skinned them, much easier) Sluggy and Millie found the job quite intriguing!

7 Jan, 2013


ooooh lovely! never eaten that, but im imagining it and it sounds really good.

not hungry? with pheasant in the fridge?

but tatties are always good

all the best for Pru tomorrow ~ bet that will make her feel a lot better.

I havent done any plucking, my mum used to do it and i think she can skin a rabbit, sorry to say i go to the supermarket instead!

7 Jan, 2013


I didn't enjoy the process very much! Enjoyable for my friends to eat though and the pups had tit bits when I was de boning!
Not very hungry at the moment...simple fare!

7 Jan, 2013


Im amazed Sluggy didnt help!

7 Jan, 2013


So am I!
The fox has yet to come and take the pheasant carcass, found Sluggy and Jazz mooching around the bird table after their evening walk! Happy to say that it's still there for the fox!

7 Jan, 2013


if its still there then maybe it wont be till morning that foxy comes to take his dinner/breakfast?

do they normally hunt at dusk and dawn?

7 Jan, 2013


8.20 am and its all gone!

8 Jan, 2013


but somewhere there is a fox with a full tummy, sleeping it off?!

8 Jan, 2013


A sleepy, fat fox! Got nothing left to leave out for it now!

8 Jan, 2013


He won't be pleased! !

8 Jan, 2013

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